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Bill Lawton, Program Director, IBM BPM on Cloud

Bill Lawton, Program Director, IBM BPM on Cloud. BPM in the Cloud. #smarterprocess. Agenda. Business Process Manager and Cloud. BPM on Cloud. Why shouldn’t opening a bank account be as easy as buying a book online?.

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Bill Lawton, Program Director, IBM BPM on Cloud

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  1. Bill Lawton, Program Director, IBM BPM on Cloud BPM in the Cloud #smarterprocess

  2. Agenda • Business Process Manager and Cloud • BPM on Cloud

  3. Why shouldn’t opening a bank account be as easy as buying a book online? “An estimated $5 billion is up for grabs for the health insurer who figures out how to make health insurance as simple as ordering a value mealfrom a local fast food joint.” ~ US Consumers Willing to Pay Five Percent More For Their Insurancehttp://www.thetruthaboutinsurance.com/u-s-consumers-willing-to-pay-five-percent-more-for-their-insurance/

  4. IBM launched Smarter Process at Impact in 2013

  5. IBM capabilities for Smarter Process Banking Insurance Healthcare Government Transport Telecom Energy Retail Industry and Functional Consulting Expertise Managed Business Processes Industry Solutionsand Accelerators Social Big Data Cloud Mobile Operational Decision Management Business Process Management Case Management Operational Intelligence Business Intelligence PredictiveAnalytics  Enterprise Content Management Master Data Management Service Oriented Architecture & Integration

  6. A smarter process… …is a Social Process …is a Flexible Process Empower business users to collaborate and act on observed insights Accelerate development, deployment, adoption and change …is a Data-Driven Process …is a Mobile Process Enable faster, better decisions in response to business situations and opportunities Exploit mobile devices to allow anyone to engage anytime, anywhere

  7. Cloud is game changing for business Cloud's Business Enablers Organizations are exploiting these cloud business enablers to drive innovation that extends well beyond IT and into the boardroom. Business Scalability instant capacity Masked Complexity handled by the cloud so you don't have to Value Chain Connectivity eliminates traditional IT barriers Market Adaptability easy to sample and deploy Cost Flexibilitypay as you go Content-Driven experience customized by user need Source: IBM Institute for Business Value Analysis, 2012

  8. 14,000pre-connected transportation carriers 300,000+global trading entities connected Over180million TMS annual transactions Social Business transactions in more than 53countries 6+million trade deals negotiated by 1500 companies 4.5million transactions exchanged through B2B cloud daily 100+SaaS applications 23,000brands supported by digital marketing optimization >60,000usersof digital marketing optimization sending133 million emails each month Nearly$4billion In freight spend managed annually SaaS Cloud Centers IBM's SaaS Portfolio is growing rapidly with 100+ Solutions delivered globally…because our customers are asking for delivery options! 80% IBM Cloud Revenue Growth in 2012 New for 3Q 2013 – European Data Center for SmartCloud for Social Business IBM helps thousands of clients adopt cloud and manages millions of cloud transactions daily

  9. Agenda • Business Process Manager and Cloud • BPM on Cloud

  10. Public Cloud based BPM solutions IBM BPM on Cloud Cloud as a growth engine for business Speed. Empowerment. Economics. Public Cloud Get started with business process improvement quickly with a ready-to-use, cloud-based environment for process design, execution, monitoring, and optimization Revolutionize how you discover, document and collaborate business processes & decisions • Quicker time to value • Removes CAPEX inhibitors • Reduces IT dependency • Eliminates server setup and administration • Subscription consumption

  11. Rapidly develop and deploy BPM applications IBM Business Process Manager on Cloud • Full lifecycle BPM environment including development, test and production • Subscription-based consumption and delivery model • IBM-managed cloud environment exclusively available on IBM’s Cloud Infrastructure What’s Enhanced Now leveraging SoftLayer for improved: • Self-service • Performance • Reliability Market leading BPM available with rental plans starting at $199/user/mo

