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French 4 – IB French – AP French. 1 st 9 Week Units of Study. 10 - 100. 101 – 1, 000,000. 10 - DIX 20 - VINGT 30 - TRENTE 40 - QUARANTE 50 - CINQUANTE 60 - SOIXANTE 70 - SOIXANTE-DIX 80 - QUATRE-VINGTS 90 - QUATRE-VINGT-DIX 100 - CENT. 101 - CENT UN 150 - CENT CINQUANTE
French 4 – IB French – AP French 1st 9 Week Units of Study
10 - 100 101 – 1, 000,000 10 - DIX 20 - VINGT 30 - TRENTE 40 - QUARANTE 50 - CINQUANTE 60 - SOIXANTE 70 - SOIXANTE-DIX 80 - QUATRE-VINGTS 90 - QUATRE-VINGT-DIX 100 - CENT 101 - CENT UN 150 - CENT CINQUANTE 200 - DEUX CENTS 1000 - MILLE 1995 - MILLE NEUF CENTS QUATRE-VINGT-QUINZE 2000- DEUX MILLE 2011- DEUX MILLE ONZE 100, 000- CENT MILLE 1,000,000- UN MILLION 1, 000,000,000- UN MILLIARD Les NumÉros
Interro – Écrivezvosreponsessurunefeuille Les numerosordinaux et cardinaux • 79 • 103 • 51 • 80 • 83 • 600 • 613 • 2.000 • 15.718 • - soixante-dix-neuf - cent trois - cinquante et un - quatre-vingts - quatre-vingt-trois - six cents - six cents treize - deux mille - quinze mille sept cents dix-huit - un milliard, un billion
Bonjour/Salut Comment allez-vous?/Comment vas-tu? Je vaisbien/Je vais mal/Je vaiscomme-ci comme-ça À bientôt Au revoir. Les saluations
L’alphabet A - a B - bé C - cé D - dé E - eur F - effe G - j H - hache I - e J - g K - ka L - elle M - emme N - n O - o P - pé Q - ku R - air S - esse T - thé U - u V - vé W - double v X - ixe Y - e grec Z - zède
In spoken French, you'll find that certain words are run together to make what are called liaisons. You don't normally pronounce the x and s at the end of the deux or trois, but when they come in front of a word beginning with a vowel or a h you get a liaison. deux ticketsdeux entrées trois taxistrois hôtels La liaison
With huit (8) the t is silent before a consonant, but clearly pronounced before a vowel or the letter h. huit femmeshuitenfants La liaison
With six (6) and dix (10) the x is silent before a consonant (rhyming with English 'flee') but pronounced z before a vowel or letter h (rhyming with English 'fleas'). The introduction of the Euro as currency has given French lots of new liaisons. deux francs deux eurostrois francstrois euroshuit francshuit eurossix francssix eurosdix francsdix euros La liaison
The pronouns nous and vous follow the normal pattern of liaisons. The 's' is silent when it's at the end of a phrase or when it's followed by a consonant: Il vient au cinéma avec nous. Nous vendons des casquettes de toutes les couleurs. La liaison
When the following verb starts with a vowel or the letter 'h', the 's' is pronounced. It sounds like a 'z': Vous avez des chemises plus grandes ?Nous habitons près des magasins The adverbs plus, moins and très work in exactly the same way. plus grand plus intéressant moins cher BUT moins important très cool très intéressant La liaison
There are five accents used in French. An accent mark often signals how a vowel should be pronounced. In some cases the accent merely marks the site of a letter that is no longer in the word. Sometimes the accent is applied to distinguish one short word from another. Les accents
L’accentaigu (acute accent): appears on the letter e [é] as in été. Les Accents
L ’accent grave(grave accent):appears on the letter e[è] when it must be pronounced (ε) as in très. In the word voila, the accent indicates stress. It can also be used to avoid confusion in short, similar words: a (has) versus à(at, to, in), ou (or) versus où (where), la (the) versus là (there). Les Accents
L’accentcirconflexe (circumflex accent): is often placed over a vowel to mark the loss of a consonant in an earlier version of the word, usually an [s]. By reinserting the s in hate, for example, we can see how the French word was once more like the English word haste. Try these: arrêt, forêt, hôte, intérêt. arrest, forest, host, interest Les accents
Le tréma(called the diaeresis in English): appears on the second of two adjacent vowels to separate them into two different syllables. Noël, therefore, is prononced with two syllables, as are haïr, ïambe(iambic), maïs, and naïf. In proper names like Saint-Saëns, the tréma serves to silence the letter under it. Les accents
La cedille(called the cedilla in English): is attached under the letter C when it should be prononced [s] as in françaisor François, or garçon, or façon. Les Accents
Final consonants of French words are usually silent. français sportvoussalut An unaccented – e (or – es) at the end of a word is silent, but the preceding consonant is prononced. françaiseaméricaine orangesjaponaises Les sons et les lettres
The consonants – c, - r, -f, -l are usually pronounced at the ends of the words. To remember these exceptions, think of the consonants in the word CaReFuL. parc bonjour actif animal lac professeur naïf mal Les sons et les lettres
Practice saying these sentences aloud. Au revoir, Paul. À plus tard! Je vais très bien. Et vous, Monsieur Dubois? Qu’est-cequec’est? C’estunecalculatrice. Il y a un ordinateur, une table et une chaise. Frédéric et Chantal, je vousprésente Michel et Éric. Voici un sac à dos, des crayons et des feuilles de papier. Les Devoirs