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September 15, 2012. Incident Accident Reporting U of R. 2. Work related injuries - Canadian. Nearly 900,000 Canadians are injured annuallyAn average of 2 Canadians die each day due to work-related accidents and exposuresWorkplace accidents cost the Canadian economy 5 billion dollars each year. Sep
1. September 16, 2012 Incident Accident Reporting U of R 1 Incident / Accident Reporting at the U of R Darlene Marchuk Holly Hastie
Human Resources
2. September 16, 2012 Incident Accident Reporting U of R 2 Work related injuries - Canadian Nearly 900,000 Canadians are injured annually
An average of 2 Canadians die each day due to work-related accidents and exposures
Workplace accidents cost the Canadian economy 5 billion dollars each year
3. September 16, 2012 Incident Accident Reporting U of R 3 Work related injuries - Saskatchewan 30 work related deaths every year
30,000 time loss injuries
WCB funds OH&S Division
4. September 16, 2012 Incident Accident Reporting U of R 4 Saskatchewan leads the way The original Saskatchewan Occupational Health and Safety Act was passed into law in 1972. This was the first legislation of its kind in Canada
The Occupational Health and Safety Regulations elaborate on the requirements under the Act
5. September 16, 2012 Incident Accident Reporting U of R 5 Reportable accidents (Section 8 Regulations) An employer or contractor shall give notice to the division as soon as is reasonably possible of every accident at a place of employment that:
(a) causes or may cause the death of a worker; or
(b) will require a worker to be admitted to a hospital as an in- patient for a period of 72 hours or more.
6. September 16, 2012 Incident Accident Reporting U of R 6 Dangerous Occurrences (Section 9 Regulations) In this section, "dangerous occurrence" means any occurrence that does not result in, but could have resulted in, a condition or circumstance set out in subsection 8(1), and includes:
7. September 16, 2012 Incident Accident Reporting U of R 7 Dangerous Occurrences (Section 9 Regulations) (a) the structural failure or collapse of:
(i) a structure, scaffold, temporary falsework or concrete formwork; or
(ii) all or any part of an excavated shaft, tunnel, caisson, coffer dam, trench or excavation;
(b) the failure of a crane or hoist or the overturning of a crane or unit of powered mobile equipment;
(c) an accidental contact with an energized electrical conductor;
8. September 16, 2012 Incident Accident Reporting U of R 8 Dangerous Occurrences (Section 9 Regulations) (d) the bursting of a grinding wheel;
(e) an uncontrolled spill or escape of a toxic, corrosive or explosive substance;
(f) a premature detonation or accidental detonation of explosives;
(g) the failure of an elevated or suspended platform; and
(h) the failure of an atmosphere-supplying respirator.
9. September 16, 2012 Incident Accident Reporting U of R 9 U of R Policies: (Ensure compliance with legislation & elaborate in specific areas)
Safety Policy – states requirements for reporting incidents / accidents
Emergency Preparedness
Hazardous Materials Management
10. September 16, 2012 Incident Accident Reporting U of R 10 U of R Procedures: More specific
Elaborate on a Policy or Program
Incident/Accident reporting
11. September 16, 2012 Incident Accident Reporting U of R 11 INCIDENT/ACCIDENT REPORTING Purpose
The purpose incident/accident reporting and investigations is to prevent a recurrence of the hazardous condition causing the event. It also ensures that we meet regulatory requirements.
12. September 16, 2012 Incident Accident Reporting U of R 12 INCIDENT/ACCIDENT REPORTING must be completed for every incident or accident
any event that involves injury to a person or damage to property, or has the potential to do so, must be reported to the Health and Safety Manager within 24 hours of occurrence
13. September 16, 2012 Incident Accident Reporting U of R 13 INCIDENT/ACCIDENT REPORTING PROCESS Responsibilities outlined for:
Procedure for reporting
14. September 16, 2012 Incident Accident Reporting U of R 14 INCIDENT/ACCIDENT REPORTING PROCESS Authority- University Safety Policy
Failure to report could result in denial of WCB benefits
15. September 16, 2012 Incident Accident Reporting U of R 15 Incident/Accident Report Form: Call Campus Security – 4999 immediately
Regina Address:
Permanent Address: (if different from above)
Work Phone:
Home Phone:
Employment category: ? Employee ? Student* ? Faculty ? Visitor ? Contractor
*Students- refer to Student Accident Benefit Plan for information
16. September 16, 2012 Incident Accident Reporting U of R 16 Incident/Accident Report Form: Please select one of the following:
? Accident ? Incident ? Spill
Occurrence: Date (dd/mm/yy): ____/____/____Time: _____am/pm Location (Bldg, rm#): _____________________
Details of injury/illness & treatment (e.g. body part involved, cut, strain, bruise, illness symptoms and date of onset, etc.):
Was medical treatment received?
