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ICF Zurich Logo. Serienlogo. Background. LEO BIGGER. Seiteneinblender. And a voice from heaven said , "This is my Son, whom I love ; with him I am well pleased ." The Bible , Matthew 3:17. Seiteneinblender. Seiteneinblender. Your weaknesses do not define your future.
Background LEO BIGGER
Seiteneinblender And a voicefromheavensaid, "This ismy Son, whom I love; withhim I am wellpleased." The Bible, Matthew 3:17
Seiteneinblender Yourweaknessesdo not defineyourfuture
Seiteneinblender Then Jesus was ledbythe Spirit intothewildernesstobetemptedbythedevil. After fastingfortydaysandfortynights, he was hungry. The temptercametohimandsaid, "Ifyouarethe Son ofGod, tellthesestonestobecomebread." The Bible, Matthew 4:1-3
Seiteneinblender Business withfaith His salarygrewwithhischurch: ICF founderandpastorLeo Biggerearns a fair amountwiththesuccessofhischurch. (Schweiz am Sonntag – Switzerlandon Sunday )
Seiteneinblender After deducting all costsBiggerpaidtaxes on an incomeof 83,900 CHF in 2009 – 8,700 morethan a yearbefore. Sixyearsbefore, in theyear 2003, ithadbeenonly 26,600 CHF.
Seiteneinblender And do not givethedevila foothold. The Bible, Ephesians 4:27
Seiteneinblender Don’tletyourstrengthsbestolen In orderthat Satan might not outwitus. Forweare not unawareofhisschemes. The Bible, 2 Corinthians 2:11
Seiteneinblender Then Jesus asked them, "Which is lawful on the Sabbath: to do good or to do evil, to save life or to kill?" But they remained silent. He looked around at them in anger and, deeply distressed at their stubborn hearts, said to the man, "Stretch out your hand." …
Seiteneinblender … He stretched it out, and his hand was completely restored. Then the Pharisees went out and began to plot with the Herodians how they might kill Jesus. The Bible, Mark 3:4-6
Seiteneinblender Mother Teresa’s “anyway”
Seiteneinblender People areoftenunreasonable, irrational, andself-centred, lovethemanyway.
Seiteneinblender Ifyou do good, people will accuseyouofselfishandulteriormotives, do goodanyway.
Seiteneinblender Ifyouaresuccessful, youwill winfalsefriendsandtrueenemies, succeedanyway.
Seiteneinblender The goodyou do today, will beforgottentomorrow, do goodanyway.
Seiteneinblender Honestyandopennessmakeyou vulnerable, behonest and open anyway.
Seiteneinblender Whatyouhavebuiltupovermanyyearscanbedestroyedovernight, buildanyway.
Seiteneinblender Yourhelpisreallyneeded, but peoplemightattackyouwhenyouhelpthem, helpthemanyway.
Seiteneinblender Givetheworldyourbestandtheymightpunchyourteeth out, givetheworldyourbestanyway.
Seiteneinblender Blessedarethosewhopersevereundertrial, becausewhentheyhavestoodthetest, they will receivethecrownoflifethatGodhaspromisedtothosewholovehim. The Bible, James 1:12
Seiteneinblender Turn bitter defeattovictory Submityourselves, then, toGod. Resistthedevil, and he will fleefromyou. The Bible, James 4:7
Seiteneinblender In 1928, Wald Disney’s career as a cartoonist was coming to an abrupt end.