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Stay informed about the latest news and upcoming events in Miss Main's Primary 2 classroom. Learn about what the children are learning, important notes, and upcoming school activities. Make sure your child is well-prepared and updated on school routines and events.
Congratulations everyone on surviving the first few weeks at school! The boys and girls are looking fabulous in their smart school uniforms and we are all settling back in really well. A few notes….P.E. will be on a Monday and Thursday this term. Just a reminder that P.E. kits are kept on our pegs and should contain shorts, t-shirt and a pair of gym shoes. Free fresh fruit is provided on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for all children. Please ensure that when providing snack or lunch for your child it does not contain nuts as we have a child in Primary 2 with a severe nut allergy. I will be encouraging all children to stay well hydrated throughout the day to keep us all feeling alert. Please provide your child with a water bottle on a daily basis. Miss Main’s P2 Classroom News WHAT WE ARE LEARNING Primary 2s have started their year by getting to know their new classmates, teachers and learning assistants. We have been sharing ideas on how we can create a safe and happy learning environment. We have also been thinking about our learning journey for the year. We are starting to write ‘targets’ for our learning and behaviour and we are aiming high! In class we have been sharing some of our favourite books and authors. We will be continuing this with a mini topic on Julia Donaldson after seeing her at the Edinburgh Book Festival! We are all learning to become more independent now that we are in Primary 2. This includes taking responsibility for our own belongings, getting changed for P.E. and coming into school all by ourselves in the morning. We appreciate your support in encouraging all of our P2s to become more confident with their morning routine. NOTES UPCOMING EVENTS Tuesday 27th August – P2s to Book Festival Thursday 12thSeptember – ‘Soft start’ morning. Parents invited to class 9-9.30 to get a feel for our morning routine (letter to follow) N.B. Please ensure that all items of school uniform, lunch boxes, bags and water bottles are clearly marked with your child’s name. This will aid us greatly in returning any lost, swapped or misplaced items to their rightful owner! Finally… I have enjoyed getting to know the boys and girls a little better over the first busy few weeks in school. I hope to get to know some of our lovely parents more too! If you have any questions, concerns or good news to share, please do contact the office so that I can give you a ring or arrange a chat in school. Miss Main