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HB 5 Presentation Foundation Graduation Plan Ore City ISD Spring 2014. ORE CITY INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT College and Career Ready. ENDODRSEMENTS. ELECTIVES. 4 YEAR FOUNDATION PLAN. ADVANCED CREDITS. CTE COURSES. Making the Puzzle Fit for our Students.
HB 5 Presentation Foundation Graduation Plan Ore City ISD Spring 2014 ORE CITY INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICTCollege and Career Ready
What is the purpose of HB 5? Simply, to give students a more relevant chance of college entrance, career recognition goals, and allowing the student to make those course selections with their parents and the school so they can better prepare for a career.
OUR GOALS: Prepare you and your 8th grade student for high school by: Providing information on HB 5 requirements of the new graduation plan for all new 2014 9th graders and is optional for current high school students Sharing information on graduation requirements so that family discussions on Endorsements can begin Sharing important dates and upcoming activities. Student, parent and school must sign the plan Welcome
New Graduation Requirements of HB 5 #1 College or Post Secondary Readiness
College Readiness College readiness can be defined as the level of preparation necessary for students to enroll and succeed—without remediation—in entry-level, credit bearing, general education courses.
New Graduation Requirements of HB 5 #2 Career Readiness
Career Readiness Career readiness involves three major skill areas: Core academic skills and the ability to apply those skills in the workplace Employability skills such as critical thinking and responsibility that are essential to all career areas Technical, job-specific skills related to a specific career pathway that offer family-sustaining wages and opportunities for advancement.
New Graduation Requirements of HB 5 College or Post Secondary Readiness Career Awareness/Exploration/Planning for PK-12 Parental Engagement Component in selecting credit choices for your student’s four-year Personal Graduation Plan What is a credit One credit = 1 full year in a class One half credit = 1 semester of a class To earn a credit: Semester average must be 70% or greater Must attend 90% of days allotted each year for course credit
Key Components of HB 5 –Graduation Requirements HB 5 eliminates the Minimum, Recommended, and Advanced high school graduation plans The new Graduation plan is called the Foundation High School Program (FHSP), with career pathway endorsements Expanded Career and Technology courses to satisfy endorsement requirements Required for Freshman entering 9th grade in 2014-2015, optional for current high school students.
As a parent, what do you need to do? Suggestions: Attend this meeting Be aware of credit requirements for graduation Talk to your student about their future goals Explore all of the possibilities that are available for college and careers Keep in contact with your student’s counselor at Ore City High School Students may change Endorsement but make sure Endorsement requirements are able to be met 8. Realize we are learning about this plan, too.
Present & Past Graduation Plans Students beginning high school in 2014-2015 must complete the requirements of the new graduation program. Students enrolled in high school prior to 2014-2015 will have the choice to complete their current (MHSP, RHSP, or DAP) graduation program or to transition to the new Foundation High School Program.
This academic year, parents & 8th grade students will create a plan for high school years and beyond Counselors will work with 8th grade students to discuss credits, grades, GPA, & high school graduation requirements. Upon entering 9th grade, a student must indicate (in writing) an endorsement he/she intends to earn. Students must be allowed to choose a different endorsement at any time Personal Graduation Plans
Personal Graduation Plans Must pass 5 End of Course assessments: English I, English II, Alg I, Biology, & U.S. History to graduate Two optional EOC assessments offered: English III and Algebra II Additionally, counselors will discuss with students about life beyond high school (college & careers)
High School counselor • Review the PGP with each student entering 9th grade • Must discuss options for distinguished diploma • Create a High School PGP to include • Promote college and workforce readiness • Facilitate student’s transition from secondary to post secondary Personal Graduation Plan
Foundation Graduation PlanAll students will take all courses in The Foundation Plan
FHSP with Endorsements With Endorsements require 26 credits for graduation, including: 4th Math credit 4th Science Credit 4 additional elective credits in a coherent sequences within the endorsement
Endorsements Each school district must make available to high school students courses that allow a student to complete the curriculum requirements for at least one endorsement. A student shall specify in writing an endorsement the student intend to earn upon entering 9th grade. A school district that offers only one endorsement curriculum must offer the multi-disciplinarystudies endorsement curriculum
Change of Endorsements Continue to update the 4-Year Plan every year, along with Course registration Students will have the opportunity to change Endorsements, but need to make sure Endorsement requirements are able to be met As of now, OCISD shall clearly indicate an Endorsement on the transcript of a student
Graduationwithout an Endorsement • A student can graduate under the Foundation Program without an endorsement if, after his/her sophomore year: • The student and the parent are advised by the counselor of the specific benefits of graduating from high school with one or more endorsements; and • The student’s parent files with the school counselor written permission (on a TEA developed form) allowing the student to graduate under the Foundation High School Program without an endorsement
View the Ore City Plans for Student Endorsements • Arts and Humanities • Business and Industry • STEM (Science-Technology-Engineering-Math) • Public Services • Multidisciplinary Studies
Arts and Humanities Courses related to: Political Science Cultural Studies English Literature History Fine Arts World Languages Arts Administration, Advertising & Publication, Fashion Design, Interior Design, Performing Arts, Book editor, Curator, Graphic Designer, Music Director, Photographer, Musician, Creative Director, Editor, News industry
Business and Industry Courses related to: Accounting Marketing Agricultural Science Graphic Design Welding Automotive Technology Finance Construction Graphic Design Accountant, Business Administration, Forestry, Human Resources, Mortgage Broker, Office Manager, Paralegal, Recruiter, Court Clerks, Court Reporters, Data Entry, Legal Secretaries, Insurance Claims, Public Relations, Medical Sec, Computer Programmers, Auditors, Payroll Clerks
STEM Courses Related to: Technology Computer Science Biotechnology Environmental Science Engineering Bio-Technology, Computer Science, Engineering, Pre-Professional Health, Researcher, Software Developer, Dental, Occupation Therapist, Fitness Trainers, Data Analyst, Construction, Transportation, Aerospace, Advanced manufacturing, Veterinarians, Financial Examiners STEM will require students to successfully complete Algebra II and Biology, Chemistry, and Physics.
