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ICF Zurich Logo. Series’ logo. Danny Gassmann. Danny Gassmann. THE VARIETY OF GOD’S FEELINGS. Feelings. DOUBTS GENESIS 6:7 The LORD was grieved that he had made man on the earth , and his heart was filled with pain . Doubts. JEALOUSY DEUTERONOMY 32:16
Danny Gassmann Danny Gassmann
DOUBTS GENESIS 6:7 The LORD was grievedthat he hadmade man on theearth, and his heart was filledwithpain. Doubts
JEALOUSY DEUTERONOMY 32:16 Theymadehimjealouswiththeirforeigngods and angeredhimwiththeirdetestableidols. Jealousy
ANGER 1 KINGS 11:9-10 The LORD becameangry (furious) with Solomon because his hearthadturnedawayfromthe LORD, theGod of Israel, whohadappearedto himtwice. Anger
GRIEF LUKE 19:41 As he approached Jerusalem and sawthecity, he weptover it. Grief
FEAR LUKE 22:44 And being in an agony he prayedmoreearnestly: and his sweat was as itweregreatdrops of bloodfalling down to theground. Fear
JOY ZEPHANIAH 3:17 The LORD yourGodiswithyou, he ismighty to save. He will takegreatdelight in you, he will quietyouwith his love, he will rejoiceoveryouwithsinging. Joy
GOD DECIDED TO LOVE 1 JOHN 4:7-8 My belovedfriends, letuscontinue to loveeachothersincelovecomesfromGod. Everyonewholovesisborn of God and experiences a relationshipwithGod. ... Decision 1
GOD DECIDED TO LOVE 1 JOHN 4:7-8 ... Thepersonwhorefuses to lovedoesn'tknowthefirstthingaboutGod, becauseGodislove. Decision 1
GOD PROVED THAT HE LOVES US 1 JOHN 4:9 ThisishowGodshowed his loveforus: Godsent his onlySonintotheworld so wemight live throughhim. Proof
GOD INITIATED IT ALL 1 JOHN 4:10 This is the kind of love we are talking about - not that we once upon a time loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to clear away our sins and the damagethey've done to our relationship with God. Initiation
1 JOHN 4:16 Weknowit so well, we'veembracedthisloveheart and soul, thislovethatcomesfromGod. 1 John 4:16
1. RECOGNIZE THE HEART OF GOD 1 JOHN 3:16 Thisishowweknowwhatloveis: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. Heart
2. TRUST GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART AND SOUL 1 JOHN 5:42 But I knowyou. I knowthatyoudon’tmakeroomforthelove of God in your hearts. Trust
3. LET HIS LOVE DICTATE YOUR LIFE ROMANS 12:15 Laughwithyourhappyfriendswhenthey'rehappy; sharetearswhenthey're down. Love