? University Health Clinic ? Family physician
? Hospital ? No
Was there any property/equipment damage? ? Yes ? No
If yes, identify property involved and description of damage:
17. September 16, 2012 Incident Accident Reporting U of R 17 Incident/Accident Report Form: Was the correct equipment/tool/material used? ? Yes ? No
What workplace conditions were contributing factors? (e.g. slippery floors, noise, lighting, etc.)
Was lack of personal protective equipment or safety controls a contributing factor? ? Yes ? NoIf Yes, explain:
Were emergency equipment/services available? ? Yes ? No (If No, explain:)
Was safety training provided? ? Yes ? NoIf No, explain:
18. September 16, 2012 Incident Accident Reporting U of R 18 Incident/Accident Report Form: Describe how the incident/accident occurred: (use additional paper if required; witness statements should be attached – provide witness name, department & phone number):
If a spill, list name of chemical and quantity.
Causes of the incident/accident – i.e. why did it happen and what conditions and/or actions contributed to the injury/accident? (Discuss with supervisor/manager) Direct cause:
Indirect cause:
19. September 16, 2012 Incident Accident Reporting U of R 19 Incident/Accident Report Form: To be completed by the Supervisor/MANAGER within 24 hours of incident/accident:
What preventative measures will be taken to avoid a reoccurrence of this incident/accident?Include short-term and long-term measures where appropriate.
Action by: Action will be completed by:
(Name) (Date)
Supervisor’s Signature:
Manager’s Signature:
I certify that the information provided is correct.
20. September 16, 2012 Incident Accident Reporting U of R 20 Workers Compensation Covered Employees:
All University employees
(excluding teaching faculty members)
Students (on payroll,
excludes scholarships)
21. September 16, 2012 Incident Accident Reporting U of R 21 Workers Compensation Reporting Procedure:
Outlined in the Incident/Accident procedures
Required Forms:
E1: Employer Form
W1: Worker Form
Other Forms:
WCB Return to Work Information
E5: Employer’s Progress Report
22. September 16, 2012 Incident Accident Reporting U of R 22 Workers Compensation Why report:
Fines can be imposed (Section 52) if report not filed within 5 days of becoming aware of the incident
Claims management
Timely review and payment of benefits
Prevents possible repeat occurrences
Proper processing (work related claims only)
23. September 16, 2012 Incident Accident Reporting U of R 23 Workers Compensation University Reporting:
Time Lost:
Employees who complete time cards:
Record absences as WCB if related to workplace injury, including medical appts.
Employees who do not complete time cards:
Monthly reports required for absences due to medical appts.
24. September 16, 2012 Incident Accident Reporting U of R 24 Workers Compensation WCB Payment Processing:
Compensation Payments:
Time Lost: Made to the University, credited to applicable Labor Distribution Account. HR provides copy of the cheque to the Faculty.
Other Payments: Made directly to the provider (ie physiotherapy appts, prescription drugs)
25. September 16, 2012 Incident Accident Reporting U of R 25 Workers Compensation WCB Costs:
Currently highest in Canada (shared with Manitoba)
New Experience Rating Program (2005)
Industry Base Rate $ x
+ Experience Rating + x
Employer Rate $ x
26. September 16, 2012 Incident Accident Reporting U of R 26 Workers Compensation Reducing Injury Rates
Timely Reporting
Return to Work
Workplace Accommodation Program
27. September 16, 2012 Incident Accident Reporting U of R 27 Workers Compensation Website:
28. September 16, 2012 Incident Accident Reporting U of R 28 Question and answer session
29. September 16, 2012 Incident Accident Reporting U of R 29 The End Health & Safety Website