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How to Conduct Strategic Planning Dave Russell President, Southwest Ohio Chapter

How to Conduct Strategic Planning Dave Russell President, Southwest Ohio Chapter. Session Objectives. Position component leaders in Strategic Planning concepts Provide simple phased approach to thinking about Strategic Planning and your component

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How to Conduct Strategic Planning Dave Russell President, Southwest Ohio Chapter

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  1. How to Conduct Strategic Planning Dave RussellPresident, Southwest Ohio Chapter

  2. Session Objectives • Position component leaders in Strategic Planning concepts • Provide simple phased approach to thinking about Strategic Planning and your component • Share SW Ohio Chapter experience in Strategic Planning • Interact with other component leaders on their experiences

  3. “The most important thing in life is to decide what’s most important” - Ken Blanchard

  4. 1. Creates the organization’s reason for existing, and 2. Seeks agreement on what the organization wants to be and wants to do Strategic Planning...

  5. Reason for existing - Mission What you want to be/do - Vision Strategic Planning Contains:

  6. …is the same as “long term planning” Strategic Planning

  7. Basis for governance by the Board Basis for sound management by the organization Basis for constructive program evaluation by members Benefits of Strategic Planning

  8. Mission change Organizational uncertainties Decision making Fund raising Resource allocation Performance evaluation Organizational effectiveness Why do Strategic Planning?

  9. Miss opportunity to respond to change Fall out of touch with those you serve Miss opportunity for collaboration in the team effort of your component’s leaders Ramifications of Not Doing Strategic Planning

  10. Assures that planning takes place with broad perspective from all members of the Board Actively participates in the planning and is key owner of the outcome Ensure operational plans are developed and ensure implementation takes place Component Board Responsibility in Strategic Planning

  11. I. Choice to do strategic planning II. Planning the strategic planning (prework) III. The planning meeting IV. Conducting strategic planning V. Creating operational plans/actions VI. Follow through and renewal Step-by-Step Approach

  12. Maturity of component Competing demands Board prioritization Operational focus Start-up situation I. Choice to do Strategic Planning

  13. Timing Participants Input of member views Materials to be used Meetings to be held Discussion leadership II. Planning the Strategic Planning

  14. Timing - Start of new Board term Participants - Board members & key directors Inputs - Past chapter history, surveys Materials - By-laws and incorporation papers Meetings - 1/2 Saturday in Nov and Dec Discussion leader - Publish agenda II. The SW Ohio Chapter Experience

  15. Needs to be a special, separate meeting Use as a team building opportunity Include a social element Keep discipline, manage anxieties and calm Open-mindedness Physical and emotional comfort III. The Planning Meeting

  16. Two, 1/2 days offsite with great logistics Breakfast “get to know you” Diversity Game Managed environment Pre-thought process for each agenda item III. The SW Ohio Chapter Experience

  17. Look at and assess the “past” Acknowledge the “present” Question the “future” Focus on purpose and values Deliberate…diverge, then converge Get it on paper (use displayed thinking) IV. Conducting Strategic Planning

  18. Review of past presidents’ planks (past) Review of chapter history Review of member survey data (present) Options decided, purpose and values discussed - “serve members and advance the profession” Meeting results captured IV. The SW Ohio Chapter Experience

  19. Translate the strategy into action Gives the chosen actions more importance Used by the “operational” group* Managed by the “strategic” group* * often the same “group”, but each requires attention V. Creating Operational Plans

  20. Strategy selections summarized and documented Strategy ownership by the Board Action items developed for each strategy Roles and responsibilities charted for each action item [via RACI charting: Responsible, Approve, Consult, Inform] V. The SW Ohio Chapter Experience

  21. The Board owns it! Monthly meetings check actions Quarterly or semi-annually review measurable progress Recheck/renew strategy annually. Use surveys and updates on progress. VI. Follow Through and Renewal

  22. Deliberate planning works best It will cause discomfort for some It will be seen as necessary once completed The Board will be closer/tighter as a body SW Ohio is growing in strategy areas with more focus and seeing progress Summary of Learnings

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