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FREDRICK TECHNICAL SERVICES GROUP . La Tecnología será siempre la columna vertebral. Estamos siempre listos para servir a las necesidades empresariales. Plan de Corto Plazo. 1- Los Servidores Primarios formarán un único sistema integrado de información. Plan de Corto Plazo.
FREDRICK TECHNICAL SERVICES GROUP La Tecnología será siempre la columna vertebral. Estamos siempre listos para servir a las necesidades empresariales.
Plan de Corto Plazo 1- Los Servidores Primarios formarán un único sistema integrado de información.
Plande Corto Plazo • Establecer un servidor primario en cada ciudad, Bata y Malabo, que estén interconectados para que actúen como un ordenador base único principal, respaldado por dos servidores adicionales, para servir a todos los aspectos de las necesidades de SEGESA en todo el país por un período prolongado de tiempo (15 años), que sea capaz de: 1- Controlar todos los ordenadores de los empleados. 2- Controlar toda acción realizada con los ordenadores de la empresa. 3- Rastrear toda transacción entre los empleados y la base de datos. 4- Prevenir acciones no autorizadas de los empleados en todo momento y desde cualquier parte, dentro de la Intranet y la Red de Área Extendida (WAN).
Plan de CortoPlazo 2- Servidor de Base de Datos
PlandeCortoPlazo • Establecer un Servidor de Base de Datos integrado para proveer a SEGESA con: 1- Almacenar de forma segura todos los archivos de datos de la empresa (clientes, empleados, etc.) 2- Gestionar el sistema de Facturación con mayor velocidad, flexibilidad y con una metodología más segura. 3- Proporcionar la capacidad de gestionar y controlar cada transacción (acción corta – acción larga) con accesos individuales asignados a empleados específicos (cajero, jefe). 4- Segmentar el acceso de acuerdo a los permisos autorizados por niveles superiores.
Plan de CortoPlazo Sistema de Servidor Share point
( Beneficios) : Características Colaborativas • Tareas: Crear, asignar y realizar un seguimiento del progreso de las tareas. • Calendarios: Crear y compartir calenarios con miembros del equipo, crear reuniones y gestionar eventos recurrentes. • Contactos: Compartir información de los contactos con el equipo de manera que estén actualizados. • Alertas: Recibir alertas cuado ocurran o esten programadas, notificando cuando hayan ocurrido cambios . • Bibliotecas de Documentos : Compartir y gestionar documentos relacionados a través de una librería de múltiples documentos.
PlandeCortoPlazo Función del Server Exchange
( Beneficios) : Características Colaborativas • Microsoft Exchange provee a las empresas con email, calendario y contactos en la PC, teléfono y web, de manera que los empleados estén conectados y sincronizados. Características Clave Seguridad Capacidades de Antivirus y antipsam avanzados, mantienen los emails protegidos. E-mail móvil Email, calendario en contactos en una gran variedad de dispositivos móviles. Archivo de Email El archivado de email incorporado elimina la necesidad de servicios adicionales. Mensajería Unificada Habilidad para recibir mp3s y previsualizaciones en texto de mensajes de voz.
PlandeCortoPlazo Servidor Firewall Fore Front
ForeFront TMG : Beneficios • Protección Integral • Filtrado múltiple de fuentes de dato URL para un mejorado bloqueo de sitios Web maliciosos. • Preciso motor antimalware. • Prevención de intrusión contra la explotación de vulnerabilidades. • Tecnologías de protección de red de ISA 2006 incorporadas. • Seguridad Integrada • Múltiples tecnologías de seguridad Web integradas en una única solución. • Autentificación, actualización, distribución de políticas y emisión de informes de inversiones en infraestructura. • Gestión Simplificada • Una única interface para gestionar la política de seguridad Web • Reportes y registros integrales.
FREDRICK TECHNICAL SERVICES GROUP Technology will be the backbone. We are always ready to serve Enterprise Needs.
ShortTermPlan 1- Primary Servers will form a single integrated information system
ShortTermPlan • Establishing a primary serverin each of Bata and Malabo that are interconnected to act as a single primary computer base backed up by two additional servers to serve all aspects of SEGESA needs throughout the country for an extended period of time (15 years) that is capable to: 1- control all Employees computers . 2- control every action with Company computers . 3- trace every transaction between employee users and the DATABASE . 4- prevent unauthorized actions from employee users at any time and from any where Inside the {Intranet} and the {WAN} .
ShortTermPlan 2- Database Servers
Short Term Plan • Establishing an integrated Database Server to provide SEGESA with : 1- Securely store all company [ clients – Employee ] data files . 2- Manage the Billing system with greater speed, flexibility and more and more Secure methodology . 3- Provide the ability to manage and control every transaction [ short action – long action ] with individual access assigned to a specific employees [ casher – manager ]. 4- Segment access according to permissions authorized by senior levels .
Short Term Plan Share point Server system
( Benefits ): Collaboration Features • Tasks : Create, assign and track the progress of tasks. • Calendars : Create and share calendars with team members, create meetings and manage recurring events. • Contacts : Share contact information with your team so they can keep in touch. • Alerts : Receive alerts as they happen or on a schedule notifying you when changes happen . • Document Libraries : Share and manage related documents through a library of multiple documents .
