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Aletheia 19 februarie 2007. Modulul unu. O re ţea este . . . Un mediu care îi ajută pe lideri să fie dedicaţi refocalizării vieţii şi a lucrării lor Împuternicire Dare de seamă Care este viziunea ta? Care sunt nevoile tale? Care sunt aşteptările tale legate de reţea?.
Aletheia 19 februarie 2007
Modulul unu Oreţea este. . . Un mediu care îi ajută pe lideri să fie dedicaţi refocalizării vieţii şi a lucrării lor Împuternicire Dare de seamă Care este viziunea ta? Care sunt nevoile tale? Care sunt aşteptările tale legate de reţea? Module One / OH #2
Modulul unu Liderii sunt în bătălie Biserica locală este în era misiunii Liderii au nevoie de: Perspectivă Focalizare Voinţă Module One / OH #2
Modulul unu Procesul focalizării liderilor Unde mergi? Cine te Poate ajuta? Unde ai fost? Ô Ô >> >> Linia timpului Declaraţia de misiune Mentori O întâlnire a reţelei Lucrare Caracter Abilităţi Cei opt paşi ai procesului MODULE MODULE MODULE MODULE MODULE MODULE MODULE MODULE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Procesul focalizării Introducere în dezvoltarea conducerii Războiul spiritual Linia personală a timpului partea I Linia personală a timpului partea a II-a Declaraţia personală de misiune partea I Declaraţia personală de misiune partea a II-a Mentorii personali Module One / OH #4
Modulul unu • Principiul Caracterului • Lucrarea eficientă vine din ceea ce eşti • Lucrarea eficientă vine din rămânerea în Cristos • Dezvoltarea conducerii • 1. Dumnezeu dezvoltă un lider toată viaţa • 2. Dumnezeu foloseşte oameni, circumstanţe şi sarcini de lucrare pentru a modela viaţa liderului • 3. Plafonarea în dezvoltare este simptomul pentru alte probleme. • Puţini lideri sfârşesc bine Module One / OH #5
Modulul doi Mandatul conducerii biblice Evrei 13:7-8 Aminteşte-ţi Ia în considerare Urmează Caracteristicileunui lider Cine sunt ei (au fost) Cum slujesc (au slujit) Module Two / OH #1
Modululdoi Un lider evlavios este . . . O persoană cu: capacitate dată de Dumnezeu, şi responsabilitate dată de Dumnezeu, care influenţează un grup specific de oameni ai lui Dumnezeu, către scopurile pe care Dumnezeu le are pentru acel grup. Conducerea este . . . Un proces dinamic de influenţă care are loc pe parcursul unei perioade de timp îndelungate. Module Two / OH #2
Formarea în lucrare Formarea strategică Formarea caracterului Modululdoi Formarea caracterului A fi Formarea în lucrare A face Formarea strategică Viitor Module Two / OH #3
Modulul doi Lucruri care sunt parte din proces Oameni, evenimente şi crcumstanţe providenţiale pe care Dumnezeu le foloşeşte pentru a dezvolta un lider Testaterea integrităţii Un test pe care Dumnezeu îl foloseşte pentru a evalua intenţia inimii şi consecvenţa caracterului. Module Two / OH #5
Modululdoi Mobilizarea vs. Recrutarea Liderilor 1. Observarea A observa şi a asculta — fapte de conducere 2. Evaluarea Dezvoltareaconducerii 3. Provocarea Creşterea şi dezvoltarea personală 4. Focalizarea Mentorare pentru dezvoltare focalizată 5. Încurajare A asigura sprijin şi asistenţă în mod continuu Module Two / OH #6
Network Module Three A time-line is . . . a big-picture overview of a leader's life and development A time-line highlights . . . the significant PEOPLE and EVENTS that God has used to shape your life and ministry Module Three / OH #1
Network Module Two Symbol Time-Line Significant people and events Big-picture overview Processing Patterns Module Two / OH #4
Network Module Three Benefits of the personal time-line: 1. Perspective Big picture — over time 2. Processing Ways God shapes character 3. Patterns Phases and lessons Module Three / OH #2
Network Module Three Module Three / OH #3
Network Module Three Module Three / OH #4
Network Module Three ReFocusing Your Church Eight Strategic Questions: 1. Why do we exist as a church? (Biblical Purpose) 2. How has God worked in our past? (Ministry Milestones) 3. Whom has God called us to reach? (Ministry Focus) 4. Who has God shaped us to be? (Core Values) 5. Where is God leading us in the future? (Vision Statement) 6. Which model most facilitates our vision? (Ministry Model) 7. How will we accomplish our vision? (Ministry Goals) 8. What is our plan for ministry for the next five years? (Ministry Plan) Module Three / OH #5
