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Explore charmonium-candidate states like X(3872) and Y(4260), charmed-strange mesons and baryons, and phenomena like tetraquarks and charmonium production at BABAR, Belle, and CLEO with ample data samples and advanced detectors.
Charmonium and Charm Spectroscopy at the e+e- B-Factories FPCP 2006, Vancouver April 10, 2006 Helmut Marsiske, SLAC
Outline Note Microsoft convention: underline overbar • Charmonium-candidate States • X(3872), X(3940), Y(3940) Y(4260), Z(3930) • Charmed-strange Mesons • DsJ*(2317), DsJ(2460) • Charmed Baryons • Λc(2940), Ξcx(2980), Ξcx(3077) Tetraquarks, D*D molecules, ccg hybrids, etc. No (charmed) Pentaquarks @ B-factories Helmut Marsiske, SLAC Charm/onium Spectroscopy
Continuum production: √s ≤ 10.58 GeV e+e-cc (ISR, double charmonium) two-photon Production in B decay: √s ≈ 5.28 GeV bc transition B(cc)K(*) Charm/onium Productionat BABAR, Belle, and CLEO • Very large data samples • 450-700M cc events, • 380-590M BB events Detectors with excellent tracking, vertexing, e.m. calorimetry, and particle ID Helmut Marsiske, SLAC Charm/onium Spectroscopy
X(3872)+-J/ Belle: 152M BB PRL 91, 262001 (2003) • Observed in B-decay Belle: 275M BB hep-ex/0505038 BABAR: 232M BB PRD 73, 011101 (2006) N=61.2±15.3 (6.1 σ) N=49.1±8.4 B± only Solid hist.: mES sidebands B± and B0 Helmut Marsiske, SLAC Charm/onium Spectroscopy
Inclusive Search for BK X(3872) BABAR: 232M BB PRL 96, 052002 (2006) • BB sample with one B fully reconstructed • Two-body decay of other B monochromatic line in the kaon momentum spectrum in the B-meson center-of-mass (CM) frame No charged X(3872) observed Helmut Marsiske, SLAC Charm/onium Spectroscopy
X(3872)J/ C(X)=+1 BABAR: 287M BB Preliminary N=19.4±5.7 (3.4 σ) Belle: 275M BB hep-ex/0505037 #B’s in 64MeV bins of M(J/) N=13.6±4.4 (4.0 σ) S=1.3 Helmut Marsiske, SLAC Charm/onium Spectroscopy
+- Invariant Mass Spectrumin X(3872)+-J/ Belle: 275M BB hep-ex/0505038 • C(X)=+1 IG(JPC)[+-]= 1+(1--) 0 • Expect +- invariant mass spectrum to peak near the upper kinematic boundary • [+-] - J/ in relative S-wave or P-wave • M(+-) centrifugal suppression • S-wave: JPC(X)= 0++, 1++, 2++ • P-wave: JPC(X)= 0-+, 1-+, 2-+ • P(X(3872))=+1 preferred Shaded: X(3872) sidebands S-wave P-wave 2/d.o.f = 43.1/39 2/d.o.f = 71.0/39 Helmut Marsiske, SLAC Charm/onium Spectroscopy
X(3872) Isospin BABAR: 234M BB PRD 71, 031501 (2005) • Isospin=1 for C=+1 +-J/ final state, but no charged partners X±(3872) Initial state X0(3872) isospin=0 X(3872)+-J/ isospin-violating decay • Isospin-allowed decay X(3872)+- 0 J/ suppressed by kinematics • C(X)=+1 IG(JPC)[+- 0]= 0-(1--) Belle: 275M BB hep-ex/0505037 Helmut Marsiske, SLAC Charm/onium Spectroscopy
