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Attend a pre-proposal conference to learn about the requirements of the project and ask questions. Submit written proposals by November 15, 2018.
Pre-Proposal Conference for DEPOSITORY AND BANKING SERVICES RFP No. 2018-S-12 Date Issued: October 4, 2018
Dates to Remember • Pre-proposal meeting Thursday, October 18, 2018 at 3:00 PM (CST) at the Staples Street Center, 602 N. Staples Street, Corpus Christi, Texas 78401 • The purpose of this meeting is to provide an overview of the requirements of the project and to answer any questions proposers may have concerning this procurement. • Any questions or clarification needed after the pre-proposal meeting will need to be through a RFI submission to procurement@ccrta.org. • Request for Information/Equal (Appendix H) Thursday, October 25, 2018, at 3:00 PM (CST) • Please submit one form for each Request for Information/Approved Equals. • CCRTA’s Response to Request for Information Due Thursday, November 1, 2018 • Responses will be posted as an addendum to the CCRTA’s website at www.ccrta.org/news-opportunities/business-with-us/. • Proposals Due Thursday, Novemer15, 2018 until 3:00 PM (CST) • Written proposals will be received at the offices of the Corpus Christi Regional Transportation Authority, hereinafter called the "CCRTA," at the Staples Street Center located at 602 N. Staples Street,CorpusChristi, Texas 78401, until 3:00 PM (CST). • If hand delivered – Staples Street Center, 3rd Floor, Reception area at 602 N. Staples Street, Corpus Christi, Texas 78401 by 3:00 PM (CST), November 15, 2018. The CCRTA’s receptionist will date and time stamp the proposal. • Proposals will be valid for one hundred twenty (120) calendar days from the proposal due date. • It is the responsibility of the Proposer to ensure that the sealed proposal is delivered prior by the deadline. • Proposals received after the deadline will not be accepted and will be returned to the Proposer unopened.
APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS • For the purposes of this procurement, the following proposal documents are applicable: • Request for Proposals, • Instructions to Proposers, • Special Instructions, • Scope of Work, • Standard Service Terms and Conditions, • Proposed Fee Schedule (Appendix A) - Separate Electronic Attachment (Microsoft Excel), • Proposal Questionnaire (Appendix B), - OMIT (not required) • Certification Form (Appendix C), • Certification and Statement of Qualifications (Appendix D), • Disclosure of Interests Certification (Appendix E), • Accessibility Policy (Appendix F), • References (Appendix G), • Request for Information/Exceptions/Approved Equals Requests (Appendix H), and • Proposal Submission Checklist (Appendix I).
INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPOSERS • GENERAL. • The following instructions by the CCRTA are intended to afford proposers an equal opportunity to participate in the CCRTA’s contracts. • 2. EXPLANATIONS. • Any explanation desired by a proposer regarding the meaning or interpretation of these Instructions or any other proposal documents must be requested in writing to the CCRTA with sufficient time allowed for a reply to reach proposers before the submission of their proposals. Oral explanations or instructions will not be binding. Any information given to a prospective proposer concerning a Request for Proposals will be furnished to all prospective proposers as an amendment to the request if such information is necessary to proposers in submitting proposals on the request or if the lack of such information would be prejudicial to uninformed proposers. • 3. SPECIFICATIONS. • 3.1 Proposers are expected to examine the specifications, standard provisions, and all instructions. Failure to do so will be at the proposer’s risk. Proposals that are submitted on other than authorized forms or with different terms or provisions may not be considered as responsive proposals. • 3.2 The apparent silence of the specifications as to any detail, or the apparent omission from it of a detailed description concerning any point, shall be regarded as meaning that only the best commercial practice is to prevail and that only material and workmanship of the finest quality are to be used. All interpretations of the specifications shall be made on the basis of this statement.
INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPOSERS • 4. INFORMATION REQUIRED. • 4.1. Each proposer shall furnish the information required by the Request for Proposals. The proposer shall sign the Proposed Fee Schedule and the proposal, which collectively shall constitute the proposer’s offer. Erasures or other changes must be initialed by the person signing the documents. Proposals signed by an agent are to be accompanied by evidence of his authority unless such evidence has been previously furnished to the CCRTA. • 4.2. All prices shall be entered on the Proposed Fee Schedule in ink or be typewritten. Totals shall be entered in the “Total Price” column of the Proposed Fee Schedule, and in case of discrepancy between the unit price and the extended total price, the unit price will be presumed to be correct. • 4.3. Only signed, written proposals specifically accepting responsibility for meeting the objectives and requirements specified in the Request for Proposals will be considered. The cover letter must bear the signature of a person duly authorized to legally commit for the proposer. All costs of proposal preparation will be borne by the proposer. • 4.4. The CCRTA does not have to pay federal excise taxes or state and local sales and use taxes, except for contracts for improvements to real property. • 4.5. Information submitted in response to this RFP will not be released by the CCRTA during the proposal evaluation process or prior to contract award. Proposers are advised that the CCRTA may be required to release proposal information, other than trade secrets, after contract award.
INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPOSERS • 5. SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS. • 5.1. Sealed Proposals should be submitted in an envelope marked on the outside with the proposer’s name and address and proposal description addressed to: • Corpus Christi Regional Transportation Authority • Staples Street Center • ATTN: Procurement Department • 602 N. Staples Street • Corpus Christi, Texas 78401 • Proposal For: RFP No. 2018-S-12 Depository and Banking Service • Proposal Due Date: Thursday, November 15, 2018 by 3:00 PM • If hand delivery is preferred, please deliver to the CCRTA receptionist located on the third floor at the above location to be time and date stamped. • 5.2. The Proposed Fee Schedule must be signed andsubmitted in a separately sealed envelopealong with the proposal as well asone electronic copy on a USB Flash Drive in Microsoft Excel format. Proposals must be submitted in sufficient time to be received and time-stamped at the above location on or before the published proposal date and time shown on the Request for Proposals. Proposals received after the published time and date cannot be considered. Any proposals which are mislabeled or do not indicate the proposer’s name or address as required above may be opened by the CCRTA solely for the purpose of identifying the proposer for return of the proposal.
INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPOSERS • 5.3. Schedule • Proposals shall be governed by the following schedule: • • October 4, 2018 - RFP Issued Proposal documents are available at the CCRTA Website: www.ccrta.org/news-opportunities/business-with-us/. • • October 18, 2018 - Pre-Proposal Conference at 3:00 pm (CST) on the second floor in the Board Room located at the CCRTA’s Staples Street Center at 602 N. Staples Street, Corpus Christi, Texas 78401. • •October 25, 2018 - Request for Information Due • Written Requests for Information (Appendix H) are due by 3:00 PM (CST). Please submit one form for each Request for Information. Request for Information must be emailed to procurement@ccrta.org, hand-delivered, or received via mail at the CCRTA's Staples Street Center, Attn: Procurement Department, at 602 N. Staples Street, Corpus Christi, Texas 78401. • • November 1, 2018 – CCRTA’s Response to Request for Information Due • Responses will be posted as an addendum to the CCRTA’s website at www.ccrta.org/news-opportunities/business-with-us/.
INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPOSERS • •November 15, 2018 - Proposals Due • Written proposals are due no later than 3:00 PM (CST). All proposals must be received at the CCRTA's Staples Street Center located at 602 N. Staples Street, Corpus Christi, Texas 78401 prior to deadline. • • Best and Final Offer – TBD • CCRTA will evaluate each proposal for completeness and responsiveness to its needs and may request Best and Final Offers from any or all proposing firms. • • Tentative Contract Award – December 12, 2018 • CCRTA Board of Directors will meet to award contract to the successful Proposer. • 6. MODIFICATION OR WITHDRAWAL OF PROPOSALS. • Proposals may be modified or withdrawn by written or email notice received by the CCRTA prior to the exact hour and date specified for receipt of proposals. A proposal may also be withdrawn in person by a proposer or an authorized representative prior to the proposal deadline; provided the proposer’s identity is made known and he or she signs a receipt for the proposal.
INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPOSERS 7. OPENING PROPOSALS. All proposals shall be opened by the CCRTA as soon after the proposal deadline as is reasonably practicable. Information submitted in response to the Request for Proposals shall not be released by the CCRTA during the proposal evaluation process or prior to Contract award. Proposers are advised that the CCRTA may be required to release proposal information, other than trade secrets, after Contract award. 8. EVALUATION FACTORS. 8.1. The CCRTA will award a contract based upon the criteria set forth in the Request for Proposals. A contract may be awarded on a lump sum basis or on a unit price basis, provided that in the event a contract specifies a unit price basis, the compensation paid by the CCRTA shall be based upon the actual quantities supplied. 8.2. Pre-award inspection of the proposer’s facility may be made prior to the award of the Contract. Proposals will be considered only from firms that are regularly engaged and licensed in the business of providing the goods and/or services described in the Request for Proposals for a reasonable period of time; and have sufficient financial support, equipment, and organization to ensure that they can satisfactorily execute the services if awarded a Contract under the terms and conditions herein stated. The terms “equipment” and “organization” as used herein shall be construed to mean a fully-equipped and well-established company in line with the best business practices in the industry as determined by the CCRTA. In making the award, the CCRTA may consider any evidence available to it of the financial, technical, and other qualifications and abilities of a proposer, including past performance (experience) with the CCRTA and other similar customers. A record of nonperformance or poor performance may disqualify a proposer from award.
INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPOSERS • 9. ELIGIBILITY FOR AWARD. • 9.1. In order for a proposer to be eligible for award of the Contract, the proposal must be responsive to the Request for Proposals; and the CCRTA must be able to determine that the proposer is responsible to perform the Contract satisfactorily. • 9.2. Responsive proposals are those complying with all material aspects of the Request for Proposals. Proposals which do not comply with all the terms and conditions of the Request for Proposals will be rejected as non-responsive. • 9.3. Responsible proposers at a minimum must: • 9.3.1 Have adequate financial resources or the ability to obtain such resources as required during the performance of the Contract; • 9.3.2 Have a satisfactory record of past performance; • 9.3.3. Have necessary management and technical capability to perform; • 9.3.4. Be qualified as an established firm regularly engaged in the type of business to perform the Contract required by this Request for Proposals; • 9.3.5 Be otherwise qualified and eligible to receive an award under applicable federal, state, county, or municipal laws and regulations; and • 9.3.6 Certify that it is not on the U.S. Comptroller General’s list of ineligible contractors – signing and submitting the proposal is so certifying. (NOTE: This requirement is only applicable to federally-funded contracts.) • 9.4. A proposer may be requested to submit written evidence verifying that it meets the minimum criteria necessary to be determined a responsible proposer. Refusal to provide requested information shall result in the proposer being declared not responsible, and the proposal shall be rejected.
INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPOSERS 10. RESERVATION OF RIGHTS. The CCRTA expressly reserves the right to: 10.1. Reject or cancel any or all proposals; 10.2. Waive any defect, irregularity or informality in any proposal or proposal procedure; 10.3. Waive as an informality, minor deviations from specifications at a lower price than other proposals meeting all aspects of the specifications if it is determined that total cost is lower and the overall function is improved or not impaired; 10.4. Extend the proposal due date; 10.5. Reissue a Request for Proposals; 10.6. Procure any item or services by other means; 10.7. The CCRTA reserves the right to retain all proposals submitted. The selection or rejection of a proposal does not affect this right; and 10.8. The CCRTA reserves the right to negotiate a Contract with the proposer having the best evaluation as determined by the CCRTA. No award will be made automatically based upon the lowest price or based solely on the proposal submitted. The CCRTA additionally reserved the right to suspend negotiations with the first proposer should it not progress in a manner satisfactory to the CCRTA and commence negotiations with the next best rated proposer.
INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPOSERS 11. ACCEPTANCE. Acceptance of a proposer’s offer in some instances will be in the form of purchase orders issued by the CCRTA. Otherwise, acceptance of a proposer’s offer will be by acceptance letters issued by the CCRTA. Subsequent purchase orders and release orders may be issued as appropriate. Unless the proposer specifies otherwise in the proposal, the CCRTA may award the contract for any item or group of items shown on the Request for Proposals. 12. PROTESTS. In the event that a proposer desires to protest any procedure, the proposer should present such protest, in writing, to theCCRTA Chief Executive Officer within five (5) business days following the Board approval date. The protest shall state the name and address of the protestor, refer to the project number and description of the Request for Proposals, and contain a statement of the grounds for protest and any supporting documentation. For federally-assisted contracts, certain additional protest procedures apply and may be found in the Supplemental Conditions contained within the Request for Proposals.
SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS • GENERAL • 1.1 Introduction • The Corpus Christi Regional Transportation Authority, hereinafter referred to as the “CCRTA” is requesting competitive proposals for Depository and Banking Services from qualified banking intuitions interested in a three year service contract with one (1) two-year option. Services for this contract will begin on January 1, 2019. • Proposers, which have relevant experience, are invited to complete and submit proposals. To enhance comparability, proposal elements must be addressed in the informational sequence noted below: • Cover Letter, • Approach and Work Plan, • Qualifications, Related Experience, and References, • Proposed Staffing and Project Organization, • Certificate of Errors & Omissions and Liability Insurance, • Certification Forms (Appendix Bthrough H) - (Appendix C through H), - OMIT (Appendix B) - not required • Proposal Submission Checklist (Appendix I), and • Proposed Fee Schedule (Appendix A) (submitted in a separately sealed envelope) and one (1) electronic version in Microsoft Excel format supplied on a USB Flash Drive. • Firms shall submit (1) original and five (5) hard copies of their proposal, which must be concise and straightforward, and one (1) electronic version in PDF format supplied on a USB Flash Drive.
SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS • 1.2 Proposal Contents and Format • The contents of the proposal shall include the following: • 1.2.1 Cover Letter • Include appropriate introductory and contact information, including the name of the firm's principal liaison. • 1.2.2 Approach and Work Plan • Proposer must provide a detailed narrative which addresses the Scope of Work and shows proposer’s understanding of the CCRTA’s needs and requirements. • 1) Describe the approach to completing the tasks specified in the Scope of Work. • 2) Outline sequentially the activities that would be undertaken in completing the tasks and specify who would perform them. • 1.2.3Qualifications, Related Experience and References • Proposer must detail qualifications of firm in performing this type of work and provide references using (Appendix G). • Proposer must provide the following: • Copy of current license • Copy of call report • Copy of latest CRA rating • Statement of no outstanding or pending complaints as determined through the Better Business Bureau or any other regulatory agencies • Copy of Insurance Certifications both Commercial Liability and Errors and Omissions • Copy of Audited Financial Statements for past two (2) years
SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS • A banking institution must meet the following qualifications: • Be a banking corporation authorized to do business in Texas • Be a member of the Federal Reserve System and have access to all services • Be a full service financial institution in good standing • Compliance with state and local laws. • Be capable of servicing CCRTA’s accounts • Have established branch offices in Corpus Christi, Texas • Be a qualified depository for public funds and have sufficient qualified collateral available to pledge in accordance with banking regulations based upon public funds provisions of the banking code. • Be able to offer interest for CCRTA’s interest bearing accounts • Considerations will be given to financial strength, stability, experience and technical competence of the institution and its affiliates; the ability, capacity and expertise in service quoted; integrity, reputation, and character of the proposer. Experience in providing services similar to those requested herein, experience working with public agencies, and the performance on previous contracts with similar customers as well as the assessment by other client references. • Include a statement regarding your experience in security breaches that occurred in the last twelve (12) months and explain the corrective actions taken and identify any recurrences. Also provide the number of down time hours experienced in the last twelve (12) months and indicate to what degree customers were affected. • 1.2.4 Proposed Staffing and Project Organization • Identify the size and scope of your public banking unit, bank officers responsible for CCRTA’s accounts, what each person’s role and responsibilities will be, and the relevant credentials and experience of each person on the relationship management team. Specifically:
SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS • Firm - Proposer must submit any information appropriate to the RFP necessary to establish qualifications and experience (i.e.; references with contact name and telephone number). • Personnel - Proposer must include detailed work experience and number of specific personnel who will be directly involved ("hands-on" personnel) with this project and identify the proposed project manager. • Proposer must provide: • Education, experience, and applicable professional credentials of proposed project staff; • Furnish brief resumes(not more than two (2) pages each) for the proposed Project Manager and other key personnel; • Include a project organization chart which clearly delineates communication/reporting relationships among the project staff • 1.2.5 Current License • 1.2.6 Errors and Omissions Coverage • The Proposer shall maintain professional liability insurance that covers the services in connection with any contract resulting from this RFP, in the minimum amount of one million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence and two millions dollars ($2,000,000) aggregate. Any policy inception date, continuity date, or retroactive date must be before the effective date of this contract. The Proposer shall provide certificates of insurance to the CCRTA as evidence of the insurance coverage required.
SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS 1.2.7 Proposal Questionnaire ( Appendix B)– OMIT (not required) 1.2.8 Certification Forms (Appendix C through H) 1.2.9 Proposal Submission Checklist (Appendix I) 1.2.10 Proposed Fee Schedule (Sealed Separately) and one (1) electronic version in Microsoft Excel format supplied on a USB Flash Drive Proposer must submit the Proposed Fee Schedule with its proposal. All costs to be incurred and billed to the CCRTA will be firm and included in this Schedule. (Failure to complete and return this section will be cause for rejection of this proposal as non-responsive.) Proposed Fee Schedule must be submitted in a separately sealed envelope, and one (1) electronic version in Microsoft Excel format must be supplied on a USB Flash Drive. 2.0 EVALUATION CRITERIA 2.1 The CCRTA will review all proposals for completeness. Those proposals found incomplete or failing to address the needs of the CCRTA as stated herein will not be evaluated. Those proposals furnished complete with all required documentation will be evaluated. Proposers are urged to initially submit their best offer. An award (if any) will be made to that proposer whose proposal is deemed most advantageous to, and in the best interest of, the CCRTA and the general public. The evaluation factors in order of importance are as follows: Approach and Work Plan 25 pts Qualifications, Related Experience, and References 30 pts Proposed Staffing and Project Organization 30 pts Price 15 pts Total 100 pts
SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS • 2.2 The CCRTA will first evaluate the proposals on all factors other than cost. After a preliminary evaluation, the proposed fee schedule will be opened and included in the evaluation process. Evaluation points for cost will be assigned based on a lowest cost (most points) to highest cost (least points) ranking of proposed cost packages. The maximum points available for cost are 15 points. The CCRTA may select a proposer for the project after this review if the CCRTA feels it is in the CCRTA's best interest. The CCRTA may also evaluate each proposal for completeness and responsiveness to its needs and may request Best and Final Offers from any or all proposing firms. Otherwise, a short-list of interviewees will be established based upon the overall results. After completion of the interviews the evaluation of the proposals will be reviewed and modified as necessary. • 3.0 PROPOSAL SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS • 3.1 Submission requirements • 3.1.1 Proposal Availability • RFP copies may be obtained online at www.ccrta.org/news-opportunities/business-with-us/. • 3.1.2 Proposal Submission • Proposals may be mailed to: • Corpus Christi Regional Transportation Authority • Staples Street Center • 3rd Floor • Attn: Procurement Department • 602 N. Staples Street • Corpus Christi, Texas 78401
SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS If hand delivery is preferred, please deliver to the CCRTA receptionist located on the third floor at the above location to be time and date stamped. Proposers shall submit one (1) original and five (5) hard copies of their proposal, which must be concise and straightforward, and one (1) electronic version in PDF format supplied on a USB Flash Drive. Proposers shall submit one (1) Proposed Fee Schedule (Sealed Separately) and one (1) electronic version in Microsoft Excel format supplied on a USB Flash Drive. The electronic Proposed Fee Schedule and the electronic Proposal may be supplied on the same USB Flash Drive. 3.1.3 Late Submittal Proposals received after the proposal due date will be deemed non-responsive and will be returned unopened. 3.2 Proposal Qualification 3.2.1 Only signed, written proposals specifically accepting responsibility for meeting the objectives and requirements specified in this RFP will be considered. 3.2.2 The cover letter must bear the signature of a person duly authorized to legally commit for the PROPOSER. 3.2.3 Proposal Preparation All costs of proposal preparation will be borne by the PROPOSER. 3.2.4 Proposal Withdrawal Proposals may be withdrawn either personally or by written request prior to the closing time for receipt of proposals. Thereafter, all proposals shall remain valid for a period of one hundred twenty (120) calendar days.
SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS 3.3 Release of Information The CCRTA shall not release information submitted in response to this RFP during the proposal evaluation process or prior to contract award. PROPOSERS are advised that the CCRTA may be required to release proposal information, other than trade secrets, after contract award.
