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K y n a T e c h . Co. l i m it e d

K y n a T e c h . Co. l i m it e d. h t t p : / / w w w .re f i l l i n k.cn. What is Ce r amic ink?. We a l l k n o w t he a p p li cati o n o f i n k j et p r i nti n g i s m a i n l y i n: o f f i ce f il es pri n t i n g, o u t d o o r A D a n d s i g n pr i nti n g, o f f i c e

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K y n a T e c h . Co. l i m it e d

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  1. KynaTech.Co.limited http://www.refillink.cn WhatisCeramicink? Weallknowtheapplicationof inkjet printing ismainlyin: officefilesprinting, outdoorADandsignprinting, office andhomepicturesprinting,texitleprinting.Andthereisanothernew andimportantapplicationis:printingon ceramic,drop-on-demandprinting.i.e.designedspecifically forceramictilesprinting.theycontainspecial inorganicpigments, it will fusedintotheglass during thetempering or annealingprocess. Whatisthehistoryandcurrentmarketofceramicink? printingonceramicsince year2000. Year2000, thefirst ceramicprintermadebyUSAFerro andKarajet.AndFerrostart maketheink. Year2004, thetechnolgy isacceptable by Euromarket,companies start research on it. year2006, Spain developgood init. Year2009,ceramicprintersstartselltoChinesemarket.Chinesefactoriesmakeceramicinkstartresearchat 2010,andseeonshowat2011. NowUSAFerro, Italy Col-orobbia, SpainTorrecid/ Esmalglass-Itaca/Vidres/ Frittaproduceceramicink. Nowhotsellingceramicprintersfrom:CretaPrint,KeraJet,Durst,Projecta,Jettableoutofchina.Chinese printerbrandsasFlora,Hope,Taiwei etc. Whatistheshortofceramicinknow? Theshortoftheceramicinknow:Expiresoon,easydeposit;colorisalittlelight,notheavyenough;redcolor actsnot perfectsatisfy. IVECOLOR (1).For XAAR 1001print head (2).ForspectrapolarisSpectrapolaris-512,15pl printhead (3).Forprinters: for CretaPrint,Flora, Hope,Taiwei. Theceramicinkshould usedonprinterspecial for“inkjetprinters forceramicprinting”.Thisprintersisdifferent fromnormalinkjetprinters,itusuallyhasaninkcirculationsystem to ensurethattheinkdoesnotprecipitate, plug. LIVECOLOR Blue,Pink,Redbrown(like Chocolate color), black,yellow,orange. Whatprocessis LIVE COLORceramicinks? Coating -> directprinting-> burn \bake->annealing Whyneedpre-coatingneedtodobeforeprinting Weneedpre-coating/glazebeforeprint.Itisdonebymachine.Thepre-coatingwillletthecolormorebright and theink betterattached totheceramictiles. LIVECOLOR 1

  2. KynaTech.Co.limited http://www.refillink.cn 6 month.Theceramicinkiseasydeposit and blockprinthead,so,we have toconfirm itisfluent,andhowlong is theshelflife.Theselflife should beenoughfor us toorder, ship andsell. LIVECOLOR LIVE COLOR ceramicinkscanbeartemperature1120Celsius. CantheceramictilesputoutdoorafterprintingwithLIVECOLORink? Yes,ourinkscanbear1150Celsiustemperaturewhileproduce.Theprintedceramictileshasstablecolor,no easychange,it canbearsunlight, rain, almostnochangeanytime. Pictureofourceramicinkprintingtiles. Ceramicinkprintingmachine: Florabrandprinter,withSpectraPolaris 15PLhead Hope brandprinter,with XAAR 1001 printhead. 2

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