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ICF Zurich Logo. Series’ logo. Namenseinblender. Leo Bigger. Namenseinblender. Susanna Bigger. Naomi, the living bitter one. Noomi. Orpa , the one who returned disappointed. Orpa. Ruth, the devoted friend. Ruth.
Namenseinblender Leo Bigger
Namenseinblender Susanna Bigger
«Itiseasier to fill a hungrystomachthan to fill an emptyheart.» Mother Teresa Mother Teresa
Thelongingforfriends Slide
But Ruth replied, “Don’turgeme to leaveyouor to turn back fromyou. Whereyougo I will go.” Ruth 1:16a Ruth 1:16a
«Lethimwhocannotbealonebeware of community. Lethimwhoisnot in communitybeware of beingalone.» Dietrich Bonhoeffer Seiteneinblender
Varioustypes of friends: • themotherlyfriend Friends 1
Varioustypes of friends: • themotherlyfriend • thedaughterlyfriend Friends 2
Varioustypes of friends: • themotherlyfriend • thedaughterlyfriend • the “same age” friend Friends 3
Varioustypes of friends: • themotherlyfriend • thedaughterlyfriend • the “same age” friend • thewarningfriend Friends 4
Varioustypes of friends: • themotherlyfriend • thedaughterlyfriend • the “same age” friend • thewarningfriend • theexhaustingfriend Friends 1
ThelongingforGod Slide
Whereyoustay I will stay. Yourpeople will bemypeople and yourGodmyGod. Ruth 1:16b Ruth 1:16b
Godismy infinite joy! ButthosewhodrinkthewaterI givethem will neverthirst. Indeed, thewater I givethem will become in them a spring of waterwelling up to eternal life. John 4:14 Seiteneinblender
Godismy infinite and supernaturalmiracle! In thebeginningGodcreatedtheheavens and theearth. Genesis 1:1 Seiteneinblender
Thelongingforeternity Slide
Whereyou die I will die, and there I will beburied. May the LORD deal withme, beitever so severely, ifevendeath separates you and me! Ruth 1:17 Seiteneinblender
70% more power in theV formation Geese 1
70% more power in theV formation • thetiredonesgo to the back and takeadvantage of thelifting power Geese 2
70% more power in theV formation • thetiredonesgo to the back and takeadvantage of thelifting power • theones in the back honk to motivatetheothers Geese 3
if a gooseissicktwoothersstaywithhimuntil he ishealedordead Geese 4
Thisisthegenealogy of Jesus theMessiah ... Salmon thefather of Boaz, whosemother was Rahab, Boazthefather of Obed, whosemother was Ruth, Obedthefather of Jesse, and Jesse thefather of King David ... Matthew 1:1+5 Seiteneinblender