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RESULTS MPS (location of future logo) Area B June 14, 2011. Table of Contents. Area B. Area B profile. Area B Profile
RESULTS MPS (location of future logo) Area B June 14, 2011
Table of Contents Area B
Area B profile • Area B Profile • Area B schools are located in southeast Minneapolis. Area B includes 16 Schools: 3 high schools (Roosevelt, South, Wellstone), 2 middle schools (Sanford, Keewaydin) , 4 K-8 schools (Andersen, Anishinabe, Seward, Sullivan), 5 K-5 schools (Bancroft, Dowling, Hiawatha, Northrop, Pratt), 1 K-3 school (Wenonah) and 1 alternative school (Success Academy, closing after 2011 school year). • Area B schools are in various stages of AYP: 2 schools-- Wenonah and Success Academy-- are in stage 0 (watch), 3 schools– Dowling, Pratt and Seward-- are in stage 2 (SES), 5 schools– Bancroft, Hiawatha, Northrop, Sanford and South-- are in stage 3 (corrective action), 1 school– Keewaydin-- is in stage 4 (pre-restructuring), 4 schools– Andersen, Anishinabe, Roosevelt and Sullivan-- are in stage 5 (restructuring) and 1 school– Wellstone-- is in “turnaround” status. • Area B schools serve more than 8800 students. The demographic make up of Area B reflects its rich diversity. The student body is 10% American Indian, 30% African American, 5% Asian American, 23% Hispanic American and 32% White. 68% of students qualify for free and reduced which is slightly below the district average of 72%. 14% of students receive special education services and 27% are English Language Learners. Both of these percentages are within 1% of the district average.
Why is this measure important? This measure is important because it indicates students’ reading proficiency relative to state standards. Student progress is measured in a variety of ways in reading. Each school has its own formative assessments designed to monitor student progress. The district has several common assessments used to determine progress. They include MCA proficiency data, Measures of Academic Progress (MAP)data and Fountas and Pinell (F and P) data . MCA is the State assessment to determine proficiency. MAP is designed to show student growth over time. F and P is designed to show student growth/progress as they increase their instructional and independent levels of reading. All students in grades 3-8 and 10 take the MCA in reading each spring to determine grade level proficiency. What does the data tell us?As a whole, students in Area B score slightly below the district average in reading proficiency on the state test. In 2010, 52% of district students were proficient in reading. In Area B, 49.4% of students were proficient. American Indian and Asian students are only subgroups showing consistent, but small improvements in proficiency. What strategies are in place to achieve the targets? Identify barriers if they exist.Area B specific strategies in bold: • Explicit Vocabulary Instruction/Words Their Way • Collaboration with ELL department; training with Hamline University on ELL • Collaboration with Indian Education Department • Reader’s/Writer’s Workshop • Sheltered Instruction Strategies • Reading Coach • Professional Learning Communities • Professional Development for teachers and administrators • Arts Integration • Collaboration with Teaching and Learning to meet instructional needs • Relationships with community organizations • Use of information from Cambridge Reviews to highlight areas of strength and areas for growth • AYP monitoring from Academic Reform Specialist We need more time with students for learning. Teachers need time with colleagues for planning and professional development in the workshop model and new materials. We need to actively engage parents and become true partners in educating children.
