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ILO Survey - Presentation

Survey of the INIS Liaison Officers Elisabeth Dyck, Robert Workman INIS and Nuclear Knowledge Management Section 11th INIS/ETDE Joint Technical Committee Meeting 6-8 November 2007, Vienna, Austria. ILO Survey - Presentation. Introduction to the Survey What an ILO is and does (1.)

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ILO Survey - Presentation

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  1. Survey of theINIS Liaison OfficersElisabeth Dyck,Robert WorkmanINIS and Nuclear Knowledge Management Section11th INIS/ETDE Joint Technical Committee Meeting6-8 November 2007, Vienna, Austria

  2. ILO Survey - Presentation • Introduction to the Survey • What an ILO is and does (1.) • HR and financial factors/resources (2.) • Priorities • Input (3.) • Priorities • Secretariat support • Usage (4.) • Higher usage • Suggestions • Marketing (5.) • Joint Marketing Plan (elements) 11th INIS/ETDE JTC Meeting

  3. ILO Survey Overview Framework: -Point Plan for INIS (33rd ILOM 06) Objectives: Better understanding the situation in each INIS MS Identifying issues re ILOs’ INIS Mandate Additional support from the INIS Secretariat? • Survey Tool: • Questionnaire (e-mail, mail, online) to all 117 • INIS Centres in MS • 31 Interviews (personal, telephone) Responses: 75 ILOs --- 65% response rate 11th INIS/ETDE JTC Meeting

  4. Some Key Findings & Observations General Analysis (different types of ILO and geographical regions not yet analysed) INIS Centres: HR and time available for INIS → puts expectations into perspective Free Access to the INIS Database Training – INIS DB, and PR/marketing Communication with target audiences in national language is important 11th INIS/ETDE JTC Meeting

  5. Qs 1 INIS & ILOs The Typical ILO A government official who works in information management and spends 38% of her/his time on INIS matters, is supported by an A-ILO who contributes 39% of her/his time p.a. to INIS, and has 2.5 persons p.a. other staff, who work 60% of their time for INIS 11th INIS/ETDE JTC Meeting

  6. Qs 1.1 & 1.2 Position & Role of ILOs 11th INIS/ETDE JTC Meeting

  7. Q. 1.4 HR and Time for INIS matters? ILOs: mean – 38% 64 ILOs Range: 2% - 100% Median: 10% (50%, 100%) A-ILOs: mean – 39% 35 A-ILOs! Range: 2% - 100% Median: 100% (5%) Other staff: mean = 2.5 person/year 47 ILOs Range: 10% - 100% On average: 60% of time for INIS matters 11th INIS/ETDE JTC Meeting

  8. Q 1.5 3 Top Priorities in ILOs‘ Work • Input ‹ 80% … thereof • Input preparation (36%), Search/ selection (31%) • NCL (7%) • Input › 40% (different activities) • followed by Dissemination/SDI and • Promotion (15% each) • Promotion/Marketing ‹ 40% • followed by Input (16%) and information • services (15%) Top Priority: entire input process 11th INIS/ETDE JTC Meeting

  9. Qs 2 - Resources Sufficient Financial Resources? YES – 51% NO – 44% 11th INIS/ETDE JTC Meeting

  10. Q 2.1 If Sufficient Financial Resources…? Priority 2: 1stPromotion & Marketing (27%) 2nd Hire/train staff (18%) 3rd Purchase equipment (12%) Priority 3: 1stPromotion & Marketing (30%) 2nd Purchase equipment (12%) 3rd Exchange knowledge (9%) 11th INIS/ETDE JTC Meeting

  11. Q 2.2 Sufficient Human Resources? YES – 49% NO – 48% 11th INIS/ETDE JTC Meeting

  12. Q 2.2 If Sufficient Human Resources…? Priority 2 1st Promotion & Marketing (31%) 2nd Create staff positions (17%) 3rd More input (11%) Priority 3 1st Promotion & Marketing (25%) 2nd Training (14%) 3rd Purchase/collect literature (8%) 11th INIS/ETDE JTC Meeting

  13. Q 2.3 Level of Support from ILOs‘ Government Authorities mean = 3.0 11th INIS/ETDE JTC Meeting

  14. Qs 3 Input Input Mechanism in ILOs’ countries mean = 3.1 11th INIS/ETDE JTC Meeting

  15. Q 3.1 Problematic Subject Areas • Physics (8x) material science physics, particle physics, nuclear physics • Nuclear Medicine (6x) • Chemistry (3x) • Others (incl. nuclear safety and security, radiation protection) 11th INIS/ETDE JTC Meeting

