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Top tips for PIP. Rhianon Gale June 2013. What is Personal Independence Payment (PIP)?. New benefit for people with disabilities and long term illnesses, for people aged 16 – 64 Face to face assessment for most people Regular reviews
Top tips for PIP Rhianon Gale June 2013
What is Personal Independence Payment (PIP)? New benefit for people with disabilities and long term illnesses, for people aged 16 – 64 Face to face assessment for most people Regular reviews Assessment will consider how impairment affects an individual’s life (not what the impairment is) and assessing on that basis
How much is PIP? Daily living: Standard rate £53.00 Enhanced rate £79.15 Mobility: Standard rate: £21.00 Enhanced rate: £55.25
When will PIP be introduced? New claims are being taken now (people who don’t already claim DLA) October 2013 – reassessments begin for:- fixed period DLA awards coming up for renewal- young people turning 16- DLA claimants who report a change in their condition October 2015 – DWP will begin to contact all DLA claimants to tell them they need to claim PIP. People who turned 65 after 8 April 2013 will be prioritised March 2018 – transfer to PIP complete Use www.gov.uk/pip-checker to see the date you are likely to be affected by the transfer
What about people turning 16? If your son or daughter turns 16 on or before 6th October 2013 and their current DLA award is ending, they should be sent a DLA renewal pack They will be invited to claim PIP at a later date If they turn 16 after 6th October 2013, the DWP will contact them shortly after their birthday to invite them to claim PIP They will not have the option of staying on DLA instead, unless they get DLA under the special rules for the terminally ill If someone’s current DLA award is due to end on their 16th birthday, the DLA payments will continue for a temporary period until a decision has been made on their PIP claim
How do I apply for PIP? Telephone call to DWP Complete paper form Attend an assessment A decision letter is posted to you
How is PIP assessed? Two components: Daily Living Mobility Two rates for each component: Standard – 8 points Enhanced – 12 points Descriptors of activities give an amount of points towards an individual’s score Points scored = which rate and how much money you will receive
PIP Descriptors Daily living – 10 activities Preparing food Taking nutrition Managing therapy or monitoring a health condition Washing and bathing Managing toilet needs or incontinence Dressing and undressing Communicating verbally Reading and understanding signs, symbols and words Engaging with other people face to face Making budgeting decisions Mobility – 2 activities Planning and following journeys Moving around
How the descriptors are chosen Consideration of a 12 month period 1 descriptor applies > 50% of the time, it is chosen If 1 or more descriptor applies > 50% of the time, the descriptor that applies for the greater proportion of the time is chosen If 1 descriptor does not apply for more than 50% of the time, buta number of different descriptors in that activity together are satisfied for more than 50% of the time:the descriptor satisfied for the greatest proportion of the time should be choseneg B = 40% and C = 30% B should be selected
Activity descriptors - reliability Assessors must take into account whether each activityis carried out: Safely To an acceptable standard Repeatedly In a reasonable time period If someone cannot reliably complete an activity in the way described then they should be considered unable to complete it Key words!
