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Produk Indigenous Sebagai Pangan Fungsional

Materi 8. Produk Indigenous Sebagai Pangan Fungsional. Fransiska Rungkat Zakaria. Body needs both omega 3 and 6. Linoleic linolenic. DEFINISI. Pangan tradisional BERBAHAN LOKAL :.

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Produk Indigenous Sebagai Pangan Fungsional

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  1. Materi 8 Produk Indigenous Sebagai Pangan Fungsional Fransiska Rungkat Zakaria

  2. Body needs both omega 3 and 6 Linoleic linolenic

  3. DEFINISI Pangan tradisional BERBAHAN LOKAL: • Bahan baku atau resep makanan dan minuman yang terbuat dari bahan-bahan yang terdapat di Indonesia dan telah dikenal sejak dahulu. • Contoh: • tempe, tahu, oncom, bir pletok, wedang jahe, cincau, tape beras, peujeum, dodol, kredok, urap, asinan, sayur asin, kacang rebus, tauge sayuran dan buah-buahan tropis, bahan lalapan, rumput laut, dsbnya Pangan fungsional Makanan atau minuman yang berpengaruh positif terhadap kesehatan, Kegiatan fisik dan mental, disamping kandungan zat-zat gizinya

  4. ? Fungsional/ Biologis Pangan tradisional Pangan fungsional/functional food Pangan rekayasa/deigner food Pharmafoods Nutraceuticals Fungsional: Fungsi biologis seluler: sintesis protein, enzim, hormon, DNA, RNA, senyawa metabolik

  5. Jenis sel: endotelium, hati dan organ-organ lain, darah merah, imun, syaraf, kulit, penglihatan, dsbnya Sistem: vaskuler, imun, hormon, syaraf, pencernaan regenerasi/pertumbuhan sel (kanker), energi Kesehatan: Tanggung jawab bersama Ilmu dan teknologi pangan dengan farmakologi dan kedokteran


  7. Pendahuluan: Hubungan antara makanan dan tubuh Eat What Your Body is Made For Pangan/bahan alami: segar, .olahan Metabolisme (pembongkaran) Cells dlm organ tubuh


  9. It is abundantly clear that the incidence of all the common cancers in human is being determined by various potentially controllable external factors. This is surely the most comforting fact to come out of all cancer research, for it means that cancer is, in large part, a preventable diseases. World Cancer Research Funds (WCRF) & American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) 1997:670 halaman

  10. Pangan/makanan/bahan nabati/natural products yang dapat mencegah kanker dapat mencegah penyakit jantung, pembuluh darah, diabetes, dan penyakit degeneratif lainnya

  11. Pangan/makanan yang dapat mencegah kanker Berbagai jenis sayuran Daun cincau Klorofil serat Antosianin Flavonoid/fenolik Isotiosianat Karotenoid, terpenpoid

  12. Bagaimana terjadinya kanker ? 85% kejadian kanker disebabkan oleh faktor dari luar tubuh: Karsinogen (Polusi makanan /Minuman/ udara/air), sinar UV, virus, infeksi Hanya 15% disebabkan oleh keturunan

  13. Bagaimana terjadinya kanker ? Polusi udara, pencemaran makanan, Uvsinar matahari,, virus, infeks: 85% Keturunan: 15%i Gen Sel & gen Tidak normal Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Sel & Gen Normal KANKER Polusi udara, pencemaran makanan, UV/sinar matahari,,kegemukan, hormon

  14. Bagaimana terjadinya kanker ? Gen Gen Gen Gen Sel tidak normal,gen tidak normal, menghasilkan jaringan kanker/tumor Polusi: makanan minuman udara, air, sinar, kegemukan, hormon METASTASE MENYEBAR

  15. Gen pembetul Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Sel normal Sel tidak normal Sel bunuh diri • Diperngaruhi oleh: • Aktivitas fisik, kegemukan, makanan • yang dikonsumsi • Hormon dan faktor pertumbuhan Kerusakan gen lanjut Normal DNA • Diperngaruhi oleh: • Zat gizi tertentu spt karotenoid, retinol • Serat, bakteri kolon, asam lemak yang mudah menguap, pre/probiotik

  16. “Functionality” berdasarkan komponen:

  17. “Functionality” berdasarkan komponen:

  18. “Functionality” berdasarkan komponen:

  19. “Functionality” berdasarkan komponen:

  20. “Functionality” berdasarkan komponen:

  21. “Functionality” berdasarkan komponen:

  22. Penggunaan komoditi tanaman pangan sebagai bahan obat (POM)

  23. Potensi pangan tradisional sebagai pangan fungsional Bahan baku:prinsipal/suplemen: sayuran buah-buahan, rempah-rempah, ganggang, rumput laut, mikroorganisme, jamur Diet/menu: gado-gado, asinan, rujak, kredok, bubur manado, sayur asam, lodeh, sayur tumis, pindang ikan, sop buntut/kaki ayam, bubur kacang, cincau, wedang jahe, bir pletok, manisan buah, selai Perlu standardisasi bahan/pengolahan dan uji khasiat

  24. Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) extracts increase in vivo human LDL resistance to oxidation and prevent in vitro cholesterol accumulation in mouse macrophage Fransiska Rungkat-Zakaria(1, Aisyah T. Septiana(2 and Sulistiyani(3. 1) Dept Food Technology and Human Nutition, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia 2) University of Jend. Soedirman, Indonesia 3) Faculty of Math & Natural Sciece, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia

