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ICF Zurich Logo. Serienlogo. FULLSCREEN. Background. LEO BIGGER. FOTOBACKGROUND. Grace is UNDESERVED « Then he said , "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom ." Jesus answered him , " Truly I tell you , today you will be with me in paradise ."»
Background LEO BIGGER
FOTOBACKGROUND Grace is UNDESERVED «Then he said, "Jesus, remembermewhenyoucomeintoyourkingdom." Jesus answeredhim, "Truly I tellyou, todayyou will bewithme in paradise."» The Bible (TNIV), Luke 23:42-43
FULLSCREEN «See toitthatnoone falls shortofthegraceofGodandthatno bitter rootgrowsuptocausetroubleanddefilemany.» The Bible (TNIV), Hebrews12:15
FOTOBACKGROUND Grace isINCOMPREHENSIBLE «.. theysaidto Jesus, "Teacher, thiswoman was caught in theactofadultery. In the Law Moses commandedustostone such women. Nowwhat do yousay?"» The Bible (TNIV), John 8:4-5
FOTOBACKGROUND «Whentheykept on questioninghim, he straightenedupandsaidtothem, "Letanyoneofyouwhoiswithout sin bethefirsttothrow a stoneat her."» The Bible (TNIV), John 8:7
FOTOBACKGROUND Grace is SURPRISING «Jesus straightenedupandasked her, "Woman, wherearethey? Hasnoonecondemnedyou?"» The Bible (TNIV), John 8:10
FULLSCREEN Grace is INDESCRIBABLE «"Noone, sir," shesaid. "Thenneither do I condemnyou," Jesus declared. "Go nowandleaveyourlifeof sin."» The Bible (TNIV), John 8:11
FOTOBACKGROUND «I will giveyou a newheartandput a newspirit in you; I will removefromyouyourheartofstoneandgiveyou a heartofflesh.» The Bible (TNIV), Ezekiel 36:26