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ARC 354 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN V 201 2 -201 3 Spring Term

DEPARTMENT of ARCHITECTURE. INTERNATIONAL BURCH UNIVERSITY. ARC 354 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN V 201 2 -201 3 Spring Term. Assist.Prof.Dr. Nermina Mujezinovic nmujezinovic@ibu.edu.ba. Class Schedule: Thursday : 10:00 – 11:45 h Office Hour: Thursday :13:45 – 14:45

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ARC 354 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN V 201 2 -201 3 Spring Term

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  1. DEPARTMENT of ARCHITECTURE INTERNATIONAL BURCH UNIVERSITY ARC 354 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN V 2012-2013SpringTerm Assist.Prof.Dr. NerminaMujezinovicnmujezinovic@ibu.edu.ba

  2. Class Schedule: Thursday : 10:00 – 11:45 h • Office Hour:Thursday :13:45 – 14:45 • Monday : 14:00 – 16:00

  3. Course Objectives • Introduce and explore complex spatial dispositions • Develop creative approach to applying modern structural systems; • Introduce new technologies & materials and principles of their application • Encourage and develop innovative ideas in architectural design • Introduce new design strategies, approaches and philosophies; develop integrated approach to architectural design, including considerations on sustainability , green design, etc. • Explore detail in architecture • Introduce constructing documentation

  4. Grading • Discussions, Workshops, Presentations, • Activity, Attendance to lectures • -------------------------------------- • TOTAL “Lectures related” category 30 % • Weekly exercises & attendance 10 % • Project, 1st interim review 10% • Midterm, Project, 2nd review 20 % • Final, Project, 3rd review 30%

  5. Textbooks 1. Ryan E. Smith, James Timberlake, Prefab Architecture: A Guide to Modular Design and Construction, Wiley; 1 edition, 2011. 2. Neufert, E., Neufert, P., Baiche,B. , Walliman, N., Architects' Data, 3rd Edition, 2002. 3. Andrew W. Charleson, Structure as Architecture, An imprint of Elsevier, 2005. 5. Sustainable Buiding Technical Manual, Green Building Design, Construction, and Operations, Public Technology, Inc., 1996. 6. Architecture of Tall Buildings – Council of Tall buildings and Urban Habitat 7. Charles Broto, Arian Mostaedi & Julie Romeo, Architecture for Industry

  6. Introduction ( Syllabus review; course content, requirements, policies; teaching methods) • Offices (History, Trends, Spaces, Layout, Technology and Power, Environment, Settings, Shell and Scenery) •  Industrial buildings (Site Selection, Layout & Development; Basic Building Type Selection; • Factories; Warehouses; Workshops; Waste Removal, Planning for Fire Control, etc.) • Community centers •  Tall buildings • Prefab Architecture: A Guide to Modular Design and Construction •  Structure and Architecture Brief Contents

  7. Architecture and Technology • New materials and technologies; (ultra performing, multidimensional, repurposed, recombinant, intelligent, transformational, interfacial) • Detail in architecture;  Constructing documentation (introduction) • The interrelationship of architecture, economy, environment and sustainability • The Basis of Sustainable Design • Green Building Brief Contents

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