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  1. KONSEP GUGUS KENDALI MUTU Manajemen Mutu Minggu 3

  2. PENGERTIAN GKM adalah sekelompok karyawan dari unit kerja yang sama bertemu secara berkala mengupayakan pengendalian mutu dg cara mengidentifikasi, menganalisis dan mencari pemecahan masalah yang dihadapi dalam pekerjaan di unit kerjanya dg mengunakan teknik kendali mutu

  3. II. SASARAN 1. Meningkatkankemampuanmanajerialparakaryawanoperasional, agar tumbuhkebiasaanberpikiranalitis 2. Mendorong tiap karyawan agar mampu memberikan sumbangan pikiran yg berkaitan dg pengendalian mutu, sehingga tercipta lingk kerja dimana karyawan sadar akan mutu, permasalahan dan merasa berkepentingan untuk memperbaikinya

  4. 3. Meningkatkan moral karyawan dg membukakesempatanuntukberperansertadlmmengembangkanmutudi unit kerjanya dg didukungolehpola hub karyawandanatasanharmonis 4. Mengarahkan agar setiapkaryawandptterlibatdlmsuatubentukkerjasamakel yang dinamisdlmusahauntukmencaripemecahanmasalahdlmmutupelayanan/produk/mutukerja Company Logo

  5. III. TUJUAN UMUM GKM • Meningkatkan keterlibatan kary anggota GKM pd persoalan pekerjaan dan pemecahannya • Menggalang kerjasama kelompok yang lebih efektif • Meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah • Meningkatkan pengembangan pribadi dan kepemimpinan • Menanamkan kesadaran ttg pencegahan masalah

  6. 6. Mengurangi kesalahan dan meningkatkan mutu 7. Meningkatkan motivasi karyawan 8. Meningkatkan komunikasi dlm kelompok 9. Menciptakan hubungan atasan-bawahan yang lebih serasi 10. Meningkatkan kesadran akan keselamatan kerja 11. Miningkatkan pengendalian

  7. IV. Ketentuanguguskendalimutu • Anggota gugusberasaldari unit kerja yang sama • Jumlahanggota 3-10 orang (ideal 7-8 orang) • Dipilihpimpinankelompok • Waktupertemuanditentukanbersamadandiakuiatasan • Masalah yang dipilihberkaitan dg tugas • Anggotahendaknyaaktifterlibatdanmengemukakanpendapatnya • Pembahasanmasalahdipilihdandipecahkanbersama dg teknikkendalimutu • Hasilpertemuandicatatsecarasingkat

  8. V. Azas-azasUmumGugusKendaliMutu • Azas Informasi • Azas Kesukarelaan • Azas Keterlibatan Total • Azas Memadukan • Azas Kegunaan • Azas Keterbukaan • Azas Loyalitas pada Organisasi

  9. VI. Pemecahan Masalah Kerja Masalah-masalah yang digarap oleh GKM adalah masalah-masalah yg berkaitan dg pekerjaan dan yg pada akhirnya akan mempengaruhi mutu suatu usaha al. • Produk, biaya, waktu dan penyediaan • Keamanan, keselamatan dan kelestarian

  10. VII. TahapanPemecahanMasalah

  11. VIII. OrganisasiGugusKendaliMutu • Fasilitator Tugas fasilitator : - Memberi pelatihan kepada pimpinan dan anggota GKM - Koordinator GKM - Mediator antara GKM dg pucuk pimp. Perush 2. Pimpinan GKM - Memimpin secara aktif - Mendorong anggota agar aktif - mengelola jalannya pertemuan - Bertanggung jawab terhadap keg. GKM - Bersama fasilitator memberikan pelatihan kepada anggota GKM

  12. Petunjuk Pimpinan GKM : • Menyusun rencana pertemuan • Menggunakan agenda acara • Membuat kesimpulan dari hasil pertemuan dan merenc pertemuan berikutnya • Tidak mendominasi pembicaraan, terbuka dan subyektif • Alokasi waktu yang aktif 3. Anggota GKM Adalah karyawan dari unit kerja yang sama

  13. Quality assurance

  14. Why Quality Assurance is needed • Enhancement /improvement of quality • “consumer” protection • Competition • Product mobility Company Logo

  15. Quality Assurance vs. Quality Control Quality Control Quality Assurance A series of analytical measurements used to assess the quality of the analytical data (The “tools”) An overall management plan to guarantee the integrity of data (The “system”)

  16. Quality is a matter of negotiation Achieving our goals Conversion Q U A L I T Y • Requirements • stakeholders: • Government • Employers • Society at large • Competitors • Customers Translation Requirements in goals and aims research Community service Company Logo

  17. Can quality be measured? Quantitative indicators (Performance indicators) • Productivity • Reject/defect rate • Un standard rate

  18. performance indicators&peer review(or tasting the wine)

