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FUTURE PLANS (2005-2010) Avi Shapira. ISC – A data centre Maintain and upgrade hardware and software for data collection, event grouping, phase association and data dissemination. Be a depository for seismological information other than waveform data.
FUTURE PLANS (2005-2010) Avi Shapira ISC's EC &GC meeting - 2005
ISC – A data centre • Maintain and upgrade hardware and software for data collection, event grouping, phase association and data dissemination. • Be a depository for seismological information other than waveform data. • Provide data and information that the seismological community may need. • ISC – An Analysis Centre • Maintain and upgrade hardware and software for editing the ISC Bulletin and Catalogues. • Develop new analytical tools and implement new methods and algorithms to improve the analysis and increase accuracy. • 3. Help set up standards ISC ROLE ISC's EC &GC meeting - 2005
COLLECTION of parametric earthquake information and phase data. • Automated and manual ANALYSIS and REVIEW of hypocentres and phase readings and association of other seismological information (e.g. links to waveform data, macro-seismic information). • DISTRIBUTION of the results in an ISC Bulletin and Catalogues. (Web, FTP, CDs and Prints). ISC current Operation To be continued during 2005-2010 ISC's EC &GC meeting - 2005
Maintenance of the Seismic Stations International Registry. • Update and distribution of seismic station information (Stations book). • Publication of ISC documentation (formats, software, reports) • Bibliography of Seismology (1956-1995). • SKS splitting parameters from special projects. • Links to Seismologists and Seismological Institutions. • Links to Real Time seismological information. Other Services Recently introducedon ISC webpage To be continued during 2005-2010 ISC's EC &GC meeting - 2005
Nomenclature of Seismic Phases (implemented in 2003). • Regionalization of Seismic Epicentres (implemented in 2004). • Magnitude determinations (under discussions) • Seismic stations code names (under discussions) • Location procedures and TT models (initiated). Adopt and Implement IASPEI’s recommendations ISC's EC &GC meeting - 2005
Replacement of old computers. • Change to a BB internet provider. • Move to LINUX operating systems. • Upgrade backup capabilities. Improving Computer Facilities Possibly during 2005-2006 ISC's EC &GC meeting - 2005
New Funded Very old ISC's EC &GC meeting - 2005
ISC website • Restructure its existing content (almost completed during 2005) • Improve appearance and user interface. • Integrate new services: • Seismological Bibliography (Local/Regional publications). • Volcanic Eruptions (under discussion with IAVCEI ). • Macroseismic information. • Registration of Reference Events (with IASPEI’s WG) ISC's EC &GC meeting - 2005
IMPROVE ISC LOCATIONS • ISC must modernize its location algorithms, methods and travel time models which remain unchanged for more than 30 years. • - ISC locations are used as reference by many researchers in many countries. • ISCloc facilitate relatively easy accommodation of new procedures and TT models. • ISC will follow IASPEI recommendations if and when formulated. ISC's EC &GC meeting - 2005
MODERNIZE SEISMIC STATION CODE NAMES • The coding system in the International Station registry does not meet all current requirements by the parametric data centres (ISC, NEIC, EMSC) and by data contributors. • - IASPEI established a special working group to come up with recommendations. • ISC will follow IASPEI recommendations, if and when formulated . • Any recommended new system will require changes to almost all ISC s/w. ISC's EC &GC meeting - 2005
MODERNIZE AND AUTOMATE MAGNITUDE DETERMINATIONS • ISC will adhere to the recommendations of IASPEI’s sub-commission and ask its data contributors to follow the formulated instructions what should be measured. • ISC will promote the use of Mw as a reference magnitude scale. • ISC will develop a program autoSEM that will automatically search for Seismic Moment information and provide ISC Mw magnitudes. • autoSEM will be able to automatically retrieve waveform data from selected stations and apply already developed procedures to determine Mo, Mw, mb and Ms. ISC's EC &GC meeting - 2005
MODERNIZE AND IMPROVE INTERACTIVE ANALYSIS • ISC has to start planning for the next generation of analysis tools. Also required are additional aid tools for the routine analysis. • - Support the initiative of Prof. Woodhouse to use for developing an interactive analysis tool. • Collaborate with a seismological institution (e.g. GII) that will be willing to help modify its interactive processing program to serve as a development platform for testing the applicability and practicalities of various concepts and ideas. ISC's EC &GC meeting - 2005
Database of Reference Seismic Events Cooperating with the Working Group on Reference Events of the IASPEI Commission on seismological Observations and Interpretation (Co-chaired by Bob Engdahl and Paul Richards) Total proposed costs ~ US$ 270,000 for 3 years. Approach seismological centres to collect seismic events that qualify by having locations known to 5 km or better. Definition of qualification criteria, review and validation of the nominated events will be made by members of the WG. ISC will collect the information via the internet, prepare it for review and validation and associate all available information with the selected events. ISC will disseminate the information and make it available to the seismological community. ISC's EC &GC meeting - 2005
Organization Scheme of the International Seismological Centre Governing Council Chairman: Prof. A. Dziewonski - USA Executive Committee Chairman: Dr. C. Browitt - UK Director Dr.A. Shapira - Israel Administration Officer Mrs.M. Aspinwall - UK Senior Seismologist Dr.D. Storchak - Russia Data Collection Dr.P. Dawson - UK System Administrator Database Manager Mr.J. Harris - UK Seismologist Ms. M. Bolton - Canada Bibliographer To be recruited Seismologist/Programmer To be recruited Seismologist To be recruited Seismologist/Programmer To be recruited Seismologist To be recruited Web-page Administrator To be recruited ISC's EC &GC meeting - 2005
THANK YOU ISC's EC &GC meeting - 2005