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Fields of Psychology. DevelopmentalPhysiologicalExperimentalPersonalityClinical and CounselingSocialIndustrial and Organizational (I/O). Areas by Research Interests. Areas by Profession. Developmental Psychology. studies human mental and physical growth from conception to death
3. Areas by Research Interests
4. Areas by Profession
5. Developmental Psychology studies human mental and physical growth from conception to death
• child psychologists
• adolescent psychologists
• life-span psychologists
6. Physiological Psychology investigates the biological basis of human behavior
• neuropsychologists
• psychobiologists
• behavioral geneticists
7. Experimental Psychology learning
perception cognition
8. Personality Psychology Personality psychologists study the differences among individuals.
9. Clinical & Counseling Psychology Clinical psychologists are interested primarily in the diagnosis, cause, and treatment of psychological disorders.
Counseling psychologists are concerned primarily with “normal” problems of adjustments in life.
10. Social Psychology Social psychologists study how people influence one another.
11. Industrial & Organizational Psychology Psychology applied to the workplace.
I/O psychologists are interested in
selecting and training personnel
improving productivity and working conditions
the impact of computerization and automation on workers
12. Warning! Industrial & Organizational Psychology was Mr. Hoffman’s undergraduate major
13. Enduring Issues in Psychology Person — Situation
Heredity —Environment
Stability — Change
Mind — Body
14. Psychology as Science scientific method
15. Scientific Method An approach to knowledge that relies on a systematic method of generating hypotheses, collecting data, and explaining the data.
16. Theory The systematic explanation of a phenomenon.
17. Hypothesis A specific, testable prediction derived from a theory.
18. Goals of Psychology describe,
and control some behaviors
20. Structuralism: Wundt & Titchener Structuralism was concerned with identifying the units of conscious experience.
1879: Wundt founds psychology’s first laboratory at Leipzig
Titchener subdivided consciousness into physical sensations, feelings, and images
21. Functionalism: William James Functionalism was concerned with the ongoing use of conscious experience.
James argued that consciousness cannot be broken into elements.
coined the phrase “stream of consciousness”
22. Psychodynamics: Sigmund Freud Freud focused on the unconscious determinants of behavior.
Freud developed a method of therapy called psychoanalysis.
23. Behaviorism: Watson & Skinner Behaviorism is only concerned with behavior that can be observed and measured.
Watson founded behaviorism.
Skinner focused on the role of reinforcement.
24. Gestalt: Wertheimer, Köhler, & Koffka Gestalt movement was concerned with the perception of “good form.”
coined the phrase “the whole is not equal to the sum of its parts”
25. Existential and Humanistic Existentialism is concerned with alienation and apathy in modern life.
Humanism is concerned with helping people realize their full potential.
26. Cognitive Psychology concerned with memory, thinking, language, learning, decision making
expanded the concept of “behavior” to include thoughts, feelings, and states of consciousness
27. Evolutionary Psychology concerned with:
the evolutionary origins of behaviors and mental process,
their adaptive value,
and the purposes they continue to serve
28. Psychology and Human Diversity The American Psychological Association has created several divisions to promote the representation and appreciation of diverse perspectives.
29. 3 Feminist Challenges the most important research findings from the past were based on all-male samples
gender difference studies tend to focus on the extremes of gender differences
many issues that were not important to male researchers were not studied
30. Some Current Sexual Orientation Issues Being Researched origins of sexual orientation
brain differences between heterosexual and homosexual men
impact of gays and lesbians serving in the military
31. Ethnic and Minority Issues As a result of founding division 45, psychologists have developed a better appreciation for the unique challenges faced by individuals from various ethnic backgrounds.
32. Research Methodologies Naturalistic Observation
Case Studies
Correlational Research
Experimental Research
33. Naturalistic Observation observing and recording the behavior of subjects in their natural environment
34. Naturalistic Observation Advantages
can observe what occurs before and after a target behavior Disadvantages
less control over variables
cannot imply causality
35. Naturalistic Observation Advantages
insight into the important factors to study
no artificiality of the laboratory Disadvantages
observer bias & subject reactivity
target behavior only occurs once
36. Case Studies Intensive description and analysis of a single individual or just a few individuals.
37. Case Studies Advantages
rich description of subject(s)
each subject serves as own control Disadvantages
generalizability is decreased by small sample size
38. Case Studies Advantages
no large groups of subjects
no random assignment Disadvantages
subject may be an exception
observer bias
39. Survey A research technique in which questionnaires or interviews are administered to a selected group of people.
40. Survey Advantages
large quantity of information
relatively inexpensive Disadvantages
respondents may not be representative
response biases
truthfulness of responses
41. Correlational Research A research technique based on the naturally occurring relationship between two or more variables.
42. Correlational Research Advantages
description and prediction possible Disadvantages
no control over variables
cannot imply causality
43. Experimental Method A research technique in which an investigator
deliberately manipulates selected events or circumstances and
then measures the effects of those manipulations on subsequent behavior.
44. Experimental Research independent variable: the variable that is manipulated by the experimenter to test its effects
dependent variable: the variable that is measured to see how it is changed by the independent variable
45. Experimental Research experimental group: the group subjected to a change in the independent variable
control group: the group not subjected to a change in the independent variable
46. Experimental Research Advantages
conclusions about causality can be made Disadvantages
more ethical considerations
behavior is constrained to laboratory
47. Importance of Sampling sample: selection of cases from a larger population
random sample: each potential participant has an equal chance of being selected
representative sample: the characteristics of the participants corresponds closely to the characteristics of the larger population
49. APA Ethical Guidelines (humans) informed consent must be documented
awareness of possible risks
limitations on confidentiality specified
limitations on the use of deception
equitable alternatives must be offered if course credit is given for participation
50. APA Ethical Guidelines (animals) Researchers must ensure “appropriate consideration of [the animal’s] comfort, health, and humane treatment.”
Animals may not be subjected to “pain, stress, or privation” when an alternative procedure is available.