CERTIFICATION FORMS -Required Documents • The following documents must be signed and returned with your proposal in order for it to be considered responsive: • Response to RFP - One (1) original, five (5) hard copies, and one (1) electronic version in PDF format supplied on a USB Flash Drive, • Proposed Fee Schedule (Appendix A) – Separate Electronic Attachment (Microsoft Excel) One (1) signed hard copy sealed separately, and one (1) electronic version in Microsoft Excel format supplied on a USB Flash Drive, • Proposal Questionnaire (Appendix B),- OMIT (not required) • Certification Form (Appendix C), • Certification and Statement of Qualifications (Appendix D), • Disclosure of Interests Certification (Appendix E), • Accessibility Policy (Appendix F), and • References (Appendix G). • FIRMS must submit a proposal, and all documentation supporting the Proposal. The Proposed Fee Schedule is a separate document in Microsoft Excel format. Tab 1 on the excel file contains the Instructions, Tab 2 is the Three Year Base Proposed Fee Schedule and Tab 3 is the Two Year Option Proposed Fee Schedule. Proposers must provide fees for both the three year base and for the one (1) two-year option. Failure to provide this information may deem your proposal to be non-responsive.
CERTIFICATION FORMS -Required Documents • The following documents must be submitted prior to award if not submitted with Proposer’s proposal: • Copy of current license • Copy of call report • Copy of latest CRA rating • Statement of no outstanding or pending complaints as determined through the Better Business Bureau or any other regulatory agencies • Copy of Insurance Certifications both Commercial Liability and Errors and Omissions • Copy of Audited Financial Statements for past two (2) years
CERTIFICATION FORMS Do NOT Alter Any Forms. Doing so will deem your bid as non-responsive. Please fill out and sign the following forms and return with your signed bid. Reminders: Acknowledge any addendums issued on the bottom of (Appendix D)Certification and Statement of Qualifications form. Include your firm’s DUNS number on the bottom of (Appendix D)Certification and Statement of Qualifications form. Be sure that your firm is registered with the System of Award Management “SAM” and visit SAM.gov to ensure that your firm’s status is active with no exclusions before submitting your bid. What is “SAM”? And why do I need to register with “SAM”? The System for Award Management (SAM) is a Federal Government owned and operated free web site that consolidates the capabilities in Central Contractor Registration (CCR)/FedReg, Online Representations and Certifications Applications (ORCA) and the Excluded Parties List System. Both current and potential government vendors are required to register in SAM in order to be awarded contracts by the Government. Vendors are required to complete a one-time registration to provide basic information relevant to procurement and financial transactions. Vendors must update or renew their registration annually to maintain an active status. SAM is also a marketing tool for businesses. SAM allows Government agencies and contractors to search for your company based on your ability, size, location, experience, ownership, and more. For more information on “SAM”, please go to http://sam.gov.
Proposed Fee Schedule (Appendix A)(One signed and dated paper hard copy in a separately sealed envelope and one copy on a USB Flash Drive) PROPOSED FEE SCHEDULE (APPENDIX A) Separate Attachment (Microsoft Excel) Proposers must provide fees for both the Three Year Base and for the one (1) Two-Year Option.
Proposal Questionnaire (Appendix B) Omit the Proposal Questionnaire (Appendix B) Do not complete. It is not required for this solicitation, and should not be submitted with your firm’s proposal.
APPENDIXDCERTIFICATION AND STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS What is an Addenda? An Addenda is additional information that includes omissions or other missing pertinent information regarding the solicitation. Failure to acknowledge addenda may result in bid disqualification.
APPENDIX IPROPOSAL SUBMISSION CHECKLIST APPENDIX I PROPOSAL SUBMISSION CHECKLIST • This checklist is a tool to assist Proposers in including all required documents which must be submitted in the Proposer’s proposal package.
APPENDIX IPROPOSAL SUBMISSION CHECKLIST APPENDIX I PROPOSAL SUBMISSION CHECKLIST • This checklist is a tool to assist Proposers in including all required documents which must be submitted in the Proposer’s proposal package.
SCOPE OF WORK 1.0 DESCRIPTION The Corpus Christi Regional Transportation Authority “CCRTA” is seeking proposals from qualified banking institutions to provide depository and banking services for a three (3) year base period beginning January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2021 with one possible two-year option to extend services until December 31, 2023. The objective is to identify the banking institution that can offer the most comprehensive services at the most competitive rates. The CCRTA intends to minimize banking costs, maintain or improve operational efficiencies and maximize its earning potential through this contract. This RFP represents the CCRTA’s cash management goals, estimated service volumes and terms and conditions. The banking services described in this RFP are directed toward four major goals: • 100% utilization of funds • Safety of the CCRTA’s funds and securities • Efficient and cost effective utilization of available banking services • Minimization of bank costs for the CCRTA 2.0 BACKGROUND The CCRTA was established by referendum on August 10, 1985, as a political subdivision of the State of Texas. The CCRTA is a regional provider of mass transportation services primarily within Nueces County and also part of San Patricio County. Nueces County includes Agua Dulce, Bishop, Corpus Christi, Driscoll, Port Aransas, Robstown, and unincorporated areas. San Patricio County includes the cities of Gregory and San Patricio. The total area is 838 square miles and has a population of 359,154 according to the 2010 United States Census.
