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DEPS Effects Committee

DEPS Effects Committee. Dave Hidinger Committee Chairman 28 Mar 2011. Overview. Key Activities Committee Goals & Structure Future Plans. Meeting Schedule. Committee Meetings: 12 Apr 2010 (Systems Symposium) 3 Aug 2010 (DE T&E Conference) 15 Nov 2010 (Annual Symposium)

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DEPS Effects Committee

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  1. DEPS Effects Committee Dave Hidinger Committee Chairman 28 Mar 2011

  2. Overview • Key Activities • Committee Goals & Structure • Future Plans

  3. Meeting Schedule • Committee Meetings: • 12 Apr 2010 (Systems Symposium) • 3 Aug 2010 (DE T&E Conference) • 15 Nov 2010 (Annual Symposium) • Programs & Capabilities Conference 5-6 May 2010 • Legal and Policy Panel • Organized by the Bio Effects S-C • Held during DEPS Annual Symposium

  4. 2010 Key Activities • Initial Goal Setting by Sub Committees • DE Effects Survey • Survey of DEPS members on several Effects-related topics • Survey consolidated and managed by Interoperability S-C • Results shared across S-Cs and presented at XXXX • Programs and Capabilities Conference, 5-6 May 2010 • Panel Discussion at DEPS Annual Symposium • “DE POLICY AND TRANSITION” • Organized by Bio Effects S-C

  5. Committee Structure • Bio Effects • Roxanne Constable (AFMC) • Rich Guthrie (LM) • VV&A • Gregory Brackett (AFRL) • Maqsood Mohammed (AAC) • Data Dissemination • Richee Dameron (AFRL) • Jim Rothenflue (LM) • Interoperability • Linda Lamberson (AFRL) • Dave Hidinger (LM) • HPM Effects • Dave Shafer (AFRL) • Steve Calico (LM) • HPM M&S • Tim Clarke (AFRL) • J.MarkDelGrande (Tech Flow Scientific) • Laser Effects • Nick Morley (AFRL) • Javon Evanoff (Ball Aerospace) • Laser M&S • Linda Lamberson (AFRL) • John Nugent (N-G)

  6. HPM Effects Subcommittee Steve Calico

  7. HPM EffectsPre-Database Methodology Purpose: Provide quality comprehensive effects data for dissemination amongst the DoD and it’s contractors

  8. HPM EffectsSystem / Device Test Methodology • Effects quantifications • JMEM definitions • System effect • Functional effect • Time out of action • Prediction-RFPROTEC? • DOE (design of experiments) matrix • ANODE ? • Data processing and archiving Prior to populating a data base we must, of necessity, define our best practices for data collection and logging. Then we can archive data for use by the community at large Best practices must include: A definition of the test objective Target geometries and environment Sensor locations Instrumentation Wavelength Bandwidth Record type Waveform Description PE Independent Variable

  9. HPM EffectsComponent/Element Methodology • Semiconductor material (pin parameters) • Operational parameters • Parasitic parameters (out of band) • Rectification efficiency • DOE (design of experiments) matrix • ANODE • Data processing and archiving Similarly when we evaluate components or elements we must ensure proper methodology and techniques: A definition of the test objective Component geometries Environment Direct drive and Free field Instrumentation Sensors/probes Wavelength Bandwidth Record type

  10. HPM EffectsSummary Prior to defining the data base we must reach a consensus on the instrumentation and data quality. At component level efforts measurement precision is even more critical A standard practices for test and measurement of HPM, HPRF, and WB environments must be provided to ensure data quality and credibility The field parameters for a data base will be developed based on the standard practices, as well as requirements of analysis programs developed specifically for these applications The data base must be accessible We have offered to incorporate both ANODE and RFPROTEC or potential the JMEM version as the standards for analysis and prediction

  11. HPM M&S • We view our scope as effects-related M&S, specifically for counter-electronics applications, and not including ADS (human effects) • We identified several near term and far term issues: • Near term • Time Out of Action: need to formalize the kinds of models and data that are needed to predict TOA for various target sets • Define requirements for wideband and low-frequency propagation, environmental interaction and target interaction models for engagement M&S • Develop methodology for V&V of effects models that leads to standard for effects tests and comparison of data with models • Far term • M&S support for BDA • Predictive effects modeling

  12. HEL Effects • Develop, distribute, and assess results of a formalized survey to Industry and Government • Identify specific needs and expectations for effects data • Define need for subcommittee and develop charter as necessary • To be completed by 15 Feb10 • Recommend to Effects Committee improvements for inclusion in collection standards, lethality conference, and data exchange and publication policies • Recommendation to be made at quarterly Effects Committee meetings • Re-evaluate Collection Standards on a yearly basis • Implement improvements as identified and necessary in Lethality Conference • Promote DEPS Journal Submissions on laser effects research • Recommend (as a minimum) at least one relevant laser effects submission to the DEPS Journal per quarter

  13. HEL M&S • Survey DE community use of existing models to address the full kill chain related to HEL weapons • Initial e-mail survey to identify primary use of JTO models and determine interest in online users forum • Survey to be completed before DEPS System Symposium • Look for opportunities to share lessons learned and learn from RF/HPM modeling. Work closely with RF M&S Subcommittee. • Initiate joint meeting/telcon to discuss lessons learned • Advocate for the establishment of a user group and technical forum/help desk for models (initially focusing on JTO models). • Look into no-low cost options for online forum that is available to government and industry users • Establish benchmark reference case(s) to help users learn models • Consider voluntary measures such as newsletter and availability of subject matter experts as an interim solution to provide information to the DE community.