  25. Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) rhizoma

  26. INTRODUCTION • GINGER • Zingiber family • The rhizome is commonly accepted as a source of flavor : • cooking, drinks, baking • Grows well in tropical rainforest climate • Traditional beliefs: • prevention of common cold, physiological and stomach disorders, • inflammation, diarrhea, etc (Tang and Eisenbrand, 1992)

  27. Antioxidant capacity of ginger extract (oleoresin fractions) in • linoleic acid system > a-tocopherol (Kikuzaki and Nakatani,1993) • Oleoresin fractions gingerol, shogaol • Suppress 5-lipoxygenase or prostaglandin synthetase • (Flynn and Rafferty, 1986) • Protect TPA induced ear edema, epidermal ornithine decarboxylase • activity, skin tumor promotion in female ICR mice (Park et al, 1998) • Protect lymphocytes and hybridoma cells from induced oxidative • stress, reduced intracellular free radicals, increase natural killer • lysing function toward target cancer cells (Zakaria et al, 1999) • Increase Ca++ATPase activities in cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum • (Antipenko, et al.1999) Scientific Reports

  28. Modified LDL ( Ox – LDL, Ac LDL) Scavenger Reseptor Phagocytosis Endosome UC EC HDL Pinocitosis Translocation UC LDL Reseptor LDL receptor synthesis Acetate Cholesterol Lysosome Cholesterol up take Cholesterol processing Cholesterol exclussion Macrophage cholesterol Metabolism

  29. Monocyte Lipid streaks LDL Adhesion entry Foam cells Lipid oxidation differentiation ROS Protein modification Macrophage Uptake LDL Initiation mechanism of atherosclerosis

  30. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES • To find out whether drinking ginger water extract can • 1. Lower plasma cholesterols • 2. Protect plasma LDL against oxidation • To find out whether the protection of LDL can prevent further • accumulation of cholesterol in macrophage

  31. METHODOLGY • Subjects: 24 healthy male students living in the same religious dormitory • two groups: treated group and control/placebo group • Ginger drinks: • water extract, pasteurized 850C, added with sugar syrup • standardized acceptable drink • given every afternoon at 17:00 • placebo group received syrup without ginger extract • Plasma analysis: • 1. Total cholesterol (CHOD-PAP method, Boehringer-Mannheim, kit) • 2. LDL-C (PVS method, Boehringer-Mannheim, kit) • 3. HDL-C (phosphotungstic acid)

  32. LDL isolation: • 8 ml plasma + 5 ml NaCL 0.9% + EDTA 0.01% • incubation in polyalomer tubes • Ultracentrifugation at 36.000 rpm 40C, 20 hours • Tube cutting b VLDL • LDL + LDL (d> 1.006 g/ml) • Scaled tubes + 0.1109 g KBr/ml • Mixing • Transfer to new polyaomer tubes + 4 ml KBr in NaCl-EDTA • Ultracentrifuse, 36.000 40C 24 hrs • LDL (upperpart, d , 1.063 g/ml) • LDL, dialized

  33. LDL oxidation: • The isolated LDL was oxidized with 5 mM CuSO4 at 370C • conjugated dienes was monitor continuously at 234 nm for 30 minutes • MDA LDL analysis: • Extraction with butanol • measurement at 515 nm exitation, 553 nm emission (Conti et al • 1991)

  34. Cholesterol accumulation in macrophages: • Plasma from one healthy male was incubated with 430 mg/ml • ginger dichloromethane extract, 1 mM a-tocopherol or none • for 3 hrs at 370C • Mouse was injected with thioglycolate • macrophages, 2-3x106, isolated from peritoneal, were incubated • in RPMI 1640 containing 1% BSA and incubated for 4 hrs at • 370C, 5% CO2 • cells were washed and cholesterol was extracted with • isopropanol • total cholesterol, esterified cholesterol, free cholesterol analysis • was done by HPLC


  36. Figure 1. HDL, LDL, and total cholesterol, and triglyceride in plasma of male student subjects before and after treatment with ginger drink for 30 days (n=12) and those in control placebo subjects (n=12)

  37. Figure 2. Significant protective effects of drinking ginger for 30 days in male student subjects (n=12) on resistance of the isolated LDL against oxidation by CuSO4 for 100 minute, measured by conjugated dienes as the oxidation product during.

  38. Figure 3. Cholesterol profiles in macrophages incubated with oxidizedhuman LDL that have been supplemented with ginger dichloromethane extract (430 mg/ml), a-tocopherol (1 mM) or unsupplemented (control)

  39. CONCLUSSION • Drinking ginger water extract for 30 days did not lower • blood cholesterol levels nor reduce plasma MDA • However there was significant resistance to oxidation of the • LDL against induced oxidative stress • The resistance of LDL to oxidation prevent cholesterol • accumulation in macrophage cells similar to a-tocopherol

  40. IMMUNO ENHANCER ACTIVITY OF GINGER (Zingiber officinaleRoscoe) WATER EXTRACT IN HEALTHY MALE STUDENT SUBJECTS Fransiska Rungkat-Zakaria1, Nurrahman2, Dondin Sayuthi3, Francine Belleville4, and Pierre Nabet4 1. Dept Food Technology & Human Nutr, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia 2. School of Nutrition, Semarang, Indonesia 3. Deparment of Chemistry, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia 4. School of Medicine, Henri POINCARE University, Nancy, France

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