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Unit 7

Unit 7. Against The _ _ _ _ . ODDS . foreigners. Confined spaces. Being alone. flying. heights. snakes. strangers. Open spaces. Public speaking. germs. spiders. The dark. Man Phobia Of spiders A phobia The odds World record Of germs From a phobia Walk People

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Unit 7

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  1. Unit 7 Against The _ _ _ _ ODDS

  2. foreigners Confinedspaces Beingalone flying heights snakes strangers Open spaces Publicspeaking germs spiders Thedark

  3. Man Phobia Of spiders A phobia Theodds World record Of germs From a phobia Walk People skyscrapers Against Ophidio Suffer Are youafraid Blind Beat a A tight-rope Are youscared A daring Climb overcome

  4. climber daring Scared of heights brought terrifying reaching House keys storeys Get in through Didn ´t have to go Without ropes Haven ´t always been so easy Had to spend invincible broken elbow wrists fallen skull Despite everything though firmly Do a stunt Give up avoid Was asked promote

  5. MODAL VERBS • They are followed by a bare ______ • They don´t take - s in the third person singular • They don´t use don´t or doesn´t to make their negatives and interrogative forms • They haven´t got infinitive, -ing form or past participle • We can´t use two together: we will can – we will be able to … form Can/could, may/might, must, have to,will, shall, should, would, ought to, dare use

  6. Use Could/couldhave done Will be able to /will have been able to can Will be posible /would be Might/Could/ couldhavebeen May/ might could Can, may, might, shallwe Musthave done Must Must, haveto , needto Will have to, will need to Hadto Didn ´t haveto/ needn´t have done Won´t have to, won´t need to Don ´t haveto Should/shouldn ´t Could/may/mighthave done Can, may, might should/shouldn,thave done Might / could do … Could/may/mighthave done Mustn´t Won´t be able to / won ´t have been able to Couldn ´t

  7. Use Will be able to /will have been able to can Could/couldhave done Might/Could/could have been May/ might Will be possible /would be Can, may, might, shall we could Mustbe Musthave done Must, haveto , needto Hadto Will have to, will need to Don ´t haveto Didn ´t have to/needn ´t have done Won´t have to, won´t need to Should/shouldn ´t Could/may/might have done Might / could do … should/shouldn,t have done Mustn´t Couldn ´t do … I won ´t be ableto…

  8. Modal Verbs • Complete the sentences with one of these verbs can, can ´t, must, mustn´t, have / had to, Don´t / doesn ´t / didn ´t have to, may, might, could, should, shouldn´t . • My grandfather was a very clever man. He __________ speak five languages. • You have been travelling all day. You ________ be very tired. • I don ´t want anyone to know. You __________ tell anyone • he _________________ wear a suit to work but he usually does. • I went to the bank this morning. There was no queue, so I _______________ wait. • In Britain many children ____________ wear uniform when they go to school. • We couldn ´t repair the car ourselves. We __________ take to the garage. • we haven ´t got much time. We _________ hurry. • The doctor recommended me that I ___________ see a specialist • I can ´t find George anywhere. I wonder where he is. He __________ be playing tennis • Who is knocking on the door?. I don´t know It _________ be George. • I _________ go to the dentist. I´ve got two black teeth • That restaurant __________ be very good. It ´s always empty. • I can ´t go out this evening I ___________ revise for the exam. • On Sundays I ___________ get up at 11 but I ________ be home by 10 p.m could Must Mustn´t Doesn ´t haveto Didn ´t haveto have to hadto haveto should must must must can ´t haveto Don ´t haveto haveto

  9. 1. Translate into English 1. Deberías haber terminado los ejercicios de mates 2. Puede que hayan llegado a tiempo 3. Deben haber suspendido el examen porque lloran 4. No sabían jugar y les enseñamos 5. Deben haber estado bebiendo porque huelen 6. El no lo puede haber hecho porque estaba conmigo 7. Está prohibido usar el móvil y llevar piercing 8. Podría llegar pero lo más seguro es que no podré llegar a tiempo 9. Deben estar hablando porque comunica 10. No debería habérselo dicho You should have finished Maths exercises They may have arrived on time They must have failed the exam as they are crying They couldn ´t play and we taught them They must have been drinking He couldn ´t have done it because he was with me You mustn ´t use the mobile and wear a piercing I might arrive on time but I am sure I won ´t be able to get punctual They must be speaking since the line is busy I shouldn ´t have told him

  10. Role model athletes I waschosen Gotinvolved A dream come true Wow! paralysed waist tough To be honest plenty Getfit Wheelchair Therewas a team congratulations Holdforyou Carryonracing college Wishyouallthebest Begandoing coaches capable whatever

  11. Thesenses sight Look/see/watch It looks like … hearing Hear/listen to Itsoundslike … smell smell Itsmellslike touch taste touch taste It feels like/soft It tastes like ..

  12. sight touch hearing taste smell looks taste sounds feels smell

  13. Itfeels … It looks great Itsmellsnice It tastes good/nice Itsoundsgreat

  14. THE ________ SENSES A - Our basic senses are _________________________________ • The five basic verbs referring to the senses are _______________________________________which are modified by an adjective rather than and adverb as in B Sight • Use the verbs of seeing from the box to complete the text • Yesterday I ________ out of the window and ________ a man _______ a house opposite through a telescope. I thought I _________ a woman inside the house. Then I _____ someone else _______ into the window of the same house. I _______ at them wondering what they were doing. Suddenly the first man stopped ________ through the telescope, took the telescope and hit the other man with it and I realized I had ________ a crime. • C - Hearing • Use the following words to make a scale related to hearing from the noisiest to the quietest; silent, deafening, loud, noiseless, quiet, noisy

  15. D -Taste • What taste have this food? . Honey ________, crisps _______, chilli______ Vinegar ________, Indian food _______, overcooked meat _________ • E - Touch • Some of the verbs from the box are highly used for describing ways of touching • She nervously _______ her collar He __ the cat and _______ the dog • She _______ him on the shoulder He ______ my hand and we ran • She _______ her bag and ran It´s rude to _____ • ____ the button Please _________ the goods with care • The secretaries complained that their boss was always _________ them

  16. _ +

  17. notice observe glance gaze stare peer peek glipmse

  18. He´sgrabbingher bag He´sstrokingthedog She´sfingeringher collar He´stappingonthetable He´s pressing A button He´spawingher He´spawingher it´spawingtheground He´spattingthedog He´shandlingthe boxes withcare Thebaby´sgraspedhismother´sthumb He´ssnatchedher bag They´re holding hands

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