  16. Q 3.2 MS literature not captured for INIS DB? YES – 59% NO – 37% If YES, why ? • Limited financial and human resources (44%) • INIS Centre new, not active, or revived (20%) • No permission (7%) 11th INIS/ETDE JTC Meeting

  17. Q 3.3 More Assistance from INIS Secretariat re Input ? YES – 60% NO – 40% 11th INIS/ETDE JTC Meeting

  18. Usage of the INIS Database Qs 4 Usage Number of Individual Users in INIS MS ? 85% responded – estimates only → total > 40.000 Range: 2 to 20 000 Few ILOs know exact numbers 11th INIS/ETDE JTC Meeting

  19. Q 4.2 Main User Groups 11th INIS/ETDE JTC Meeting

  20. Q 4.3 Accessing the INIS Database - why? 1. Unique Source of Information (61%) 1. NCL- grey literature (61%) 2. Inexpensive database (44%) 3. Global coverage (41%) 4. Comprehensiveness (37%) 5. IAEA mission-oriented scope (28%) 11th INIS/ETDE JTC Meeting

  21. Q 4.4 Achieving a Higher Usage ? 11th INIS/ETDE JTC Meeting

  22. Q 4.4 Achieving a Higher Usage Others (35%) Usage depends on • “the activity level in the R&D area of a country” • “developments in the nuclear industry” • “today’s priority areas and subjects in nuclear research which should be sufficiently addressed and covered by the INIS Database” 11th INIS/ETDE JTC Meeting

  23. Q 4.4 Achieving a Higher Usage ? “In my opinion it is really important to take into consideration the fact that the information from INIS is retrieved from other sources, e.g. ETDEWEB information sources. That is why the statistics regarding the use of INIS are incorrect. The information in INIS is much more used than one can assume from these figures. There are many more researchers and students who have access to INIS information than it looks like. I know that they also use it ...” 11th INIS/ETDE JTC Meeting

  24. Q 4.5 Preferred Medium for INIS DB 11th INIS/ETDE JTC Meeting

  25. ILOs’ Promotional Activities Qs 5 Marketing 11th INIS/ETDE JTC Meeting

  26. Q 5.2 ILOs’ Promotional Activities 11th INIS/ETDE JTC Meeting

  27. Q 5.3 Effective Promotional Tools 11th INIS/ETDE JTC Meeting

  28. Q 5.5 More Assistance in Marketing from INIS Secretariat ? YES – 48% NO – 51% 11th INIS/ETDE JTC Meeting

  29. Q 5.5 What kind of Assistance in Marketing from INIS Secretariat ? Other (33%), for example… • INIS Secretariat to complement local resources • INIS Delegate to visit Departments of Physics • Letter to Head of host organization, appreciating input • Cooperation with government authorities • Help identify conferences/seminars • PR material to be editable (also graphs, photos) • Encourage other nuclear organizations to submit literature within INIS scope 11th INIS/ETDE JTC Meeting

  30. Q 5.6 Joint Marketing Plan for INISWhat to include? “… should be based on an analysis of the current situation…” “… should clearly identify needs and expectations of actual and potential users of the INIS DB and identify gaps where further initiatives need to be taken…” “… set priorities and realistic action plan…” “… sufficiently flexible to be adjustable to each ILO’s needs, as needs differ!” “Create a joint committee between INIS and ILOs” 11th INIS/ETDE JTC Meeting

  31. Q 5.6 Joint Marketing PlanWhat Benefits? In Brief: More users/subscribers, more recognition and support from decision-makers and governments • Improve efficiency of INIS promotion • Compensate lack of experience in marketing • Reinforce image of INIS in the scientific community – improved productivity (higher input) • Increase level of awareness and visibility of the INIS Database (and other products/services) Also: a means to improve cooperation, relationships and partnerships among the INIS Members community 11th INIS/ETDE JTC Meeting

  32. Qs 6, 7 and 8 • 6. Charging for INIS Products and Services • 7. Other Information Resources: “NucWeb” • 8. Vision for INIS – strategic and tactical THE END 11th INIS/ETDE JTC Meeting

  33. Any questions/comments/recommendations? In particular: More analyses of the data collected? Training of ILOs? Input Support by INIS Secretariat? Joint Marketing Plan? 11th INIS/ETDE JTC Meeting

  34. ILO Survey 1. Report finalised and issued (2nd Nov 2007) 2. Further analysis of responses a. by region b. developed vs. developing countries 3. Training - Input - Marketing 4. Joint Marketing Plan - maybe working group comprising experienced professionals (e.g. Greece, Netherlands) + INIS Secretariat - promotional materials in all Agency languages 11th INIS/ETDE JTC Meeting

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