Academics- Math Why is this measure important? This measure is important because it indicates students’ proficiency in mathematics relative to state standards. Student progress is measured in a variety of ways in math. At the school and classroom level, both formative and summative assessments are used. Most schools use Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) to determine student growth over time. All schools assess students on common grade-level district assessments each quarter. Students in grades 3-8 and grade 11 take the state MCA test each spring to determine grade level proficiency. What does the data tell us?The data tells us that Area B has increased its math proficiency over a 3-year trend. However, math proficiency is slightly lower than the district average. 42.9% of students in Area B were proficient on the math test in 2010. The district average was 45%. 6-7% more American Indian, Asian and White students were proficient in last two years; there was an increase, but smaller for African American and Hispanic students. What strategies are in place to achieve the targets? Identify barriers if they exist. • 5 Disciplinary Literacy principles to engage students • 10 principles of Thinking math • Math investigations • Launch-Explore-Summarize lesson structure • MCA math prep classes • Math Coach • Professional Learning Communities • Professional Development for teachers and administrators • Collaboration with Indian Education Department • Collaboration with Teaching and Learning to meet instructional needs. • Collaboration with Teaching and Learning to meet instructional needs. • Collaboration with ELL • Relationships with community organizations • Use of information from Cambridge Reviews to highlight areas of strength and areas for growth • AYP monitoring from Academic Reform Specialist The primary barrier we all face is time. We need more time with students for learning. We need to strengthen math skills for elementary teachers to increase their knowledge through PLCs and Professional Development. We need more time for collegial planning. We need to involve parents in supporting students’ math education.
Academics- Science Why is this measure important? This measure is important because it indicates students’ proficiency in science relative to state standards. Science tests are given to students in grades 5 and 8 and in the year in high school when students complete a life science course. What does the data tell us?The data tells us that students in Area B have increased science proficiency since 2008. Students in Area B perform above the district average in science. As in reading and math, there is an approximately 50 point gap between the % of white students proficient and subgroup of students of color with the lowest % proficient. Continued…
Academics- Science • What strategies are in place to achieve the targets? Identify barriers if they exist. • FOSS Science kits • Re-sequencing high school science courses • Adopting new science materials • Explicit vocabulary instruction • Science notebooks • District science content leads • Observational drawing • Integrate nonfiction materials into workshop model • Require science instruction in all classes at K-5 • Our primary barrier is building time into the day at the K-5 level to teach explicit science vocabulary.
Academics- Distribution of schools on MPS school performance grid MPS School Portfolio Performance-as of September 2010 (Area B schools in CAPITALS and BOLD) Performance (2010 proficiency and 3-year average value-added) School Quality Review 2008-2009 *Note Lake Harriet Lower and Lake Nokomis-Wenonah not shown due to lack of value-added data for their grade configurations
Academics- Distribution of schools on MPS school performance grid Why is this measure important? The School Performance measure compares MPS schools based upon their proficiency and value-added.* This measure is important because it indicates which schools are in need of the most intervention, and which ones should be examined for sharable practices. It also helps us to prioritize schools for intervention. What does the data tell us?The data tells us that Area B schools are represented across the continuum. There are schools in Area B that are high performing as well as schools that have high needs. We have a lot of work to do in Area B. Only two of the schools are in the highest 25%. If we focus on the middle, we have opportunity to move forward. We need to acknowledge growth, but keep working. What strategies are in place to achieve the targets? Identify barriers if they exist. School improvement plans have been tailored to meet the needs of individual schools. All schools have specific strategies in place to increase proficiency in reading and math. All schools have specific strategies in place to increase a healthy climate by decreasing the number of student suspensions and behavior referrals. All schools have a strategy in place to provide job-embedded professional development through professional learning communities. Schools need to break down data to individual students and create achievement goals for each student. All schools were reviewed by Cambridge Education Group to highlight strengths and areas of growth. A Cambridge consultant worked directly with Andersen, Anishinabe and Sullivan to improve instructional practices. In addition to monitoring AYP and designing school improvement plans, the Academic Reform Specialist worked with Keewaydin to design a restructuring plan and worked with Roosevelt, South, Northrop, Bancroft, Hiawatha and Sanford to implement Professional Development in the areas of PLCs and data-driven instruction. * Methodology: the school performance rating combines proficiency (1/3) and value-added (2/3). Proficiency: an absolute measure of proficiency using the MCA-II test results for the most recent school year; Value-Added: a relative measure of proficiency that controls for factors beyond the school’s control (such as poverty). Value-Added is based on three years of data. Math and reading scores are equally weighted. The (+) or (-) indicates movement to a higher quartile or lower quartile, respectively, from the prior year. Note this is MPS’ internal value-added calculation, not the VARC calculation done for the State data set.