SCOPE OF WORK The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is responsible for the operations of the CCRTA. The Finance Department is responsible for all treasury and investment activities as well as the day-to-day operations of all accounting functions including accounts payable, receivables, fixed assets, payroll, and money room operations. The Managing Director of Administration and Director of Finance serve as the Investment Officers of the CCRTA. The CCRTA also contracts investment advisory services from a registered investment financial advisor. Managing incoming and outgoing payments is critical to the CCRTA. Incoming payments consist of credit cards, checks, and electronic payments. We require a merchant services account that will help accept credit card payments either through our website (with a payment gateway for ecommerce transactions), or for physical card processing through a terminal or mobile device. The primary responsibility for administration of the banking services-depository agreement will reside with the Director of Finance, who will monitor the bank’s costs and performance against provisions of the proposal and the resulting agreement. The Director of Finance will also be responsible for administering the agreement with respect to day-to-day activities, including deposits and withdrawals, ACH transactions, maintenance of account balances, daily reporting, etc. A list of the CCRTA personnel authorized to deal directly with the bank will be provided following the contract award. The bank shall be required to provide the CCRTA with a similar list of authorized personnel. 3.0 SERVICES REQUIRED 3.1 General Banking Service Requirements The service provider must be a Federal commercial banking institution and a qualified depository for public funds pursuant to the applicable State of Texas codes. It must also be FDIC insured. To assure a close working relationship, to facilitate available services, and to support local business, CCRTA may give priority to those banks with full service capabilities within the city limits. The CCRTA’s policy is to provide maximum protection of its deposits. The CCRTA reserves the right to separately invest excess funds through the depository bank or other institutions. The CCRTA does have a formal Investment Policy that is adopted annually by the CCRTA’s Board.
SCOPE OF WORK 3.2 Online Portal Access CCRTA requires online portal access to the bank for various services including, but not limited to, reporting, fund transfer, wire transfer, issuing stop payment, release/reject positive pay exceptions, etc. Online portal access must be secured and allow tiered accessibility by designated CCRTA staff and Account Administrators. Describe: • Portal entry or stand-alone service • Liability for fraudulent deposit items 3.3 Statement and Reporting Electronic reports shall be made available online at the end of each calendar month. The statements are to include all items clearing the account. A consolidated monthly analysis statement is to be provided within 10 business days following the end of the calendar month, listing detailed charges of each of the CCRTA’s accounts. Previous Day and Same Day reports shall also be provided online for all accounts detailing all transactions occurred at the user defined date range(s). 3.4 Transaction Retention Proposers are to provide information on retention period and procedures. Describe how historical records can be retrieved online, format of the information, and system requires on the CCRTA’s end. 3.5 Emergency/Disaster Recovery/Backup Describe your back up and emergency and disaster recovery system, both internally and for customers. Describe the procedures you have in place to assist CCRTA during an emergency, the tools that are available to assist CCRTA maintain business continuity, including making payments, transferring funds, as well as other essential banking services.
SCOPE OF WORK 3.6 Data Security and Anti-Fraud Procedures Describe your institution’s overall security system to safeguard the CCRTA funds, preventing fraudulent transactions, and identify and alert the CCRTA of irregular/abnormal transactions and transaction patterns. The institution shall serve as a partner in the CCRTA’s internal control framework on the banking/cash handling related functions. Please identify technologies you have in place that will assist CCRTA in improving its internal control effectiveness. 3.7 Consolidated Account Structure The CCRTA currently maintains three (3) bank accounts two (2) of which are ZBA subsidiaries to the master. The CCRTA reserves the right to open additional accounts either subsidiary to the Main Account or stand-alone in accordance of the CCRTA’s finances and may be either zero-balance or regular accounts as required. 3.8 ACH inflows and outflows The CCRTA currently generates approximately 34 incoming and 731 outgoing ACH’s per month. To minimize costs, the CCRTA opts for utilizing ACH’s but may need to wire funds when necessary. A standard wire transfer agreement will be executed with the bank. This proposal should include a copy of our standard transfer procedures and wire transfer agreement. The CCRTA requires adequate security provisions and procedures. The CCRTA also prefers online wire transfer requests, and if the wire transfer requests are available online, full information should be submitted detailing the use.
SCOPE OF WORK 3.9 Automated Daily Balance Reporting The CCRTA requires an automated PC-based reporting system for access to the closing ledger and available balances. Stipulate the time at which the access is available and describe the system to be used. Reporting should include balance and detail reporting. Samples of the reports are to be included in the proposal. 3.10 Sweep Account Provisions Currently balances are being used for compensating balances with the current low interest rates, but will be reduced when a sweep can be re-initiated. In times of rising interest rates, the CCRTA will look for financial instruments with a higher yield other than Earnings Credit Rates (ECRs). The CCRTA reserves the right to utilize either a compensating balance or fee basis for compensation. The CCRTA will determine the methodology to be used. A sweep account is anticipated to minimize funds left in the bank and to minimize collateral requirements. 3.10.1 Under a compensating balance payment methodology all accounts will be swept to their compensation balance each night when a sweep is re-instituted. 3.10.2 Under a fee basis all accounts will be swept to zero and within five (5) business days of receipt of the monthly account analysis (and pending approval of the fees by the CCRTA) the bank may direct debit the designated account for fees due. 3.10.3 A complete account analysis will be required monthly regardless of the payment basis 3.10.4 If the CCRTA chooses, the bank will be responsible for automatically sweeping the balances in all accounts daily to an investment option. Describe the sweep options and, if a money market fund is used, provide a prospectus. The accounts will be swept to the compensating balance.