BK X(3872), X(3872)+-J/ Decay Angular Distributions c2/dof = 11/9 ql |cosql| K c2/dof = 5/9 c |cosc| Belle: 275M BB hep-ex/0505038 • Exclude JPC = 0-+, 0++ with 2/d.o.f = 34.2/9, 31.0/9 • Consistent with JPC = 1++ • Inconclusive for JPC = 2++ Red: X(3872)sidebands Angles in the X(3872)rest frame J.L. Rosner, PRD 70, 094023 (2004) Helmut Marsiske, SLAC Charm/onium Spectroscopy
X(3872)D0D00 (D0D*0) N=12.5±3.9 (>5) Preliminary Belle: ~270M BB MoriondQCD06 M(D0D00) in B signal region: |ΔE|<10 MeV; shaded: |ΔE| sidebands M(D0D0p0) ≈ M(X) JPC=2++ D-wave required very unlikely so close to threshold No DD decay for JP=1+ Decay into 3 pseudoscalars excludes JP=0+ Everything consistent with I=0, JPC=1++ for X(3872) Helmut Marsiske, SLAC Charm/onium Spectroscopy
X0(3940) Belle: 375 fb-1 hep-ex/0507019 • Observed in the recoil against J/ in cc continuum events together with three known C=+1 cc states: c , c0 , c (2S) N=266±63 (5.0 σ) Possible interpretation: X(3940) = c(3S) DD threshold JPC=0-+ for c(3S) Helmut Marsiske, SLAC Charm/onium Spectroscopy Surprisingly large J/-(cc) cross section for NRQCD
X0(3940)D*D Mrec(J/yD)=M(D) Mrec(J/yD)=M(D*) Belle: 375 fb-1 hep-ex/0507019 • Above D(*)D threshold search for DD and D*D decay [constrain recoil against (J/ D)] Shaded: D sidebands DD No DD decay for JPC=0-+ D*- D P-wave for JPC=0-+ N=24.5±6.9 (5.0 σ) D*D No large decay into J/ : Helmut Marsiske, SLAC Charm/onium Spectroscopy
Y(3940)J/ C(Y)=+1 Belle: 275M BB PRL 94, 182002 (2005) • Large threshold enhancement observed in B-decay • If interpreted as S-wave resonance • Unlikely decay mode for cc state above D(*)D threshold • Different from X(3940)? #B’s in bins of M(J/) N=58±11 (>8 σ) Helmut Marsiske, SLAC Charm/onium Spectroscopy
Z(3930)D0D0, D+D- Belle: 395 fb-1 PRL 96, 082003 (2006) • Observed in two-photon interactions C=+1 N=64±18 (5.3 σ) Solid line: J = 2, =2 2/d.o.f= 1.9/9 Dashed line: no signal Dashed line: J = 0 2/d.o.f= 23.4/9 Solid hists.: Dsidebands |cos*|: D angle w.r.t. beam axis in CM Likely 23P2 cc state: c2(2P) Helmut Marsiske, SLAC Charm/onium Spectroscopy
Y(4260)+-J/ (2S) BABAR: 233 fb-1 PRL 95, 142001 (2005) • Observed in ISR events JPC = 1-- • Indication in B-decay needs confirmation Assuming single resonance N=123±23 (>8 σ) BABAR: 232 fb-1 PRD 73, 012005 (2006) Peak cross section: σ(e+e-Y)=(51±12) pb BABAR: 232M BB PRD 73, 011101 (2006) Helmut Marsiske, SLAC Charm/onium Spectroscopy
Confirmation of Y(4260) in CLEO-c Scan √s=3.77 - 4.26 GeV CLEO-c: 13.2 pb-1 hep-ex/0602034 • Enhanced cross section for e+e-J/ @ √s=4.26 GeV NB: BABAR +-J/ peak cross section: (51±12) pb N=37 (11 σ) N=8 (5.1 σ) No sign of (4040)=(3S) decay to+-J/ Y(4260)= (4S) assignment less likely Helmut Marsiske, SLAC Charm/onium Spectroscopy