Network Module Three Exploring the Harvest Where to Start? Current Relationship Networks HOW IS GOD ALREADY AT WORK? Module Three / OH #6
Network Module Four • A personal time-line • reflects an individual's unique • processing and development • as a leader • Value of the • personal time-line: • 1. Encouragement • 2. Clarity • 3. Guidance Module Four / OH #1
Network Module Four Effective leaders have a perspective which enables them to focus their life and ministry The time-line helps to reveal life-ministry values Values are unwritten assumptions, preferences and beliefs about life and ministry which inherently guide a leader Values are core convictions that God has taught a leader Values are an integral part of a personal mission statement Module Four / OH #2
Network Module Four Examples of Life-Ministry Values People first — My wife and my family are my significant ministry — My capacity to influence requires relationally-based ministry Being before doing — It is easier to do, but it is more important to be — God cares about the process and the journey Team— Doing ministry alone proves nothing Mentoring — I value learning and a teachable spirit — I value the mentoring of existing and emerging leaders The kingdom— More and better disciples, not just church growth The primacy of the local church— It is God's chosen vehicle for today Leadership— Everything rises and falls on leadership Change— A changeless gospel confronts a changing world Faith— Mission and leadership require strength and courage Relevancy— Effective ministry is contextual to its day and its location Personal Mission Statement Module Four / OH #3
Network Module Four Module Four / OH #4
Network Module Five Focusing Leaders Process Time-Line Mission Statement Mentoring A personal mission statement is . . . the best understanding to date of God's unique processing and destiny for an individual leader A dynamic guide Module Five / OH #1
Network Module Five Value of Personal Mission Statements Direction Decision making Fulfillment When They Don't Help Not consistent Lack of clarity Failure to integrate Module Five / OH #2
Network Module Five Effective Personal Mission Statements Three Elements: Biblical purpose Life-ministry values Personal vision The Missing Link Integrating into the day-to-day schedule of a leader Module Five / OH #3
Network Module Five Harvest Scenarios Scenario #1 Community Sports Scenario #2 Holiday Outreach Scenario #3 Supper-for-Six Scenario #4 Evangelistic Event Scenario #5 Formation Group Module Five / OH #4
Network Module Six Today's network helps in waging the war Attacks on: Skills Personality Family Three safeguards: Personal growth Personal intercession Personal accountability Module Six / OH #1
Network Module Six Crisis process items are . . . those most difficult moments that teach dependency and build spiritual authority What we are in crisis is what we are! Module Six / OH #2
Network Module Six Maintaining Moral Integrity in the Ministry Saddleback's Ten Commandments Pastor Rick Warren 1. Thou shalt not visit the opposite sex alone at home 2. Thou shalt not counsel the opposite sex alone at the office 3. Thou shalt not counsel the opposite sex more than once without that person's mate — refer them 4. Thou shalt not go to lunch alone with the opposite sex 5. Thou shalt not kiss any attender of the opposite sex or showaffection that could be questioned 6. Thou shalt not discuss detailed sexual problems with the opposite sex in counseling — refer them 7. Thou shalt not discuss your marriage problems with an attender of the opposite sex 8. Thou shalt be careful in answering cards and letters from the opposite sex 9. Thou shalt make your secretary your protective ally 10. Thou shalt pray for the integrity of other staff members What Would You Add? Module Six / OH #3