Short Term Plan Exchange Server function
( Benefits ) : Collaboration Features • Microsoft Exchange provides businesses with email, calendar, and contacts on the PC, phone & web, so employees can stay connected and in sync.
Short Term Plan Fore Front Server Firewall
Fore Front TMG : Benefits • Comprehensive Protection • - Multiple URL filtering data sources for improved blocking of malicious Web sites • - Highly accurate antimalware engine • - Intrusion prevention against exploitation of vulnerabilities • Built-in, proven network protection technologies of ISA 2006 • Integrated Security • - Multiple Web security technologies integrated into a single solution . • - Authentication, update, policy distribution and reporting infrastructure investments • Simplified Management • - Single interface for managing Web security policy • - Comprehensive logging and reporting
Short Term Plan 2- Primary Servers will form a single integrated information system
Short Term Plan • Establishing a primary serverin each of Bata and Malabo that are interconnected to act as a single primary computer base backed up by two additional servers to serve all aspects of SEGESA needs throughout the country for an extended period of time (15 years) that is capable to: 1- control all Employees computers . 2- control every action with Company computers . 3- trace every transaction between employee users and the DATABASE . 4- prevent unauthorized actions from employee users at any time and from any where Inside the {Intranet} and the {WAN} .
Short Term Plan 2- Database Servers
Short Term Plan • Establishing an integrated Database Server to provide SEGESA with : 1- Securely store all company [ clients – Employee ] data files . 2- Manage the Billing system with greater speed, flexibility and more and more Secure methodology . 3- Provide the ability to manage and control every transaction [ short action – long action ] with individual access assigned to a specific employees [ casher – manager ]. 4- Segment access according to permissions authorized by senior levels .
Short Term Plan Share point Server system
( Benefits ): Collaboration Features • Tasks : Create, assign and track the progress of tasks. • Calendars : Create and share calendars with team members, create meetings and manage recurring events. • Contacts : Share contact information with your team so they can keep in touch. • Alerts : Receive alerts as they happen or on a schedule notifying you when changes happen . • Document Libraries : Share and manage related documents through a library of multiple documents .
Short Term Plan Exchange Server function
( Benefits ) : Collaboration Features • Microsoft Exchange provides businesses with email, calendar, and contacts on the PC, phone & web, so employees can stay connected and in sync.
Short Term Plan Fore Front Server Firewall
Fore Front TMG : Benefits • Comprehensive Protection • - Multiple URL filtering data sources for improved blocking of malicious Web sites • - Highly accurate antimalware engine • - Intrusion prevention against exploitation of vulnerabilities • Built-in, proven network protection technologies of ISA 2006 • Integrated Security • - Multiple Web security technologies integrated into a single solution . • - Authentication, update, policy distribution and reporting infrastructure investments • Simplified Management • - Single interface for managing Web security policy • - Comprehensive logging and reporting
Short Term Plan 2- Primary Servers will form a single integrated information system
Short Term Plan • Establishing a primary serverin each of Bata and Malabo that are interconnected to act as a single primary computer base backed up by two additional servers to serve all aspects of SEGESA needs throughout the country for an extended period of time (15 years) that is capable to: 1- control all Employees computers . 2- control every action with Company computers . 3- trace every transaction between employee users and the DATABASE . 4- prevent unauthorized actions from employee users at any time and from any where Inside the {Intranet} and the {WAN} .
Short Term Plan 2- Database Servers
Short Term Plan • Establishing an integrated Database Server to provide SEGESA with : 1- Securely store all company [ clients – Employee ] data files . 2- Manage the Billing system with greater speed, flexibility and more and more Secure methodology . 3- Provide the ability to manage and control every transaction [ short action – long action ] with individual access assigned to a specific employees [ casher – manager ]. 4- Segment access according to permissions authorized by senior levels .
Short Term Plan Share point Server system
( Benefits ): Collaboration Features • Tasks : Create, assign and track the progress of tasks. • Calendars : Create and share calendars with team members, create meetings and manage recurring events. • Contacts : Share contact information with your team so they can keep in touch. • Alerts : Receive alerts as they happen or on a schedule notifying you when changes happen . • Document Libraries : Share and manage related documents through a library of multiple documents .
Short Term Plan Exchange Server function
( Benefits ) : Collaboration Features • Microsoft Exchange provides businesses with email, calendar, and contacts on the PC, phone & web, so employees can stay connected and in sync.
Short Term Plan Fore Front Server Firewall
Fore Front TMG : Benefits • Comprehensive Protection • - Multiple URL filtering data sources for improved blocking of malicious Web sites • - Highly accurate antimalware engine • - Intrusion prevention against exploitation of vulnerabilities • Built-in, proven network protection technologies of ISA 2006 • Integrated Security • - Multiple Web security technologies integrated into a single solution . • - Authentication, update, policy distribution and reporting infrastructure investments • Simplified Management • - Single interface for managing Web security policy • - Comprehensive logging and reporting