  19. Quality is: “doing the right things in the right way” but how do we know our quality? Needed: Internal Quality Assurance system

  20. QUALITY ASSURANCE??? • Quality Assurance (QA) All those planned and systematic actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that a structure, system, or component will perform satisfactorily in service. • Risk based approach applied to establish adequate confidence based on consequences of failure (e.g. more rigor for nuclear safety applications) Continued focus on what we are trying to achieve

  21. Quality Assurance • The process whereby quality is at the forefront of every stage of the development, design, marketing, manufacturing and selling process. • ‘Quality’ is influenced by the internal philosophy of the business and the external influences -

  22. Quality Assurance

  23. 10 Quality Assurance Criteria: • Management • QA Program • Training & Qualification • Quality Improvement • Documents & Records • Assessment • Management Assessment • Independent Assessment • Performance • Work Processes • Design • Procurement • Inspection & Acceptance Testing

  24. Why IQA is needed • To check and control quality • To improve the quality • National and international competition • Product mobility

  25. Basic conditions for IQA • As simple as possible • Balance between centralized and decentralized approach • Supported by management • Effective instruments • Tuned to national and international developments

  26. CRITERIA FOR IQA: An institution must have: • Policy and procedures for QA • Approval, monitoring and periodic review of programmes and awards • Assessment of resources • Quality assurance of employers • Information systems • Public information

  27. What instruments do we have for IQA?? • Monitoring of systems • Evaluation instruments • Improvement instruments • SWOT-analysis/self assessment • External assessment

  28. INTERNAL SELF ASSESSMENT SWOT-analysis: S= strengths W= weaknesses O=opportunities T=threats

  29. Benchmarking Benchmarking • “is the systematic study and comparison of company’s key performance indicators with those of competitors and others considered best-class in a specific function” (Dervitsiotis, 2000 • “Is a learning process which requires trust, understanding, selecting and adapting good practices in order to improve” • “ is defining targets for improvement by identifying best practices and adapting them to achieve continuous improvement in ones' own organisation.”

  30. Output assessment • Product mobility and mutual recognition of degrees make it necessary to include Output assessment in the assessment process and not only to look at the process. • Basic question is not “How did you learn”, but “What have you learned” • Process outcomes: Availability, Quality, Price • Out put approach has consequences for product design Objectives = formulated learning outcomes Program Degree = Achieved learning outcomes

  31. Relation internal and external QA

  32. Purpose of external assessment Internal function: Quality assurance • Improvement • bench marking • self regulation External function: Accountability • insight into quality • transparency • hall mark for quality= certification

  33. ACCREDITATION • Formal decision • based on overall assessment • based on at least minimum requirements • concerns yes/no decision • It might have consequences

  34. SOME QUESTIONS • Accreditation is a political instrument = control • or • market instrument =quality label? • Threshold quality or accreditation +? • How to cope with the burden (number of programs?) and bureaucracy? • Connection academic and professional accreditation? • Is accreditation hindering improvement and innovations?

  35. Requirements ENQA for external assessment • Use of internal QA procedures in the organization • A clear and public external quality assurance process • Explicit decision criteria • EQA process should fit for purpose • Public report • Follow up procedures • Formally recognised by competent public authority • Clear goals and objectives • Independent: autonomous responsibility for their operations • Accountability procedures

  36. Discussion about the QA handbook • A Quality manual contains all documents (or references to the documents), processes and procedures concerning: • Quality design • Quality control • Quality improvement • Quality management • Quality audit • Quality assessment • Quality transformation • Consequence: a QA manual is an individual document, tailor made for the organizations • We can discuss what the content might be, but we can not write a basic document

  37. External Agency Regulation • ISO – International Organisation for Standardisation – ensure compatibility, quality and conformity. ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 set standards on quality and the environment. • Consumers Association – produces the magazine ‘Which’ and provides surveys to inform consumers about quality and value for money of competing products. • British Standards Institution (BSI) – The Kitemark and the CE mark are both important standards of quality. The CE mark confirms the product meets EU directives.

  38. External Agency Regulation • Trade Associations - Draw up codes of practice for its members to adhere to – membership of such an association is an indication of quality. e.g. Corgi gas suppliers, British Soft Drinks Association, National Federation of Builders, etc. • Health and Safety Executive – Responsible for health and safety in the workplace.

  39. REFERENCE • Besterfield, D.H, et.al. 2003. Total Quality Management. International Edition. Pearson Education, Inc. New Jersey • Dale, B.G and Plunkett.J.J. 1990. Managing Quality. University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology. Philip Alan. Hertfordshire • Sharma, D.D. 2000. Quest for World-Class Excellence Through. Total Quality Management. Principles Implementation and Cases. Sultan Chand and Sons. New Delhi

  40. Thank You ! www.themegallery.com

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