Public Services Courses related to: Health science occupations Law enforcement Culinary arts and hospitality Education & training Clergy, Corrections Officer, Federal man Relations, Nursing, Social Worker, Teacher, Hospital Administrator, Director Nursing, Nonprofit organization, Communications, Nutritionist, Physician Assistant, Human Resources, Public Relations, Financial Manager, Risk Management, Claims Examiner
Multidisciplinary Studies Allows a student to select courses from the curriculum of each endorsement area and earn credits in a variety of advanced courses from multiple content areas sufficient to complete the distinguished level of achievement.
Dual Credit Students can begin taking college courses AFTER their 10th grade year. Dual credit is permissible during the summer and regular school year. Student must meet certain criteria to be eligible for Dual Credit.
Career and Technical Education (CTE) CTE State Plan • Competencies leading to academic and technical skill attainment • Industry-recognized license • Associate degree • Opportunities for college credit • Opportunities for dual credit courses TEA and HECB • Will develop English Language Arts III and Algebra II as an EOC and be ready in 2016. • These two courses measure college readiness by the student passing these 2 additional EOC exams. Taking the exams is voluntary but serve as the entrance examination for college (takes place of the TSI) and eligibility for a TEXAS grant.
DISTINGUISHED Level of Achievement 4 credits in mathematics which must include Algebra II 4 credits in science Complete the FOUNDATION PLAN Complete curriculum requirements for at least one endorsement A student in the top 10% of his/her class must have earned the Distinguished Level of Achievement to be eligible for automatic admission to a Texas public college or university. Not required—student choice
PERFORMANCE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS A student may earn a performance acknowledgement • For outstanding performance • In a dual credit course • In bilingualism & biliteracy • On an AP test or IB exam • On the PSAT, ACT-Plan , the ACT • For earning a nationally or internationally recognized business or industry certification or license by high achievement on an examination (CNA cert., Microsoft Office Suite Certification, etc. ) • Not required
Future Events / Dates March 24 OCISD HB 5 Administrative Team will present graduation plan to the OCISD Board of Trustees ________OCISD Administration will met with 8th grade parents and students to discuss HB 5 and introduce the graduation plans and endorsements. _______OCISD High School and OCISD Middle School Counselors will being meeting with 8th grade parents/students to outline course schedules and select endorsement plan for high school.
PERFORMANCE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Outstanding Performance In a dual credit course (12 hours college academic courses with 3.0-4.0 grade) In bilingualism & biliteracy (Credit for all ELA subjects with 80-100 and 3 credits in one language with 80-100 or TEKS Proficiency Level IV with 80-100, or LOTE score 3/4 on College Board AP exam/LOTE score 4 on IB exam, or Int to High on National Language Assessment and Met exit for ESL as Advanced High on TELPAS state examination) On an AP exam must score 3/4 or IB exam score 4 On the PSAT score commended, the ACT-Plan show college readiness score on 2 of 4 subject tests, the SAT combined read/math 1250, or the ACT composite score of 28 (excludes writing) For earning a nationally or internationally recognized business or industry certification or license by high achievement on an examination (CNA cert., Microsoft Office Suite Certification, etc. ) *see next slide for examples Not required
PERFORMANCE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Outstanding Performance • For earning a nationally or internationally recognized business or industry certification or license by high achievement on an examination • OCISD currently or may offer: • NCCER Welding, Level One • NCCER Welding, Level Two • American Welding Society (SENSE Certification) • Floral Design Certification (Texas Floral Association) • IC3 Internet and Computing Core Certification • Microsoft Office Specialist Certification Word, Excel, Powerpoint • Office Access, Outlook and Microsoft MTA • Adobe Photoshop