SCOPE OF WORK • 3.11 Branch Deposits • CCRTA’s cash management policies require daily deposits to be made Monday through Friday. Deposits are in plastic sealed bags and are delivered by authorized personnel to a local branch. The CCRTA also utilizes the services of a courier to transport bus fare deposits that are also in durable sealed bags three (3) times a week. Deposits transported to bank by courier require to be proofed by the bank and to electronically report corrections no later than the next business day. • 3.11.1 Deposits for customer service are normally made daily Monday through Friday by 3:00 PM to ensure same-day credit • Twenty (20) zipped bank bags are currently used to transport the deposits sealed in plastic bags. • 3.11.2 Deposits for fares collected in the money room are normally made on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday each week. These deposits are retrieved by courier from the CCRTA’s Bear Lane facility and delivered to the bank. • Deposits collected in this fashion are stored in heavy duty, sealed plastic bags. • Deposits of coin are in some cases Fed-ready. • 3.11.3 Describe • • Cutoff times and requirements (vault, teller, bank center, branch) • • Bank policy on strapped/rolled and pricing basis • • Type of deposit bag used/required • • Change order processing • • Standard return and re-clear processing • • Deposit locations
SCOPE OF WORK 3.12 Standard Disbursing Services Standard disbursing services for all accounts are required to include the payment of all checks upon presentation. 3.13 Standard Deposit Services The bank must guarantee immediate credit on all incoming wire transfers and U.S. Treasury checks upon receipt and all other checks based on the bank’s published availability schedule. The Bank should specify in their proposal their deposit requirements and commercial and retail deposit locations, including night deposit services and procedures. 3.14 Daylight Overdraft Provisions (also called intraday overdraft) Every effort will be made to eliminate daylight overdraft situations on the account. However, in case this situation does arise, the proposal should include any and all bank policies regarding daylight overdraft charges or handling procedures. 3.15 Collaterization of Deposits The bank must agree to obtain and maintain acceptable collateral sufficient to cover all anticipated time and demand deposits, above the FDIC insured limit of $250,000. Securities used to pledge against time and demand deposits must be held in an independent third-party safekeeping institution outside the bank’s holding company. The bank will execute a tri-party safekeeping agreement with the CCRTA and the safekeeping bank for safekeeping of these securities. Collateral will be maintained at a minimum of 102% and marked to market at least once a month. Control will be shared jointly between the bank and the entity. Substitution will be approved by the CCRTA and not unduly withheld. Substitutions of collateral will be requested in writing and a new collateral will be received before the existing collateral is released. The proposal will name the safekeeping bank for collateral.
SCOPE OF WORK 3.16 Stop Payments The proposal must include a statement on the proposed stop payment process on an automated basis. 3.17 Account Reconciliation The CCRTA will provide its own account reconciliation services with specific item assistance from the bank to clear up discrepancies that may occur. The bank shall provide, at a minimum: 3.17.1 Statement and detail reporting and printing capabilities with period and sort choices as part of the online software detailed in Section C above, 3.17.2 Access to images of checks cleared within the last 90 days (minimum) as part of the online software system during a calendar month, 3.17.3 The software necessary to archive, index, view and print all items included on the web- site and CDs provided under items 2 and 3 above. Such software shall be capable of installation on multiple Windows-based computers. Assistance with installation and troubleshooting must be provided to assure its functionality for the intended purpose. 3.17.4 The bank will provide the CCRTA within ten (10) business days after the end of the month the Account Reconciliation items. 3.18 Positive Pay
SCOPE OF WORK 3.19Digital/Online Banking and Reporting/Security Features Including balance reporting, wires, ACH transmissions, check inquires and stop payments with at least the following minimum capabilities: 3.19.1 State of the art encryption, security and password protection 3.19.2 Secure two-way messaging capability 3.19.3 ACH blocking/filtering services/ACH Debit Block 3.19.4 Check to ACH conversion 3.19.5 Multiple users – at least six (6) 3.19.6 Check Imaging with 2-year history capability 3.19.7 Previous day ledger, available and float balance and detail viewing and reporting 3.19.8 Current day ledger, available and float balance and detail viewing and reporting 3.19.9 Definable, sortable period viewing and reporting with statement-level detail 3.19.10 NACHA batch file upload, verification, approval and reporting. 3.19.11 ACH Processing Debit and Credits 3.19.12 Stop payment placement, verification and reporting 3.19.13 Stale date check management 3.19.14 Item searching, especially but not limited to cleared checks, with imaging and print capabilities for at least 90 days history. 3.19.15 Wire transfer initiation, approval and reporting, with templates for repetitive use 3.19.16 Online, mobile, and tablet banking 3.19.17 Text alerts 3.19.18 Statements - Electronic 3.19.19 Remote Electronic Check Deposit system 3.19.20 Positive Pay automated fraud detection services 3.19.21 On-line trading platform with safekeeping account for the securities 3.19.22 Access to safekeeping/custodial information 3.19.23 Access to investment performance
SCOPE OF WORK 3.20 P-Card and T-Card Services Including Lost, Stolen, or Fraud The current P-Card program has approximately 22 credit card holders that allows paying for small-dollar procurements using a purchasing card provider that is automated for reconciliation efficiency. Requirements include: 3.20.1 Automated approval and reconciliation software. This software should provide for the ability to integrate to the CCRTA’s accounting records in a timely fashion. 3.20.2 A program that is simple and easy to use and upload to the accounting software. 3.20.3 Comprehensive control restrictions for single transactions, the number and amounts authorized per day and per cycle; and restrictions on the types of vendors and change category codes with which the card may be used. 3.20.4 A broad selection of reports or ad hoc reporting ability 3.20.5 Training Materials 3.20.6 Customer Support 3.20.7 Program rebates The CCRTA would like to offer an on-line T-Card Program to establish a more efficient, cost-effective method of processing travel purchases and payments to not only the current P-Card holders, but to employees that who are required to travel but are not on the P-CARD system.
