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SUMPs generate investments - Skopje experience CIVITAS Forum

SUMPs generate investments - Skopje experience CIVITAS Forum Dr. Nikola Krstanoski, University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bitola, REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA 24-26 September 2012 Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain. SUMPs generate investments - Skopje experience. BRIEF BACKGROUND

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SUMPs generate investments - Skopje experience CIVITAS Forum

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  1. SUMPs generate investments - Skopje experience CIVITAS Forum Dr. Nikola Krstanoski, University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bitola, REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA 24-26 September 2012 Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain

  2. SUMPs generate investments - Skopje experience BRIEF BACKGROUND Skopje – partner city in the CIVITAS PLUS project RENAISSANCE Four measures: • Plan for sustainable urban transport system • Conversion of Diesel PT buses to CNG • Center for traffic management and control • Real time passenger information at bus stops CIVITAS Forum l 24-26 September 2012l Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain

  3. SUMPs generate investments – Skopje experience BRIEF BACKGROUND Skopje – capital of Republic of Macedonia Population Republic of Macedonia – 2 000 000 City of Skopje – 600 000 Area Republic of Macedonia – 25 855 km2 City of Skopje – 1818 km2 Motorization level Republic of Macedonia – 180 veh/1000 inh. City of Skopje – 262 veh/1000 inh. CIVITAS Forum l 24-26 September 2012l Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain

  4. SUMPs generate investments - Skopje experience Skopje –before RENAISSANCE • Increasingly car dependant city ( 1989 to 2008 the modal share up from 25% to 38% trips by car - traffic congestion, pollution, noise) • Low quality of service of PT (from 1989 to 2009 the number of passengers carried by PT fell from 150 000 000 to 60 000 000 passengers per year - old bus fleet, low reliability of service) • Bicycle trips Less than 1% trips by bicycle, almost no bicycle infrastructure CIVITAS Forum l 24-26 September 2012l Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain

  5. SUMPs generate investments - Skopje experience Plan for sustainable transport in Skopje • Coordinated land use and transport planning 2. Improvement of public transport system 3. Traffic calming measures 4. Bicycle and pedestrian 5. Parking policy 6. Management of city freight transport 7. Sustainable transport and promotion of the city's historic values 8. Improving the public awareness CIVITAS Forum l 24-26 September 2012l Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain

  6. SUMPs generate investments - Skopje experience Measures for sustainable transport in Skopje – full success The SUTP adopted by the Council of City of Skopje in October 2011 Evaluation results • 86% full support • 9% partial support Some of the proposed measures by the Plan already implemented or in phase of implementation CIVITAS Forum l 24-26 September 2012l Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain

  7. SUMPs generate investments - Skopje experience Measures for sustainable transport in Skopje – full success The Plan attracted wide interest and initiated many activities and new investments • The local and state governments have decided to expand the Center for traffic management and control from initially 28 intersections (proposed by RENAISSANCE) up to about 100 intersections • Initially 240 000 Euros from RENAISSANCE • Additional 180 000 Euros from the City budget • 2 600 000 Euros additionally approved from EBDR (agreement signed in October 2011) CIVITAS Forum l 24-26 September 2012l Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain

  8. SUMPs generate investments - Skopje experience The Plan attracted wide interest and initiated many activities and new investments Building bicycle infrastructure and rent-a-bicycle system • 4 points for renting a bicycle and about 200 bicycles Donations from: • Embassy of Nethereland in Skopje • Embassy of United Kingdom in Skopje • Embassy of China in Skopje • GEF (Global Ecological Fund) • Ekosvest (NGO) CIVITAS Forum l 24-26 September 2012l Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain

  9. SUMPs generate investments - Skopje experience The Plan attracted wide interest and initiated many activities and new investments The City of Skopje and PT operator JSP Skopje have decided to widen the AVL and real time passenger information systems to the entire PT network. Also the smart ticketing system is included. Estimated value 3 000 000 euros • PPP • Public call soon to be announced CIVITAS Forum l 24-26 September 2012l Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain

  10. SUMPs generate investments - Skopje experience The Plan attracted wide interest and initiated many activities and new investments The City of Skopje and PT operator JSP Skopje have decided to re-design the bus stops trough-out the PT network Estimated value 1 000 000 euros • Public procurement • Public call soon to be announced CIVITAS Forum l 24-26 September 2012l Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain

  11. SUMPs generate investments - Skopje experience The Plan attracted wide interest and initiated many activities and new investments The City of Skopje has already planned into the budget for the next year: • Implementation of traffic calming measures • Extension of the bicycle network • Study for optimization of the PT network • Further activities about tram project • Etc. CIVITAS Forum l 24-26 September 2012l Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain

  12. SUMPs generate investments - Skopje experience Other investments for sustainable transport in Skopje (initiated by other factors, but the Plan used as additional argument) The government of Republic of Macedonia has decided to renew the PT vehicle fleet in Skopje by purchasing: • 202 double-decker buses (YUTONG – China) (136 already delivered) • 80 standard buses (LAZ –Ukraine) (all already dellivered) • 16 minibuses (YUTONG - China) CIVITAS Forum l 24-26 September 2012l Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain

  13. SUMPs generate investments - Skopje experience Other investments for sustainable transport in Skopje (initiated by other factors, but the Plan used as additional argument) In coordination with SUTP: • Second local environmental action plan – LEAP • Plan for energy efficiency Funded by GTZ and EC CIVITAS Forum l 24-26 September 2012l Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain

  14. Thank you! For further information, please contact: Prof. Dr. Nikola Krstanoski nikola.krstanoski@tfb.uklo.edu.mk CIVITAS Forum l 24-26 September 2012l Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain

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