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07-First 2 years Psychosocial Development

07-First 2 years Psychosocial Development. Emotional Development. Newborns = two emotions Distress & contentment Happiness = Social smile Occurs when seeing a face Anger = frustration Sadness = withdrawal & stress Social fear Stranger wariness Separation anxiety

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07-First 2 years Psychosocial Development

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 07-First 2 years Psychosocial Development

  2. Emotional Development • Newborns = two emotions • Distress & contentment • Happiness = Social smile • Occurs when seeing a face • Anger = frustration • Sadness = withdrawal & stress • Social fear • Stranger wariness • Separation anxiety • These changes gradually develop during the first year.

  3. Self-awareness • I am separate from others • Mirror rouge test • Me & mine • Generally develops during the second year

  4. The brain and emotions • Emotions become more sophisticated as the cortex and memory develops • Stress can effect the parts of the brain related to emotions • Hypothalamus • Amygdala

  5. Temperament • Temperament = Genetic predispositions • Shyness & aggression • Whether these are expressed is based on experience – culture, childrearing methods, etc. • Harsh parenting combined with a negative temperament can create antisocial, destructive children. • Personality traits = Learned • Honesty and humility • Adults who are extroverts, agreeable, and positive = warmer, more competent parents.

  6. Theories of development

  7. Psychoanalytic - Freud • Freud • Oral stage (1st. Yr.) • E.g. Breast-feeding • Oral fixation • E.g. Fingernail biting, smoking, overeating • Anal (2nd. Yr.) • Bowels • Self-controlled • Anal personality • Most people disagree with this idea • Toilet training – Later age = less time

  8. Psychoanalytic – Erikson • Trust vs. mistrust • Autonomy (independence & self-rule) vs. shame and doubt

  9. Behaviorism • Emotions & personality • Based on reinforcement & punishment by parents • Social learning • Albert Bandura • Bobo doll experiment • Children express emotions as they see others do

  10. Cognitive • Working models • A set of assumptions that children use as a frame of reference • People are warm & friendly • People can never be trusted • Interpretation of experiences is most crucial

  11. Sociocultural theory • Culture is most important • Proximal (close) parenting • Much body contact • Children become • More compliant • Less independent • More separation & stranger anxiety • Distal (far) parenting • Less body contact • Children become • Less obedient • More independent • Less separation & stranger anxiety

  12. Development of Social Bonds • Attachment • Proximity-seeking • Following caregivers • Contact maintaining • Touching, snuggling, holding • Social referencing • Toddlers referring to parental emotions & actions to evaluate a situation • E.g. eating new foods • Crossing the street

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