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ICF Zurich Logo. Serienlogo. Background. LEO BIGGER. Background. DANIEL LINDER. Seiteneinblender. «I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.» The Bible , Romans 7:15 (TNIV). Seiteneinblendert. BOBBY FISCHER chess world champion
Background LEO BIGGER
Seiteneinblender «I do not understandwhat I do. Forwhat I wantto do I do not do, but what I hate I do.» The Bible, Romans 7:15 (TNIV)
Seiteneinblendert BOBBY FISCHER chessworldchampion 1943—2008
Seiteneinblender «Therefore, just as sin enteredtheworldthroughone man, anddeaththrough sin, and in thiswaydeathcameto all people, because all sinned.» The Bible, Romans 5:12 (TNIV)
Seiteneinblender As soonas Jesus was baptized, he wentup out ofthewater. Atthatmomentheaven was opened, and he sawthe Spirit ofGoddescendinglike a doveandalighting on him. And a voicefromheavensaid, "This ismy Son, whom I love; withhim I am wellpleased.“ The Bible. Matthew 3:16–17 (TNIV)
Seiteneinblender «Nogoodtreebearsbadfruit, nordoes a badtreebeargoodfruit. Eachtreeisrecognizedbyitsownfruit. People do not pick figsfromthornbushes, orgrapesfrombriers.» The Bible, Luke 6:43–44 (TNIV)
Seiteneinblender «ThatGod was reconcilingtheworldtohimself in Christ, not countingpeople'ssinsagainstthem. And he hascommittedtousthemessageofreconciliation.» The Bible, 2 Corinthians 5:19 (TNIV)
Seiteneinblender «For in Christ all thefullnessoftheDeitylives in bodily form.» The Bible, Colossians 2:9 (TNIV)