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CEN 281 Electronic Circuits and Devices 201 1 -201 2 Spring Term

DEPARTMENT of ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING. INTERNATIONAL BURCH UNIVERSITY. CEN 281 Electronic Circuits and Devices 201 1 -201 2 Spring Term. Gunter Senyurt gsenyurt @ ibu.edu.ba. Timetable and office hours. Class Schedule: Tuesday 1 7 :00-1 9 : 45

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CEN 281 Electronic Circuits and Devices 201 1 -201 2 Spring Term

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  1. DEPARTMENT of ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL BURCH UNIVERSITY CEN 281 Electronic Circuits and Devices 2011-2012 Spring Term Gunter Senyurtgsenyurt@ibu.edu.ba

  2. Timetable and office hours • Class Schedule: Tuesday 17:00-19:45 • Office Hour: Open Door Policy

  3. Course Objectives • The student will become proficient in the use of algebra, calculus, and linear algebra to describe and analyze DC and AC electric circuit problems. • The student will become proficient in the use of Kirchhoff’s laws of Voltage and Current to analyze electrical circuits, utilizing the techniques of mesh and nodal analysis. • Review of solid-state device characteristics and circuit analysis.

  4. Textbooks *James W. Nilsson, Susan A. Riedel. Electric Circuits, 7th Edition, Pearson *Robert L.Boylestad, Louis Nashelsky, Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, 10th Edition, Pearson

  5. Brief Contents • Ch. 1: Circuit Variables. Ch. 2: Circuit Elements. • Ch. 3: Simple Resistive Circuits. • Ch. 4: Techniques of Circuit Analysis. • Ch. 4: Techniques of Circuit Analysis. • Ch. 5: The Operational Amplifier. • Ch. 5: The Operational Amplifier. • Ch.1 : Semiconductor Diodes • Ch. 2 : Diode Applications • Ch. 3 : Bipolar Junction Transistors • Ch. 3 : Bipolar Junction Transistors • Ch. 4 : DC Biasing-BJTs • Ch. 4 : DC Biasing-BJTs • JFET, MOSFET, FET amplifiers • Overviews

  6. Grading • Lab. Sessions 25% • Quiz 10% • Midterm Exam 25% • Final Examination 40%

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