Activity descriptors - reliability Assessors must consider for each activity: Approach Outcome Impact Variability The fact that an individual can complete an activity is not sufficient evidence of ability
Activity descriptors – support Assessors must look at support needed to carry out an activity, whether support is available or not: Supervision Prompting Assistance Aids and appliances: Aids: e.g. walking sticks or spectacles Appliances: e.g. artificial limbs, collecting devices (stomas) and wheelchairs
PIP – completing the form- 6 questions to ask yourself for each activity What is the health condition and what are the symptoms that cause you problems with [activity]? Describe the problems you have, giving details and examples if you can If you use any aids or appliances, list them and explain why you use them If you need physical help, supervision or prompting, whether you actually get it or not, explain what you need and why you need it, including if you need help with using aids or appliances. If you can’t manage with help from another person and have to have everything done for you, say so Say when during the day or night you have problems. Is it all the time, mostly in the morning or just in the evening? If your condition varies, from day to day or week to week, explain how much it varies and what problems you have when you are at your best, worst and average
PIP – completing the form Wherever you can, complete the ‘extra information’ box, even if you think you are stating the obvious! Say when you need help, even if you don’t get it With your form, send in any evidence you have; letters from doctors, physiotherapists, speech and language therapists, psychiatrists etc Do not mark any additional evidence as “confidential” or “in confidence” Staple any additional pages or evidence to your form, so they do not get lost when the envelope is opened Do not delay sending your form because you want to gather more evidence – you will give information on the form about professionals you see. The DWP will contact them for more information. Keep a photocopy of your form and any additional pages or evidence you have sent Make an appointment with the GP, tell them how your conditions affect you, it will enable them to give an accurate report to the DWP
PIP – face to face practicalities Location of assessment – do you/your relative have accessibility issues? Is a home visit needed? Do you need to rearrange the appointment? People can take support to face to face assessment Recording of assessments Taking extra evidence to assessment Copy of report can be requested from DWP after the assessment – the assessor cannot give you an opinion on entitlement, nor can they give you a copy of your report The assessor should give an overview of the findings they have taken from the consultation and answer any questions or concerns you have
PIP – face to face assessment You will be asked to describe a ‘typical’ day Are aids, adaptations or support needed to carry out any task? Can an activity be done once but not again for the rest of the day/week? Remember the important PIP word “reliability” Is support needed at night as well as day time? Give as much detail as possible Take notes of what the assessor says, especially if you think you might need to challenge anything later
PIP – face to face assessment When considering inconsistencies, [assessors] should bear in mind that claimants can often underplay the impact of conditions….. Where the claimant has a mental, cognitive or intellectual impairment…the claimant may not be able to give an accurate account of their health condition or impairment, through a lack of insight or unrealistic expectation of their own ability. In such cases it will be essential to get an accurate account from the companion…
PIP – the decision notice The Case Manager at the DWP (the decision maker) will make their decision based on:- your ‘How your disability affects you’ form- the report from the Atos assessor- any additional evidence, eg supporting evidence from GP, consultant, relatives and friends You will receive a decision letter stating:- what components, daily living and/or mobility, you have been awarded- what rates- for how many years your award is If you have not been awarded PIP, or you have had a reduction moving from DLA to PIP, you will also get a phone call from the decision makerto help you understand how the decision was made
PIP – following the decision If you’re happy with your award, consider getting a benefits check done as you may now be entitled to additional amounts in the benefits you already receive or you may be entitled to benefits you haven’t received in the past Ask for a copy of the assessment to use as a reference point (even if you’re happy with it) If award is for a fixed number of years you should be sent another claim form before it runs out If award is indefinite you may still receive review forms to complete every few years
Appeals If you’re unhappy with your award, you can apply for it to be looked at again – a mandatory reconsideration - must be done within one month of the date of the decision letter The DWP does not have a time limit to carry out the mandatory reconsideration You will receive two copies of a mandatory reconsideration notice Appeal to the Tribunals Service must be made within one month of the date on the mandatory reconsideration notice
‘Passporting’ Carer’s Allowance: Standard or enhanced rate of daily living component Disabled person’s parking permit (blue badge) Standard rate (8 points or more) of ‘Moving around’ activity Vehicle Excise Duty reduction (road tax) Enhanced rate of mobility component – full exemption Standard rate of mobility component – 50% reduction Motability scheme Enhanced rate of mobility component
What to do now? Write down the ‘typical day’ as a base to work from and add to Talk to people who know you/your relative; family, friends, support staff Keep a notepad handy so when you notice or think of something to include, you can jot it down before you forget! If online, check www.gov.uk/pip-checkerto get an idea of when you will need to go through the process
More information? Support? 0117 906 1751 rhianon.gale@hft.org.uk www.hft.org.uk/familycarersupport