More Confirmation of Y(4260)from CLEO-III CLEO-III: 13.3 fb-1 Preliminary • ISR production of +-J/ events in CLEO-III data near √s=10.58 GeV Note: CLEO-III efficiency is ~1.7 times BABAR. Boost? Detector?? N≈12 (4.9 σ) Helmut Marsiske, SLAC Charm/onium Spectroscopy
No Indication for Y(4260) in Other ISR-produced Final States (3770) DD(3900) (4040) (4160) Shaded: D sidebands M(K+K-) (4415) Y(4260) Shaded: sidebands BABAR: 232 fb-1 To.b.subm.to PRD BABAR: 289 fb-1 To.b.subm.to PRL Preliminary Preliminary BABAR: 232 fb-1 PRD 73, 012005 (2006) Helmut Marsiske, SLAC Charm/onium Spectroscopy
Charmonium-candidate States Tetraquarks, D*D molecules, ccg hybrids, etc. Helmut Marsiske, SLAC Charm/onium Spectroscopy
Update on Charmed-strange MesonsDsJ*(2317)+ and DsJ(2460)+ BABAR: 232 fb-1 Submitted to PRD • Comprehensive study of decays to Ds+ plus one or two ±, 0, or ’s • Decay pattern if JP=0+ and JP=1+, respectively Preliminary Ds+0 only decay mode observed for DsJ*(2317)+ NB: all “Seen” modes are also “Allowed” Helmut Marsiske, SLAC Charm/onium Spectroscopy
No indication of neutral or doubly-charged partner near 2317 MeV I=0 DsJ*(2317)+Ds+0 BABAR: 232 fb-1 Submitted to PRD N=3180±80 Preliminary Ds*(2112) signal Preliminary Ds*(2112) reflection Dark shade: DsJ(2460) reflection Circles: Ds sidebands Helmut Marsiske, SLAC Charm/onium Spectroscopy
BDDsJ*(2317)+,DsJ*(2317)+Ds+0 0 Belle: 274M BB BELLE-CONF- 0461 (2004) • DsJ*(2317) decay mode natural spin-parity • DsJ*(2317) decay angular distribution spin 0 Dotted line: J = 1 2/d.o.f = 38/8 Natural spin- parity JP = 0+ Solid line: J = 0 2/d.o.f = 3/8 Helmut Marsiske, SLAC Charm/onium Spectroscopy
DsJ(2460)+Ds+ / Ds*(2112)+0 Ds*+Ds+ DsJ(2460)+Ds+ Preliminary Preliminary N=560±40 Open points: Ds sidebands Light shade: Ds*(2112) reflection Dark shade: DsJ*(2317) reflection N=920±60 Open points: Ds sidebands BABAR: 232 fb-1 Submitted to PRD Preliminary Helmut Marsiske, SLAC Charm/onium Spectroscopy
BDDsJ(2460)+ Belle: 274M BB BELLE-CONF-0461 (2004) (b): DsJ(2460)+Ds+ (c): DsJ(2460)+Ds *(2112) +0 Ds*+ Ds+ No Ds decay for J=0 Ds*0 Dashed line: J = 2 2/d.o.f = 89/8 Solid line: J = 1 S-wave Solid line: J = 1 2/d.o.f = 4/8 JP = 1+ cos(Ds*0) Helmut Marsiske, SLAC Charm/onium Spectroscopy
No indication of DsJ*(2317)+ Also observe Ds1(2536)+ DsJ(2460)+Ds++- BABAR: 232 fb-1 Submitted to PRD N=6±3 Preliminary DsJ*(2317) N=193±22 N=123±15 Ds1(2536) DsJ(2460) Preliminary Preliminary Helmut Marsiske, SLAC Charm/onium Spectroscopy
DsJ(2460)+ Absolute Branching Fractions (BFs) p e- D* Breco e+ Bsignal D* X BABAR: 230M BB To.b.subm.to PRL • BB sample with one B fully reconstructed study decays of other BD(*)+,0 X • Observe DsJ(2460) signals in the recoil mass, mX Helmut Marsiske, SLAC Charm/onium Spectroscopy