Area B value-added Why is this measure important? Value Added is a relative measure of proficiency that controls for factors beyond the school’s control (such as poverty). It allows for comparing schools on an apples-to-apples basis, e.g., school X has added more value for its ELL students and its non-Free or Reduced Price Lunch students than has school Y (or all of the schools in the state serving ELL and non-Free or Reduced Price Lunch students). This data shows MPS schools compared to State. Note the appendix provides value-added data comparing just to MPS schools over the last 3 years. What does the data tell us?Area B’s value-added mirrored the state average in math and was slightly above the state average in reading in the last two years. Dowling was lower than the state average in 2009-10 in math. This is surprising because their 3-year value-added, compared only to District schools, was positive .8. Anishinabe was low in reading, which is consistent with their in-district value-added. Keewaydin has been higher than average compared to both state and district in math; Pratt was above average compared to the state in reading, which contrasts sharply to very low 3 year value-added scores compared only to district schools. What strategies are in place to achieve the targets? Identify barriers if they exist. See page 12
Ready for and post graduation • Why is this measure important? • The measure is important so that we can see how well we are preparing students for their future. • What does the data tell us? There is a large gap in achievement between the two big high schools (Roosevelt and South). Students at South average 7 points higher on the ACT. South averages more than 30% higher than Roosevelt in GRAD test results for reading, writing and math. South students achieve at high levels higher than the district average in all areas. Roosevelt achieves well below the district average in all areas except credit readiness. • What strategies are in place to achieve the targets? • Intentionally placing students in rigorous courses. • AVID • Formative Assessment • Sheltered Instruction Strategies • MCA Preparation Classes • Change administration/leadership team at Roosevelt High School • Identify barriers if they exist. • There is a significant difference in the number of ELL students that attend Roosevelt and South. The barriers are time and professional development. We need more time and professional development for teachers so they can successfully educate ELL students to accelerate their growth.
Student Engagement- Attendance, Student stability and mobility
Student Engagement-Student stability and mobility • Why is this measure important? • These measures are important because they indicate student attendance and mobility rates. Research shows that student attendance and stability is directly related to success in school. • What does the data tell us?Area B has had a relatively stable rate for students who attend at least 95%. Student stability is on par with the district average. Student mobility is slightly lower than the district average. • What strategies are in place to achieve the targets? Identify barriers if they exist. • Students attending schools in their area • Follow enrollment guidelines • Family Outreach • A barrier is many of our sites are overcrowded. We may have to open additional buildings.
School Climate-Suspensions Why is this measure important? The number of student suspensions and the rate of suspension are indicators of school climate. What does the data tell us?While the student population stayed relatively the same In Area B, suspensions decreased over the three-year period from 2008-2010. In 2008, 2220 students were suspended. That rose slightly in 2009 to 2240, then dropped to 1850 in 2010. What strategies are in place to achieve the targets? Identify barriers if they exist. The chief strategies schools are using are Responsive Classroom, Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) and Second Step. Note: Current year we are seeing a significant increase in suspensions at both South and Roosevelt. A barrier is limited choice to transfer students within the zone.
Quality of Instruction and Teacher interventions (e.g. percent in PAR process) 2010 PAR Service Determinations and Flow, Area B Why is this measure important? This measure is important because it demonstrates how many teachers received intervention and assistance to improve performance. What does the data tell us? There are 556 teachers in Area B. In the most recent year, 23 teachers were referred for PAR services. That is 4% of the total number of teachers. In 2010, teachers in Area B were referred less often for PAR services than teachers in Area A, but more often than teachers in Area C. What strategies are in place to achieve the targets? Identify barriers if they exist. The PAR process and the PSP process exist to provide intensive assistance to improve teacher performance. The new teacher evaluation system should help with identifying candidates for PAR and supporting other teachers to improve.
Analysis of MPS K-8 Value-Added Data – VARC analysis (statewide) and REA analysis (MPS only; 3-year average)