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ICF Zurich Logo

ICF Zurich Logo. Series’ logo. Leo Bigger. Leo Bigger. JOB 19:25 I know that my redeemer lives , and that in the end he will stand on the earth . Job 19:25. JOB ... is the happiest man on earth is righteous is honest is God-fearing detests evil. Job …. JOB’S DESTINY

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ICF Zurich Logo

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ICF ZurichLogo

  2. Series’ logo

  3. Leo Bigger Leo Bigger

  4. JOB 19:25 I knowthatmyredeemerlives, and that in the end he will stand on theearth. Job 19:25

  5. JOB ... • isthehappiest man on earth • isrighteous • ishonest • isGod-fearing • detestsevil Job …

  6. JOB’S DESTINY • Godallowsthedevil to test Job: • He loses all his possessions • He loses his 10 children • He loses his wife • He loses his health Job’s destiny


  8. Thename JOB means: WHERE isthefather? Name Job

  9. JOB 30:20-21 I cry out to you, God, butyou do notanswer; I stand up, butyoumerelylook at me. You turn on meruthlessly; withthemight of your hand youattackme! Job 30:20-21

  10. Theproblem of theodicy: • EitherGodwants to preventevil and can’t do it • Or He can do it and doesn’twant to do it • Or He doesn’twant to do itand can’tdo it • Or He wants to do it and can do it. Problem of theodicy

  11. I. Godis ALMIGHTY! Point I

  12. PSALM 139:16 All thedaysordainedformewerewritten in yourbookbeforeone of themcame to be. Psalm 139:16

  13. II. Godis OMNIPRESENT! 1 CORINTHIANS 10:13 He will notletyoubetemptedbeyondwhatyoucanbear. ... He will also provide a way out so thatyoucanendure it. Point II

  14. III. Godis ALL KNOWING! Point III

  15. Thetheology of thethreefriends • Everythinggoes well for he whoisrighteous and does good • Things go bad for he whoisunjust and sins • Job musthavesinnedbecause he isdoing so badly Theology of thethreefriends

  16. 2. Whatisthedevildoing in heaven? REVELATIONS 12:10 For theaccuser of ourbrothers and sisters, whoaccusesthembeforeourGodday and night, and theauthority of his Messiah. Point 2

  17. JOB 42:5 My earshadheard of youbutnowmyeyeshaveseenyou. Job 42:5

  18. 3. WhydoesGodnotintervene? JAMES 5:11 Youhaveheard of Job'sperseverance and haveseenwhatthe Lord finallybroughtabout. The Lord isfull of compassion and mercy. Point 3

  19. JOB 1:21 Naked I camefrommymother'swomb, and naked I will depart. The LORD gave and the LORD has takenaway; maythename of the LORD bepraised. Job 1:21

  20. ICF ZurichLogo

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