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ICF Zurich Logo. Serienlogo. Background. MICHAEL SIEBER. Seiteneinblender. We are all called to care. Seiteneinblender.
Seiteneinblender Weare all calledtocare
Seiteneinblender He answered, "Love the Lord yourGodwith all yourheartandwith all yoursoulandwith all yourstrengthandwith all yourmind"; and, "Love yourneighborasyourself." The Bible, Luke 10:27-28
Seiteneinblender But he wantedtojustifyhimself, so he asked Jesus, "Andwhoismyneighbor?" The Bible, Luke 10:29
Seiteneinblender Thereisalways an excuse
Seiteneinblender A priest happenedtobegoing down the same road, andwhen he sawthe man, he passedby on theotherside. So too, a Levite, when he cametotheplaceandsawhim, passedby on theotherside. The Bible, Luke 10:31-32
Seiteneinblender • Excuses, • not totakecare: • I don’thave time • This personisveryguilty (deservedit) • Somebodyelsecan do itbetter • Itistoodangerous • This isnotrue (lasting) help • ...
Seiteneinblender "Tosayyoucare but not act isnot tocareatall."
Seiteneinblender True compassiondemandsaction
Seiteneinblender But a Samaritan, as he traveled, camewherethe man was; andwhen he sawhim, he tookpity on him. He wenttohimandbandagedhiswounds, pouring on oilandwine. The Bible, Luke 10:33-34
Seiteneinblender Greek: ‚splagchnizomai’ German: Compassion, tohavepity, feelpity
Seiteneinblender "The closer I am to Jesus themore I takecareofwhat he caresfor."
Seiteneinblender "The more I takecareofwhat Jesus caresfor, thecloser I getto Jesus."
Seiteneinblender True compassioninterrupts
Seiteneinblender He wenttohimandbandagedhiswounds, pouring on oilandwine. Then he putthe man on hisowndonkey, broughthimto an innandtookcareofhim. The Bible, Luke 10:34
Seiteneinblender True compassioncosts
Seiteneinblender The nextday he took out twodenariiandgavethemtotheinnkeeper. "Look after him," he said, "andwhen I return, I will reimburseyouforany extra expenseyoumayhave." The Bible, Luke 10:35
Seiteneinblender True compassionchangeslife
Seiteneinblender "Whichofthesethree do youthink was a neighbortothe man whofellintothehandsofrobbers?" The expert in thelawreplied, "The onewhohadmercy on him." Jesus toldhim, "Go and do likewise." The Bible, Luke 10:36