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ICF Zurich Logo. Serienlogo. Background. LEO BIGGER. Seiteneinblender. As he went along , he saw a man blind from birth . His disciples asked him , " Rabbi, who sinned , this man or his parents , that he was born blind ?" The Bible , John 9:1-2. Seiteneinblender.
Background LEO BIGGER
Seiteneinblender As he wentalong, he saw a man blind frombirth. His disciplesaskedhim, "Rabbi, whosinned, this man orhisparents, that he was bornblind?" The Bible, John 9:1-2
Seiteneinblender "Neitherthis man norhisparentssinned," said Jesus. The Bible, John 9:3
Seiteneinblender Weknowthatthewholecreationhasbeengroaningasin thepainsofchildbirthrightuptothepresent time. The Bible, Romans 8:22
Seiteneinblender Obediencebringsaboutmiracles Havingsaidthis, he spit on theground, madesomemudwiththesaliva, andputit on the man's eyes. "Go," he toldhim, "wash in the Pool ofSiloam"(thiswordmeans "Sent"). So the man wentandwashed, andcamehomeseeing. The Bible, John 9:6-7
Seiteneinblender Miraclescreatestories "Howthenwereyoureyesopened?" theyasked. He replied, "The man theycall Jesus madesomemudandputit on myeyes. He toldmetogotoSiloamandwash. So I wentandwashed, andthen I couldsee." The Bible, John 9:10-11
Seiteneinblender Nowtheday on which Jesus hadmadethemudandopenedthe man's eyes was a Sabbath. ThereforethePharisees also askedhimhow he hadreceivedhissight. "He putmud on myeyes," the man replied, "and I washed, andnow I see." The Bible, John 9:14-15
Seiteneinblender Stories touchtheheart They still did not believethat he hadbeen blind andhadreceivedhissightuntiltheysentforthe man's parents. "Isthisyourson?" theyasked. "Isthistheoneyousay was born blind? Howisitthatnow he cansee?" ...
Seiteneinblender Stories touchtheheart ... "Weknow he isourson," theparentsanswered, "andweknow he was born blind. But how he canseenow, orwhoopenedhiseyes, wedon'tknow. Askhim. He isofage; he will speakforhimself." The Bible, John 9:18-21
Seiteneinblender • His parentssaidthisbecausetheywereafraidoftheJewishleaders, whoalreadyhaddecidedthatanyonewhoacknowledgedthat Jesus was theMessiahwouldbeput out ofthesynagogue. • The Bible, John 9:22
Seiteneinblender Heartsneverremainunmoved A second time theysummonedthe man whohadbeen blind. "GiveglorytoGodandtellthetruth," theysaid. "Weknowthis man is a sinner." The Bible, John 9:24
Seiteneinblender • "He replied, "Whether he is a sinneror not, I don'tknow. Onething I do know. I was blind but now I see!" • The Bible, John 9:25
Seiteneinblender • Thentheyaskedhim, "Whatdid he do toyou? Howdid he open youreyes?" • The Bible, John 9:26
Seiteneinblender • He answered, "I havetoldyoualreadyandyoudid not listen. Why do youwanttohearitagain? Do youwanttobecomehisdisciplestoo?" • The Bible, John 9:27
Seiteneinblender • Tothistheyreplied, "Youweresteeped in sin atbirth; howdareyoulectureus!" Andtheythrewhimout. • The Bible, John 9:34
Seiteneinblender • Jesus heardthattheyhadthrownhim out, andwhen he foundhim, he said, "Do youbelieve in the Son ofMan?" • The Bible, John 9:35