DsJ(2460)+ Absolute BFs, cont. BABAR: 122M BB PRL 93, 181801 (2004) • Combine with previously measured, exclusive product BFs BD(*) DsJ(2460)+, DsJ(2460)+Ds+ / Ds*(2112)+0to obtain absolute BFs: • Sum of known BFs: 0.70±0.15 Preliminary (Ds*+ Ds+) Helmut Marsiske, SLAC Charm/onium Spectroscopy
Charmed-strange Mesons cs P-wave, tetraquarks, etc. DsJ(2460) absolute branching fractions (BFs) BABAR: 232 fb-1 Preliminary BABAR: 230M BB Preliminary Belle: 274M BB BELLE-CONF-0461 (2004) Helmut Marsiske, SLAC Charm/onium Spectroscopy
New Charmed Baryon: Λc(2940)+ Λc(2880) Λc(2940) Shaded: D0 sidebands Blue: D0p BABAR: 287 fb-1 Submitted to PRL • Observed in cc continuum events in the decay mode D0p (D0K-+, K-++-) • First observation of Λc(2880)+D0p • No structure in D+p • No doubly-charged partner for either state Preliminary N=2280±310 (>7 σ) N=3020 ±220 Helmut Marsiske, SLAC Charm/onium Spectroscopy
Two New Charmed-Strange Baryons: Ξcx(2980)+ and Ξcx(3077)+ Belle: 462 fb-1 MoriondQCD06 • Observed in cc continuum events in the decay mode Λc+K-+ (Λc+pK-+) Preliminary No structure in right- sign Λc+ sidebands or wrong-sign Λc+K+-, Λc+K-- modes No indication of doubly-charmed Ξcc(3520) (SELEX) Helmut Marsiske, SLAC Charm/onium Spectroscopy
Summary: Charmed Baryons Belle: 462 fb-1 MoriondQCD06 BABAR: 287 fb-1 Preliminary • Three new states • New decay mode Helmut Marsiske, SLAC Charm/onium Spectroscopy
Summary: Charmed-strange Mesons • Consistent with cs P-wave states • Masses unexpectedly low Belle: 274M BB BELLE-CONF-0461 (2004) BABAR: 232 fb-1 Preliminary BABAR: 230M BB Preliminary DsJ(2460) absolute branching fractions (BFs) Helmut Marsiske, SLAC Charm/onium Spectroscopy
Summary: Charmonium-candidate States Helmut Marsiske, SLAC Charm/onium Spectroscopy
Backup slides Helmut Marsiske, SLAC Charm/onium Spectroscopy
Charmonium-candidate States Tetraquarks, D*D molecules, ccg hybrids, etc. Helmut Marsiske, SLAC Charm/onium Spectroscopy
Searches for X(3872)+-J/ in other processes • No ISR production JPC 1-- • No quasi-real two-photon production JPC 0-+, 0++, 2++ BABAR: 89 fb-1 PRD 71, 052001 (2005) CLEO: 15.1 fb-1 PRL 94, 032004 (2005) Helmut Marsiske, SLAC Charm/onium Spectroscopy
+- Invariant Mass Spectrumin X(3872)+-J/ , cont. CDF II: 360 pb-1 hep-ex/0512074 • C(X)=+1 IG(JPC)[+-]= 1+(1--) 0 • [+-] - J/ in relative S-wave or P-wave • S-wave: JPC(X)= 0++, 1++, 2++ • P-wave: JPC(X)= 0-+, 1-+, 2-+, 3-+ 1260±130 X(3872) candidates Unable to distinguish S-wave (P=+1) and P-wave (P=-1) Helmut Marsiske, SLAC Charm/onium Spectroscopy
X0(3872) in B±and B0 Decays BABAR: 232M BB PRD 73, 011101 (2006) • Charge-specific branching fractions • Mass difference N=8.3±4.5 (2.5 σ) B0 only Helmut Marsiske, SLAC Charm/onium Spectroscopy
