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Speech. Language is a miracle. And speech is one of realizations of language. The evolution of culture, science, literature... Speech is a basic component in the formation “society” Speech is communication of humans (not the only one...)
Speech • Language is a miracle. • And speech is one of realizations of language. • The evolution of culture, science, literature... • Speech is a basic component in the formation “society” • Speech is communication of humans (not the only one...) • Speech allows distant communication (more “live” than writing)
Speech Communication Involves • Thought linguistics: language, semantics, emotion, style • Production and listening physiology, physics • Transmission Physics, acoustics • Transmission engineering, mathematics, speech science/engineering, computing, industry, management
dfd Ref: http://cslr.colorado.edu/classes/ECEN5022
Some Developments in Speech Science 1970 Adaptive delta modulation 1970 Dynamic time warping for speech recognition 1973 ADPCM 1975 Markov models for speech recognition 1976 Subband coding 1977 Adaptive transform coding 1978 LSIC speech synthesiser 1980 Vector quantization for speech coding 1982 MELP 1985 CELP 1986 ANN for speech recognition 1986 PSOLA synthesis 1987 Language models for speech recognition 1992 TIMIT database on CD ROM 1995 Language Identification 1779 Mechanical speech synthesis 1876 Invention of the telephone 1922 Electrical speech synthesis 1924 Speech analysis by formants 1930 PCM 1939 Vocoder 1946 Invention of the spectrogram device 1952 Delta modulaton 1953 Analysis of phonemes by distinctive features 1957 Speech synthesis by formants 1959 Time assignment speech interpolation 1960 Acoustical theory of speech production 1962 Computer speech synthesis with digital filters 1964 Cepstral analysis 1967 LPC coding of speech
Primary Aspects of Speech Research • Production of speech, modelling • Sound perception • Speech analysis • Speech coding • Speech enhancement • Speech recognition Linguistics, comp. linguistics • Speech synthesis • Speaker recognition • Quality assesment • Speech/language translation • Language identification
Turkish Phonemes (SAMPA) Symbol Keyword English gloss Orthography Affricates tS se"tSim choice seçim dZ dZam glass cam Nasals m dam roof dam n a"n1 memory anı Liquids l la:"le tulip lale 5 "ha5a aunt hala r raf shelf raf Semivowel j jat yacht yat The following consonantal allophones may be separately symbolized if desired: w (=/v/) ta"wuk chicken tavuk N (=/n/) syN"gjy bayonet süngü Length mark : ha:la: yet hala 34 phonemes İt exceeds 40 depending on the detail level Symbol Keyword English gloss Orthography Vowels Front i cil clay kil e ce"tSi goat keçi y cyl ash kül 2 gj2l lake göl Back u ku5 slave kul o ko5 arm kol 1 k15 hair kıl a ka5 stay kal Consonants Plosives p ip thread ip b ba"51k fish balık t y"ty iron ütü d de"de grandfather dede c ce"di cat kedi gj gjentS youth genç k a"k15 brain akıl g kar"ga crow karga Fricatives f fa"re mouse fare v ver give ver s ses sound ses z a"z1k food azık S a"S1 graft aşı Z myZ"de good news müjde h has"ta ill hasta G sa"G1r deaf sağır
Articulation/Articulators Ref: http://cslr.colorado.edu/classes/ECEN5022