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Developmental Education Program Survey (DEPS). A Statewide Survey of Developmental Education Programs and Policies. Developmental Education Program Survey – Why?. Statute requires public IHE’s to submit their Developmental Education Plans to the THECB
Developmental Education Program Survey (DEPS) A Statewide Survey of Developmental Education Programs and Policies
Developmental Education Program Survey – Why? • Statute requires public IHE’s to submit their Developmental Education Plans to the THECB • Prior Developmental Education Plans were not standardized • Narrative DE Plans • Information reported across institutions was not consistent • Information could not be effectively linked to outcome data collected by the THECB • Information could not be used to start effective statewide planning • Developmental Education is an important issue to study, and policymakers are asking for increasing amounts of information.
Survey Development • 5 sections of the DEPS • General Information • Academic Advising • College Readiness Assessment • Course Information • Faculty Development • Questions were based on predictors of successful developmental education programs. • Hunter Boylan’s Research • National Association of Developmental Education • Internal expertise • DEPS is behavior (street level) survey. – Tip of the iceberg– • Do you have it? • Who does it? • When do you do it? • Who? • To some degree --how is it done?
Survey Development • Old Developmental Education Plans • 4 Institutions (2 universities, 2 community colleges) were given early versions and piloted the DEPS. • Approval by Data/Research Committee • Glossary of Terms developed. • DEPS information website was developed. • IHE’s leadership were asked to provide a point person to complete the DEPS.
DEPS Training • DEPS training sessions were conducted with all institutions two weeks prior to the start of the survey (Live Meeting). • Question and Answer sessions were conducted at the time of training. • FAQ’s section was added to DEPS website based on training session and all question asked to staff • All institutions were provided with a DEPS e-mail address and staff contacts to answer questions during the survey process.
Survey Methodology • 96 Public Institutions (1 institution did not respond) • 67 CTC’s and/or Districts • 29 Universities (institutions with only DE programs) • Institutions were given 6 weeks to complete the survey. • After all institutions completed the survey, each institution was sent an error report and asked to fix all errors and resubmit survey. • Institutions were then asked to certify their survey responses.
Reporting DEPS • Statewide, 2-year, and university results will be posted online. • Individual institution reports will be posted online.
Centralized and Decentralized D.E. Programs CTC’s (N=67) Universities (N=29)
Decentralized Programs with D.E. Coordinators CTC ‘s (N=42) Universities (N=19) • * Only includes programs that reported being decentralized
D.E. Program Mission Statements CTC ‘s (N=67) Universities (N=29)
Academic Advising Requiring Academic Advising for D.E. Students • Only one institution reported not providing Academic Advising for D.E. students • 15 (19.4%) of CTC’s do not require Academic Advising for D.E. students.
Specialized Academic Advising for D.E. Students *Slide only includes institutions that require Academic Advising for DE students. CTC N= 55 Universities N=28
How Often is Academic Advising Required for D.E. Students *Slide only includes institutions that require Academic Advising for DE students. CTC N= 54 (2 institutions did not respond to this question) Universities N=28 (1 institution did not respond to this question)
Individual Education Plans (IEP’s) for D.E. Students CTC’s (N=67) Universities (N=29) Only 58% of CTC’s are developing Individualized Education Plans (IEP’s) for D.E. students. Only 64% of institutions statewide develop IEP’s. IEP’s are required by statute.
Required Academic Advising before First Credit Bearing Course CTC’s (N=54) Universities (N=28) *Slide only includes institutions that require Academic Advising for DE students.
Institutions that reported using Diagnostic Tools from College Readiness Assessments CTC’s (N=67) Universities (N=29)
Monitoring Academic Performance of D.E. Students 12 (19%) CTC’s and 4 (13.8%) universities reported not systemically monitoring the academic performance of D.E. students.
Monitoring Frequency of D.E. students’ Academic Performance during a Semester* Only includes institutions that reported monitoring the Academic Performance of D.E. students CTC’s N=54 (3 Institutions failed to report on this variable) Universities N=25
Early Warning Systems for D.E. Students CTC’s (N=54) Universities (N=25) • Only includes institutions that reported monitoring the Academic Performance of D.E. students • 1 Institution failed to report on this variable
Frequency of Student Support Services for Developmental Education Students CTC’s (N=67) Universities (N=29)
TSI Approved CR Assessments Used by Institutions CTC’s Universities
Other CR Assessments Used CTC’s Universities
CR Assessments and Placement • Institutions were asked cutoff scores for placement of students into different levels of D.E. • This part of the survey went poorly. • Respondents often gave scores that were impossible (for example 320 on the THEA). • Responses were removed from the survey.
Institutions with Faculty Development Units CTC’s (N=67) Universities (N=29)
Institutions that Provide Faculty Development for D.E. Faculty CTC’s (N=67) Universities (N=29)
Institutions with Policies Encouraging the Use of Learning Techniques CTC’s (N=67) Universities (N=29)
Frequency of Faculty Development Programs for Developmental Education Faculty CTC’s (N=67) Universities (N=29)
Institutions that Hold Regular Meetings of D.E. Faculty CTC’s (N=67) Universities (N=29)
Frequency of D.E. Faculty Meetings* Graph only includes institutions that do hold regular D.E. faculty meetings CTC N=51 Universities N=18
Institutions that Include Part-time Lectures/ Adjunct Faculty in D.E. Faculty Meetings* CTC’s (N=50) Universities (N=17) Graph only includes institutions that do hold regular DE faculty meetings One University is missing
Examples of D.E. Faculty Development • National Association of Developmental Education (NADE) – 12 - NADE focuses on the academic success of students by * providing professional development, * supporting student learning, * providing public leadership, * disseminating exemplary models of practice, * coordinating efforts with other organizations * facilitating communication among developmental education professionals, and * anticipating trends. • Learning Communities- 100- We have had in-house workshops in which we've brought in experts from other colleges and universities; we've had numerous break-out presentations on this topic at Faculty conferences; and we have sent faculty to professional workshops at Columbia University, Evergreen State University, and other places. • North Texas Community College Consortium 5 Personnel presented to developmental faculty from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board as well as representatives from regional developmental programs. This was a one day workshop.
Levels of Math D.E. CTC’s (N=67) Universities (N=29)
Levels of Reading D.E. CTC’s (N=67) Universities (N=29)
Levels of Writing D.E. CTC’s (N=67) Universities (N=29)
Percentage of Institutions with Paired D.E. courses by Subject Area
Systemic Plan for D.E. Course Evaluation CTC’s (N=67) Universities (N=29)
Offer Study Skills/Learning Strategies Courses CTC’s (N=67) Universities (N=29)
Students Required to Take Study Skills/ Learning Strategies Courses Only includes institutions that reported having a LS/ SS course CTC’s N=48 (3 Institutions failed to report on this variable) Universities N=25
Offer Study Skills/Learning Strategies Workshops CTC’s (N=67) Universities (N=29)
Students who are evaluated on Study Skills/ Learning Strategies
Institutions Offering Non-Course Based Remediation CTC’s (N=67) Universities (N=29)