SCOPE OF WORK 3.21 Merchant Services 3.21.1 Describe Credit card processing • Rate and fee structure with breakdown of all fees (bank and association) • Time period that pricing is guaranteed for and how customers are notified of a price change • Type of point-of-sale terminal required and the cost or lease options per terminal (or the cost to reprogram existing terminals) • Software that is provided and the support and training that are available • Charges for multiple merchant accounts • Percentage of downtime and notification of down periods • Guarantees against “down time” with service • Reporting and availability of reports • Clearing time lag between deposit and posting • Security features – including account number encryption and purging policy • Payment Card Industry (PCI) data security standard compliance and liability • Chargeback policy (including the bank’s role in this process) • Customer service procedures • Wireless service availability • Type of Processor (e.g. front-end, back-end) 3.21.2 Reconciliation and reporting 3.21.3 Check collection
SCOPE OF WORK 3.21.4 Managing incoming and outgoing payments is critical to the CCRTA. Incoming payments consist of credit cards, check, and electronic payments. We require a merchant services account that will help accept credit card payments either through our website (with a payment gateway for ecommerce transactions), or for physical card processing through a terminal or mobile device. 3.21.5 Managing outgoing payments involves paying suppliers and employees in the most efficient and advantageous ways. This might entail business credit cards for point of sale transactions or virtual card numbers. ACH/EFT is another common payment method for paying our suppliers in a predictable and cost effective manner and providing direct deposit for employees. Checks, bill pay, and wire transfer are other payment types that the CCRTA utilizes. It is the CCRTA’s goal to integrate outgoing payment activity directly with our account system to provide a greater degree of simplicity and automation. 3.22 Night Depository Services 3.23 Services to Unbanked Employees In 2019 the CCRTA will implement a mandatory direct deposit for all employees. In accordance with the Texas Mandatory Direct Deposit and U.S. Department of Labor regulations which allows employees to accept direct deposit only as long as the employee gets to choose the bank, is given the 60 day advance notice, and the employee is not charged any processing fees. Describe the options your bank has available to accommodate unbanked employees. 3.23.1 Maintenance free checking accounts 3.23.2 Payroll Cards
SCOPE OF WORK 3.24 Lockbox Services The CCRTA does not currently use this service but may choose to utilize lockbox services for certain revenue collections. Describe the service including the lockbox location and a full description of the service. Include whether the lockbox site including all the technology, software and processes are owned by your bank or outsourced to a third-party. 4.0 Availability of Funds For the main account, deposits will be made as needed by a CCRTA employee or by a contracted courier or by means of electronic means to a branch location. The awarded bank agrees to credit the CCRTA’s main account for selected items according to the following schedule: 4.1 Incoming Wire Transfers – same day credit regardless of time of receipt during the day 4.2 Next day funding available for all other transactions 5.0 General The CCRTA’s policy is to provide maximum protection of its deposits. The CCRTA reserves the right to separately invest excess funds through the depository bank or other institutions. The CCRTA does have a formal Investment Policy. 6.0 Wire Transfers-Incoming The CCRTA intends to consider all wire transfers received by the bank prior to the end of the business day, as “available for investment” by the CCRTA, regardless of the time of actual receipt by the bank. Should a wire transfer not be received by the bank, as specified above, then the wire transfer will be traced from origin to destination to ascertain the party responsible for delaying the transfers. If necessary, adjustments will be made as soon as possible for any lost interest.
SCOPE OF WORK 7.0 Statement and Advice Frequency Monthly bank statements will be for the full calendar month and will be made available electronically within five (5) business days after the end of the month. 8.0 Designated Account Executive The CCRTA requests that the proposing banks provide the names of a designated account executive, as well as an alternate. The designated account executives must have the authority to make timely decisions in the normal course of business on their own. 9.0 Other Banking Services and Conditions 9.1 All checks returned due to insufficient funds will be automatically deposited a second time. Please include your charge (if any) for this item along with other costs. Checks that are still “uncollectible” after this second attempt will be returned to the CCRTA for processing. 9.2 Stop Payments will be issued to the bank through the online software detailed in Section 6.0 above. It will be the CCRTA’s responsibility to determine whether the check in question is shown as being cleared as of the end of the preceding business day through the same software prior to placement of a Stop Payment request. The online software shall report a printable confirmation that the Stop Payment has been placed. If the bank finds that the check has been cashed, the bank will immediately forward to the CCRTA a copy of the cashed instrument. A cancellation of a Stop Payment order will be processed as above. The bank shall be responsible for any item cashed if said item has been confirmed as a Stop Payment and is subsequently cashed by the bank. 9.3 The CCRTA validates checks received with self-inking “For Deposit Only” stamps that contain the required information about the bank and the CCRTA’s bank account. The awarded bank shall provide five (5) such stamps at the start of the contract.
SCOPE OF WORK 9.4 No debit or credit memos required to adjust errors caused by the bank will be charged to the CCRTA. All bank errors must be corrected within three (3) business days of notification by the CCRTA and be listed separately from any other transactions. 9.5 The CCRTA will print their own numbered checks through their respective software systems. 9.6 Duplicate deposit slips will be provided to the CCRTA by the bank, pre-printed with the account name and number at no cost to the CCRTA.
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