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Summary of Major Findings. . . Health insurance market trends will continue to increase consumer engagement in the type and amount of health care they receive.As consumers pay more out of pocket, they recognize the need to be savvier about their health insurance choices.Despite the fact that bud
1. Family Health Budget Complete Survey ResultsStudy commissioned by Humana and conducted by Harris Interactive
2. Summary of Major Findings
3. Detailed Overview
4. Overview The health care cost landscape is increasingly worrisome for many Americans
A majority say their health care expenses have increased over the past three years (and nearly one-third say they have increased a lot)
Of those insured, nearly 7 in 10 report their health insurance premium has increased over the past three years
Three-quarters (78 percent) agree they worry that health insurance expenses are increasing to where they can’t afford them
Among the 18 percent who report having no health insurance, half say they don’t have insurance because they can’t afford it
A significant number are unprepared to manage their health care costs
30 percent say they have avoided or delayed doctor-recommended treatment because of cost
One-quarter (24 percent) say they have ever gone into debt because they were unable to pay their portion of medical bills and expenses
5. Overview People understand they need to take responsibility for their health insurance
92 percent agree that “it is my responsibility to educate myself about the health insurance options available to me”
95 percent agree that “consumers need to savvier today about their health insurance needs”
But many are not equipped to do so
Few are confident (18 percent extremely/very; 44 percent not very/not at all) that they can predict what their family’s health care expenses will be over the next year
Half feel health care needs are hard to predict, one-third say health care expenses vary and are hard to predict
40 percent disagree with the statement: “I know everything I need to know to make the best possible decisions about the amounts and kinds of health insurance to buy.”
Only 20 percent say they know exactly how much they spent on health care expenses last year; one-third say they’re not sure/have no idea how much they spent
6. Overview What they tell us about their current budgeting behavior is indicative of the problem
Half have no personal/family budget to guide/manage overall spending
70 percent say they plan paycheck to paycheck or month to month
And only 20 percent say they are very well prepared for any financial emergencies that might arise
Among those who budget, 4 in 10 don’t consider health care in budgeting
Only 31 percent say they have a savings plan where they set aside a budgeted amount for health care expenses
Half don’t keep track of health care spending in a given year
They want help understanding and planning for health care expenses (66 percent), indicate interest in tools
7. Overview Budgeting for future health care expenses has significant benefits for those who budget for health care
Almost three-quarters feel that budgeting gives them more control over their health care expenses
More than half of those who budget for health care say it improves their ability to get the health care they need
Many people are open to receiving and using tools to help them understand and plan for their health care expenses
People with fewer years of formal education and lower incomes are more likely to want help planning their health care expenses
42 percent of insured adults would like online self-assessment tools (tools that help people set up a budget based on medical and financial factors); half would like paper workbooks with guidelines
50 percent of younger adults (18-34) would like online self-assessment tools; 56 percent would like paper workbooks with guidelines
8. Data Findings
9. Impact of Rising Health Care Costs
10. At a glance…
11. Health care expenses have increased for most Americans over the last three years
12. Most insured adults report that their health insurance premiums have increased over the past three years
13. A large majority worry that health care expenses are becoming unaffordable
14. One quarter of adults have gone into debt because they were unable to pay a portion of their medical bills/expenses
15. People who are more frequent users of health care servicesare more likely to have gone into debt because of cost
16. Cost is the most frequently cited reason for lacking health insurance coverage
17. Public Awareness of Health Care Expenditures and Costs
18. At a glance…
19. Many see it as their responsibility to educate themselves about health insurance options and recognize the need to be savvier
20. Many lack confidence in their ability to predict their families’ future health care expenses
21. Adults with fewer years of formal education have less confidence in their ability to predict health care expenses
22. The difficulty of forecasting health care needs is the primary reason many people are unable to predict health care costs
23. Many are not fully informed to make the best possible decisions about the amounts and kinds of health insurance to buy
24. People who feel well prepared to make decisions about their health care expenses are less likely to want help in understanding/planning
25. Only a minority know exactly how much they spent on health care expenses last year
26. Half of all adults keep track of their annual health care expenses – but half do not
27. People with more years of formal education and higher incomes are much more likely to track health care expenses
28. Health Care Budgeting Practices
29. At a glance…
30. Only a quarter of the public plans for household expenses on an annual basis
31. A substantial minority of the public are not prepared for financial emergencies
32. Approximately half of adults have a personal/family budget to help them manage overall spending – but almost half do not
33. People with more years of formal education and higher income are more likely to have a personal or family budget
34. Among those who budget, many do not consider health care expenses when making their budgets
35. Among those who budget, women are more likely to budget for health
36. About a third of the public have a savings plan set up to prepare for future health care expenses
37. People with more years of formal education and higher incomes are more likely to budget for health care
38. Among those who have a financial planner, most do not discuss health expenses with him/her
39. Benefits of Budgeting
40. At a glance…
41. Most who budget for health care say budgeting gives them more control over their health care expenses
42. Half of those who budget for health care say it improves their ability to get the health care they need
43. Those who budget for health care are more likely to feel prepared for financial emergencies
44. Those who budget for health care are somewhat better able to predict annual health care expenses
45. Those who budget for health care are more likely to feel they know everything about the best health insurance decisions
46. Interest in Health Care Budgeting Assistance
47. At a glance…
48. Most insured adults are satisfied with the benefits they receive for the prices they pay
49. People who are confident in their abilities to predict their health care costs are more likely to be satisfied with their health plan
50. Most insured consumers want help in understanding their health care expenses and planning for them
51. People with fewer years of formal educationand lower incomes are more likely to want help planning their health care expenses
52. Those who find health care expenses difficult to understand and hard to predict are more likely to want help understanding and planning for their health care expenses
53. Insured adults are interested in receiving a variety of tools to help them manage their health care
54. Those who budget for health care are more likely to be interested in using tools to help them budget
55. Younger adults are more interested in having tools available
56. People with fewer years of formal education are less interested in online and computer budgeting tools
57. Health plans receive mixed reviews in helping people plan for future health care expenses
58. People give their health plans mixed reviews on helping them to make better health care decisions
59. Most adults want more health insurance options regarding the scope and level of coverage
60. The public is split on the amount of coverage that is needed
61. Conclusions & Methodology
62. Conclusions
63. Methodology