X±(3872) in B±and B0 Decays • Charge-specific branching fractions BABAR: 232M BB PRD 73, 011101 (2006) Helmut Marsiske, SLAC Charm/onium Spectroscopy
X(3872)J/+- JPC= 1 y(2S),y(3770), … • Belle: discovery • Unexpected discovery mode for charmonium state above open-charm threshold • BABAR: search for X(3872)J/+- in Initial State Radiation (ISR) Events • ISR e+e- collisions with a continuum of center-of-mass (CM) energies below the (4S) • Search final state PRL 91, 262001 (2003) Helmut Marsiske, SLAC Charm/onium Spectroscopy
No evidence for Y(4260) in R-scan Y(4260) R √s (GeV) • Dip in R at √s=4.26GeV R≈3 and σ=(14.2±0.6)nb Y(4260) decay mode conventional charmonium interpretation does not fit well Factors >10 and >20 larger than J/+- partial width of (2S) and (3770), resp. Helmut Marsiske, SLAC Charm/onium Spectroscopy
Indication of Y(4260) J/+-in B decay • Search for • 3.1σ significance, assuming mass and width from ISR analysis; needs confirmation PRD 73, 011101 (2006) 232M BB Helmut Marsiske, SLAC Charm/onium Spectroscopy
+- Invariant Mass Spectrum in Y(4260)+-J/ • C(Y)= -1 IG(JPC)[+-]= 0+(0++, 2++) BABAR: 233 fb-1 PRL 95, 142001 (2005) CLEO-c: 13.2 pb-1 hep-ex/0602034 Submitted to PRL Solid hist: +- phase spacefor (+-) - J/ S-wave Solid hist: +- spectrum likein (2S)+-J/ #Y’s in bins of M(+-) +- invariant mass spectrum inconclusive Helmut Marsiske, SLAC Charm/onium Spectroscopy
Other Y(4260) Decay Modes? BABAR: 232 fb-1 PRD 73, 012005 (2006) Helmut Marsiske, SLAC Charm/onium Spectroscopy
Discovery of X(3872)J/+- 157M BBbar y(2S) Events/10 MeV/c2 M(J/yp+p-) - M(J/y) (GeV/c2) • Belle: • Confirmed by CDF, D0, and BABAR • X(3872) properties • Mass at DD* threshold • Narrow width • JPC=1++ favored • m(+-) consistent with • No evidence for charged partner X±(3872) PRL 91, 262001 (2003) 157M BB Helmut Marsiske, SLAC Charm/onium Spectroscopy
X(3872) Helmut Marsiske, SLAC Charm/onium Spectroscopy
X(3872) • Some DD molecule predictions: Helmut Marsiske, SLAC Charm/onium Spectroscopy
Charmed-strange Mesons BABAR: 91 fb-1 PRL 90, 242001 (2003) CLEO: 13.5 fb-1 PRD 68, 032002 (2003) Belle: 124M BB PRL 91, 262002 (2003) • DsJ*(2317) and DsJ(2460) first observed by BABAR and CLEO in cc continuum events, and by Belle in B-decay • Both masses unexpectedly low: below DK and D*K threshold, respectively • Only isospin-violating or electromagnetic decays kinematically allowed narrow widths • Decay pattern and decay angular distributions consistent with interpretation as P-wavecs mesons with JP=0+ and JP=1+, respectively Helmut Marsiske, SLAC Charm/onium Spectroscopy
Charmed-strange Mesons Helmut Marsiske, SLAC Charm/onium Spectroscopy
Summary of DsJ*(2317)+ and DsJ(2460)+ Branching Ratio Results BABAR: 232 fb-1 Submitted to PRD Helmut Marsiske, SLAC Charm/onium Spectroscopy