  14. Bio Effects SubcommitteeSCOPE • INTEREST • Bioeffects data production, including standards • Database(s) for storage of DE bioeffects data, with particular emphasis on the DE2IAC and other appropriate bioeffects database(s) • OPERATIONAL • Data dissemination through the database(s), meetings, and other means • Create opportunities for socialization of DE bioeffects with legal and policy communities • Support development of guidelines for validated simulation and modeling of DE bioeffects

  15. Bio Effects Subcommittee OBJECTIVES • Determine the need for DE bioeffects data collection and storage standardization & advocate solutions for these needs • Promote the broad dissemination of DE bioeffects data to appropriate parties • Determine the current standards for use of DE effects data in modeling and simulation and advocate standards where none exist • Taking other actions as appropriate to foster the production, storage, distribution and correct use of trustworthy DE bioeffects information and understanding • Increase the interaction between the technical/biological communities and the policy/legal communities Added in 2011

  16. 2010 GOALS (reference)

  17. Bio Effects Subcommittee ACCOMPLISHMENT for 2010 • SPONSORED “DE POLICY AND TRANSITION” PANEL DISCUSSION at DEPS ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM • Covered all aspects of transition, including bioeffects • Provided interactive forum for discussing issues

  18. Bio Effects Subcommittee 2011 GOALS

  19. VV&A • Use a common approach where feasible and diverge where necessary between HPM and HEL VV&A • Develop a simple but a robust method for VV&A • Seek synergistic help from past and present committees • Concentrate on selective portions of VV&A • Develop a “standard” test protocol, if feasible • Identify “turn key” simulation tools for Validation • Exercise the methodology for the selected tools • Identify and map validation Parameters • Disseminate information to DEPS Committee

  20. Data Dissemination2010 Goals • Build and distribute (as requested) a comprehensive list of all HEL-JTO material effects data summaries. In addition, the committee will work towards getting these summaries all in one place so that we can distribute as needed. • Devise a means of developing a list of all pertinent players who have access to certain types of data/technical information. If we can build an effective network of both Gov and Industry organizations along with a synopsis of the type of data/technical information they either administer or create, we believe this can be highly beneficial throughout the community. • Develop a standard operating procedure for both Gov and Industry members to visit our location so as to gain access to both SIPRnet and the DE2AC repository. (This one is going to be tough as I have to figure out how to allow people to use SIPR on a as needed basis.)

  21. Data Dissemination Five-Minute Overview • Goals for the New YEAR (We are just getting a late start) • Have everyone register with DTIC • Simpler than ever if you have a CAC card • Develop intelink site on SIPRnet • Already created on for a DEPS short course http://www.intelink.sgov.gov/sites/lwf101 • Can be a Wiki, blog, information site, meeting site or numerous other configurations • Anyone with SIPR will have access

  22. DE2AC IAC • Go to https://tems-iac.dtic.mil • Use either CAC or previously created DTIC password • User will gain access to all 12 DoD sponsored IAC libraries • Simple to navigate and there is a ton of information

  23. Interoperability S-C • Goal #1:  Identify issues and problems that are being worked in multiple Sub-Committees of the DEPS DE Effects Committee.  When possible, this will be proactive – our members will review and consider the issues being discussed in each sub-committee, and attempt to predict if they are applicable across multiple groups.  • Goal #2:  Review the activities and issues developed in each of the other sub-committees.  Assign an Interoperability S-C member to each of the other S-Cs, and ensure we are either attending or receiving a substantive de-brief from each activity (telecon, meeting, etc …). • Goal #3: Develop and maintain a Lessons Learned archive to allow each S-C to access the results from the other S-Cs.  This Archive will depend on input from each S-C.  Format and location of the archive is TBD.

  24. Future Plans • Establish Effects Committee Roster and Mailing List • Update and Improve DEPS Web Page • Review and possibly revise S-C structure • Too many groups, not enough activity • Focus required to produce meaningful results • SC Leadership – time to renew / change?

  25. Future Plans (cont.) • Identify and Prioritize areas of broad interest and potential influence • Not only do “we” care, but can we make a difference? • Survey – good … Data Access – bad • Consider additional PCCs … gather and evaluate community feedback • DEPS Board is planning 2-year cycle • Topics and Management – a new subcommittee? • Install Panel Discussion as an Annual Event • Identify future topics • Task to appropriate S-Cs

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