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The effects of the media on following an active, healthy lifestyle

The effects of the media on following an active, healthy lifestyle. Task. List all the different types of media you can think of. Fact / fiction / advertising. Television: Terrestrial Satellite/cable/digital. Press Broadsheets Tabloids Local magazines. Radio National Local

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The effects of the media on following an active, healthy lifestyle

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  1. The effects of the media on following an active, healthy lifestyle

  2. Task • List all the different types of media you can think of

  3. Fact / fiction / advertising Television: • Terrestrial • Satellite/cable/digital Press • Broadsheets • Tabloids • Local • magazines Radio • National • Local • commercial Internet • websites

  4. Task Television companies spend an enormous amount of money on broadcasting rights to sports events. List as many as you can of the advantages and disadvantages that this brings.

  5. advantages • Increased revenue into sport • High level of exposure for ‘popular’ sports • Occasional exposure for minor sports • Positive effect on rules? (video replay analysis – 3rd umpire) • Positive influence on use of technology? • Effect on increasing participation, particularly when UK success is highlighted (wimbledon fortnight) • Reinforcement of messages regarding healthy, active lifestyle • Exposure of positive role models • ‘Good’ professionalism

  6. disadvantages • Pay per view channels only available to those who can afford • Reduced level of exposure • Uneven coverage of different sports • Start times to suit media/advertisers • Rule changes to suit media • Scrutiny (criticism) of officials • Financial gap between ‘haves’ and ‘have nots’ • Reduced participation • Focus on negative role models/behaviour • ‘Bad’ professionalism

  7. Promotional campaigns via the media to encourage physical activity and a healthy lifestyle • News features, current affairs programmes, soaps etc frequently represent physical activity and healthy lifestyles in a positive light (healthy eating, smoking, alcohol consumption) • Can work the other way when things such as smoking and drinking are glamorised

  8. Task • Think of ways in which the media is used to educate the public about excessive alcohol consumption

  9. The media has a role in public service broadcasting to educate the public with the aim of modifying individuals behaviour • Advertising campaigns (TV and press) on dangers of binge drinking, drink driving • Information (leaflets etc) on responsible drinking (units) • Documentaries • Information websites

  10. Anti-crime initiatives using sport • Widespread media coverage of antisocial behaviour (ASBO’s) • Initiatives in areas of social deprivation and high crime often use sport and physical activity to encourage more acceptable behaviour and combat boredom and crime

  11. The effects of sponsorship and funding on the ability to follow an active, healthy lifestyle How are/were these activities funded? School volleyball club Swimming at watford leisure centre Playing rugby at Fullerians RFC The school AWP The london marathon

  12. Make notes on p.132/133

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