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XYZ Port Facility Maritime Security Drill

This document outlines the details for the Maritime Security Drill D512, focusing on the exchange of Declaration of Security (DoS) between ships and shore facilities. It includes the date, time, location, objectives, attainments, controller tasks, communications, safety measures, and debriefing process.

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XYZ Port Facility Maritime Security Drill

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Presentation Transcript

  1. XYZ Port FacilityMaritime Security Drill Controller Briefing date

  2. Exchange of Declaration of Security Ship – Shore Interface Drill D512

  3. Scope • Date, time, location • General objective • Specific objectives • Required attainments • Controllers • Participants • Scenario • Controller Tasks • Communications • Safety • Debrief

  4. Drill number: 1/08 Date: Start Time: Location: Estimated End Time:

  5. General Objective To practice the procedures for the exchange of a Declaration of Security

  6. Specific Objectives • To practice shore-ship interaction on maritime security issues • To practice implementing the measures for the exchange of a DoS • To raise the awareness of the provisions of the ISPS Code pertaining to the ship-shore interface • Meet or better the specified compliance benchmark for this drill

  7. Required Attainments • Security staff will be able to: • Negotiate the successful exchange of a DoS • Implement the measures to comply with the requirements of the DoS • Provide feedback to refine, update and improve the procedures for the exchange of DoS

  8. Control Team • Chief Controller: Safety Manager, Mr. AAA • Controllers  Ship Security Officer – Mr. XXX 

  9. Participants

  10. Scenario A ship scheduled to enter the Port Facility informs the Port Facility that it is at a higher Security Level, and requests discussions with the PFSO on the exchange of a DoS.

  11. Controller Tasks To request the ship to send a notification of its Security Level that is higher than that of the Port Facility (simulated, if necessary)

  12. Master Events List

  13. Master Events List

  14. Communications • Telephone • Walkie-Talkie • Participants - Channel number • Controllers – Channel number • Mobile phone – please exchange mobile numbers by xxxx hrs.

  15. Code words

  16. Debrief • Location: • Secretary: • Attendance

  17. end Any questions ?

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