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Clasificarea reactiilor Ag-Ac

. -in diagnosticul serologic al infectiilor viraleReactii de seroneutralizare : -reactia ASLO in diagnosticul infectiilor streptococice -testul placilor semineutralizate - diferite intradermoreactii cu mecanism imun umoralReactii in care componentele sunt marcate

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Clasificarea reactiilor Ag-Ac

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    1. Clasificarea reactiilor Ag-Ac Reactii de precipitare: in gel (r.Mancini, dubla difuzie Ouchterlony) in mediul lichid (r.Ramon,precipitarea in inel Ascoli) Reactii de aglutinare:-in diagnosticul bacteriologic(r.Huddleson) -in diagnosticul serologic(r.Wright) Reactia de fixare a complementului(RFC): -in diagnosticul sifilisului,leptospirozei etc

    2. -in diagnosticul serologic al infectiilor virale Reactii de seroneutralizare : -reactia ASLO in diagnosticul infectiilor streptococice -testul placilor semineutralizate - diferite intradermoreactii cu mecanism imun umoral Reactii in care componentele sunt marcate -izotopic (radioimunoassay,RIA)

    3. -enzimatic(enzyme-linked imunoassay ELISA ) -fluorescent (fluorescent imunoassay FIA) -chemiluminescent(chemiluminescent assay,CLA)

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