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ICF Zurich Logo. Serienlogo. Background. BAYLESS CONLEY. Seiteneinblender. This you know , that all those in Asia have turned away from me , among whom are Phygellus and Hermogenes . The Bible , 2 Timothy 1:15. Seiteneinblender.
Seiteneinblender This youknow, that all those in Asiahaveturnedawayfromme, amongwhomarePhygellusandHermogenes. The Bible, 2 Timothy 1:15
Seiteneinblender Bediligenttocometomequickly; forDemashasforsakenme, havinglovedthispresentworld, andhasdepartedforThessalonica -CrescensforGalatia, Titus forDalmatia. The Bible, 2 Timothy 4:9-10
Seiteneinblender Alexander thecoppersmithdidmemuchharm. May the Lord repayhimaccordingtohisworks. Youalso must bewareofhim, for he hasgreatlyresistedourwords. The Bible, 2 Timothy 4:14-15
Seiteneinblender Atmyfirstdefensenoonestoodwithme, but all forsookme. May it not bechargedagainstthem. The Bible, 2 Timothy 4:16
Seiteneinblender Don'tbesurprisedbybetrayalsorabandonment
Seiteneinblender Don'tletthebadeclipsethegood
Seiteneinblender The Lord grantmercytothehouseholdofOnesiphorus, for he oftenrefreshedme, and was not ashamedofmychain; but when he arrived in Rome, he soughtme out veryzealouslyandfoundme. The Bible, 2 Timothy 1:16-17
Seiteneinblender WhenI calltoremembrancethe genuine faiththatis in you, whichdweltfirst in yourgrandmother Lois andyourmother Eunice, and I am persuadedis in you also. The Bible, 2 Timothy 1:5
Seiteneinblender Only Luke iswithme. Get Mark and bring himwithyou, for he isusefultomeforministry. The Bible, 2 Timothy 4:11
Seiteneinblender Do yourutmosttocomebeforewinter. Eubulusgreetsyou, aswellasPudens, Linus, Claudia, and all thebrethren. The Bible, 2 Timothy 4:21
Seiteneinblender Forgivenessisthewaytogo
Seiteneinblender Atmyfirstdefensenoonestoodwithme, but all forsookme. May it not bechargedagainstthem. The Bible, 2 Timothy 4:16
Seiteneinblender Whenothersforsakeyou, Jesus standswithyou
Seiteneinblender But the Lord stoodwithmeandstrengthenedme, so thatthemessagemightbepreachedfullythroughme, andthat all the Gentiles mighthear. Also I was delivered out ofthemouthofthelion. The Bible, 2 Timothy 4:17
Seiteneinblender Andthe Lord will delivermefromeveryevilworkandpreservemefor His heavenlykingdom. ToHimbegloryforeverandever. Amen! The Bible, 2 Timothy 4:18