Network Module Six Why do we need intercessors? Advantages Concerns Five steps for finding personal intercessors Module Six / OH #4
Network Module Six • Eight essential elements • of effective church ministry: • 1. Empowering leadership • 2. Gift-oriented ministry • 3. Passionate spirituality • 4. Functional structures • 5. Inspiring worship • 6. Holistic small groups • 7. Need-oriented evangelism • 8. Loving relationships Module Six / OH #5
Network Module Seven In five years, my church will . . . In five years, I will . . . Module Seven / OH #1
Network Module Seven Linking calling to calendar Step One: Ministry roles Step Two: Life roles Step Three: One-year results Step Four: Monthly objective Weekly schedule Module Seven / OH #2
Network Module Seven A destiny revelation process item is . . . a group of incidents or process items that are accompanied by an unusual sense of God's presence or direction Module Seven / OH #3
Network Module Seven Three stages of destiny revelation: A leader's initial and growing awareness that God desires to use him Continued revelation and confirmation give a leader a clear conviction of his unique contribution (personal mission) A leader acknowledges God's leading as he lives out his personal mission in the day-to-day schedule Module Seven / OH #4
Network Module Seven What is vision? Five keys to cultivating vision: Stability Freedom Fingerprints Time Reality Six aids in cultivating vision: Start with yourself Ask strategic questions Explain the value Build understanding Identify common threads Create vision groups Module Seven / OH #5
Network Module Eight A divine contact is . . . a person God brings in contact with leaders at crucial moments in their development Divine Contacts Leaders who have most challenged your: Growth Concept of ministry Future direction Who are you influencing? Module Eight / OH #1
Network Module Eight Mentoring is . . . a relational experience in which one person empowers another by sharing God-given resources Mentors Mentoree Empowerment Module Eight / OH #2
Network Module Eight • Nine Types of Mentors • 1. Discipler • 2. Spiritual guide • 3. Coach • 4. Counselor • 5. Teacher • 6. Sponsor • 7. Contemporary model • 8. Historical model • 9. Divine contact • Intensive • Occasional • Passive Module Eight / OH #3
Network Module Eight Mentoring Constellation Module Eight / OH #4
Network Module Eight What did you find was the most helpful part of the network? What items need enhancement for the network to be more helpful? What suggestions would you make to get other leaders like yourself involved in a network? Action Plans List various ways you intend to use these materials and the concepts you have learned to help in the development of others. Action Completion Date Module Eight / OH #5
The remaining overheads can be used when introducing the second year of the ReFocusing Network.
The ReFocusing of a Local Church HARVEST IMPLEMENTING DISCOVERING ASSESSING Where have we been? Where are we going? How will we get there?
PREP ARING ASSESSING DISCOVERING IMPLEMENTING Focused Ministry W riting Pastor/ Board the Retreat Plan Leadership ReFocusing Team & Training Congregation SUMMIT PULSING Three Healthy Momentum Leadership Congregation SUMMIT PULSING T wo Preparing Leadership the SUMMIT Church One Core Envisioning (from 30 days to 90 days) Overall ReFocusing Process (from 4 months to 6 months)
End Result A ReFocused church is a local church healthy enough to birth new life! Evangelism Cells Congregations Church Planting
Natural Church Development Empowering leadership Gift-oriented ministry Passionate spirituality Functional structures Inspiring worship Holistic small groups Need-oriented evangelism Loving relationships
SUMMIT sum mit (sum’it) n (L. summus,highest) 1. The highest point; the top 2. A place in which to see Leadership Summit Creating a place where leaders can see
Process of Renewal Kingdom Path Cultural Path Understand- ing Surrender Revelation Information Security Security (Person) (Plan) Direction Strategy Courage Control