  12. Fully managed environment with cloud flexibility IBM Business Process Manager on Cloud • Rental Subscriptions available through Passport Advantage offering • Monthly per User subscription, minimum # months for initial term • Single price includes BPM software + IBM Cloud infrastructure + management services • User per Month pricing, minimum 50 users • Includes 5 designers seats with additional possible • User volume based discounting for larger configurations • BPM cloud environment that is secure and scalable • Process Center development and governance environment • Stand-alone test server environment • Highly available pilot/production server environment • Full capabilities of IBM BPM (IBM BPM Advanced) • 100% portable of Process assets with IBM BPM on-premise • Built on SoftLayer virtualization infrastructure CloudLayer • IBM managed BPM environment and Cloud infrastructure • 24/7 customer support • Operational team assistance on BPM configuration topics, such as VPN • Service Level Agreement

  13. SoftLayer: A Global Cloud Leader Unified architecture enabled by powerful software • Highly flexible architecture • One integrated platform for public cloud servers, private clouds, bare metal servers • Unified systems management & API • Build hybrid, distributed, high-performance architectures; manage from a single pane of glass • 13 data centers • 17 network PoPs • 100,000 devices • 22,000,000 domains • 21,000+ customers

  14. IBM BPM on Cloud: Expanding SoftLayer Network Presence Recent SoftLayer announcement for more data centers around the world http://www-03.ibm.com/press/us/en/pressrelease/42956.wss BPM on Cloud Service deployments on SoftLayer

  15. Business & IT Authors Process Center End Users IBM Business Process Manager on Cloud What you need to get started with Business Process Manager BPM on Cloud Admin Process and Integration Designer Email notifications Pilot/Production environment VPN QA Test environment

  16. Client Site/Private Public Cloud Hybrid IT activities / functions are provided “as a service,” over the Internet IT is provided “as a service,” over an intranet, within the client and behind the firewall IBM BPM on Cloud Users Client B Client A Client Client data center Client Site A B Managed private cloud Hosted private cloud Managed IT Shared cloud services Public cloud services Third-party hosted and operated Third-party operated Moving to Cloud-enabled Managed Services Each client has a separate BPM instance • Private BPM software, virtual machines, data • Shared hardware and network

  17. Platform as a Service (PaaS)is an application development platform delivered on demand, allowing developers to focus on software design, development and deployment — without the cost and complexity of buying and managing the underlying hardware, software, provisioning and hosting. IBM BPM on Cloud BPM on Cloud is really a PaaS BYOL “Roll your own approach” Client developed process

  18. Our virtual private network environment services let you configure the cloud as a secured extension of your data center or as a standalone layered network. Process Center IBM BPM on Cloud is flexible and secure • Each client has a dedicated BPM environment that is isolated from other clients • Internet addressable is optional • VPN services for • Secure access to your BPM environment • Connecting to services on your network Shared VLAN Internet addressable Your Private BPM environment Private VLAN Firewall instance • Your: • Network and locations • Routing and access policies • Identity management Your in-house environments

  19. Email Invitation IBM Business Process Manager on Cloud is available now Click here to activate your access (Or simply copy and paste this link into your browser's address bar)https://www.bpm.ibmcloud.com/public/activation.jsp?token=99999999-9999 You must click the link to validate your email address and activate your access. Once activated, you can access the service by pointing your browser to https://bpm.ibmcloud.com Use your email address as your login name. BPM on Cloud: How to get access • Three easy steps to sign up • Purchase via Passport Advantage • Review Terms of Use (http://www-03.ibm.com/software/sla/sladb.nsf/sla/tou-5985-02) • IBM automatically provisions your BPM environment and provide an email with all the information you will need to get started.

  20. BPM on Cloud: Customer home page Customers can access their BPM environment and perform basic administration

  21. Simplify Business & IT CollaborationPlayback the process with business stakeholders Validate implementation faster Visualize version to version changes IT impact more visible to the business

  22. Expedite time to success with BPM on Cloud A world-renowned academic institution • Achieves unparalleled visibility into library procurement processes • Cloud-based solution in place in weeks, without in-house technical skills

  23. Thai Traditional Chinese Gracias Russian Spanish Thank You English Merci Obrigado French Brazilian Portuguese Arabic Danke Grazie Italian German Simplified Chinese Korean Japanese

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