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Word-to-Word Translation of :. Juz 1. Surah Al-Baqarah Ayah 30-39. By: Momina Mateen. Photo By Momina. They said. The root letters are ل و ق . . The Earth. In. Indeed I. SAID. WHEN. AND.
Word-to-Word Translation of : Juz 1 Surah Al-Baqarah Ayah 30-39 By: Momina Mateen
They said. The root letters are لوق. The Earth In Indeed I SAID • WHEN AND One who makes. The root letters are لعج. This means to make. It means to change from state to another. • Your Rabb A successor. The root letters are فلخ. خليف means successor. One coming after the other. To come after. To succeed another. To the angels. The root letters are كلم. This means to convey the message and we know that basically angels convey messages
They said. The root letters are لوق. The Earth In Indeed I SAID • WHEN AND One who makes. The root letters are لعج. This means to make. It means to change from state to another. • Your Rabb A successor. The root letters are فلخ. خليف means successor. One coming after the other. To come after. To succeed another. To the angels. The root letters are كلأ. This means to convey the message and we know that basically angels convey messages
Who • WE • AND دمmeans blood • In it • AND • In it. ها refers to the earth • We glorify. The root letters are حبس. سبح means to swim, to float. It means to swim in the water or fly in the air swiftly. سحاب • is used for clouds. They also move swiftly. However in this context it means to do Tasbeeh i.e. to glorify. • Who does mischief. The root letters are دسف. • Sheds. The root letters are كفس. Shedding blood or water; spilling or flowing of a liquid. But the most common use for it is for shedding blood. • Do you make or appoint?
Who • WE • AND دمmeans blood • In it • AND • In it. ها refers to the earth • We glorify. The root letters are حبس. سبح means to swim, to float. It means to swim in the water or fly in the air swiftly. سحاب • is used for clouds. They also move swiftly. However in this context it means to do Tasbeeh i.e. to glorify. • Who does mischief. The root letters are دسف. • Sheds. The root letters are كفس. Shedding blood or water; spilling or flowing of a liquid. But the most common use for it is for shedding blood. • Do you make or appoint?
You know NOT WHAT To Allah AND Indeed • I know. The root letters are ملع. With your praises. The root letters are دمح. • Said • We sanctify. The root letters are سدق. قدس means holy or pure. To keep the surroundings clean form any disobedience.
You know NOT WHAT To Allah AND Indeed • I know. The root letters are ملع. With your praises. The root letters are دمح. • Said • We sanctify. The root letters are سدق. قدس means holy or pure. To keep the surroundings clean form any disobedience.
All of it Then UPON AND The Angels Then said The names. It is from اسم. The plural of اسم is أسماء. Presented them (Prophet) Adam. Adam means skin. Prophet Adam was called Adam because he had skin on his body, not hair. Taught. It means formal education. Teaching in a proper way.
All of it Then UPON AND The Angels Then said The names. It is from اسم. The plural of اسم is أسماء. Presented them (Prophet) Adam. Adam means skin. Prophet Adam was called Adam because he had skin on his body, not hair. Taught. It means formal education. Teaching in a proper way.
Of these people or things • Truthful ones. • If • You were • With the names Tell them or inform them. The root letters are ءبن. نبأ is important news and نبي comes from it.
Of these people or things • Truthful ones. • If • You were • With the names Tell them or inform them. The root letters are ءبن. نبأ is important news and نبي comes from it.
What You • NOT The All-Knowing Except They said For us Indeed you The All-Wise. The root letters are مكح Knowledge You taught us. It is from علم. علم is taught. ت is you. ن is us Glory be to you
What You • NOT The All-Knowing Except They said For us Indeed you The All-Wise. The root letters are مكح Knowledge You taught us. It is from علم. علم is taught. ت is you. ن is us Glory be to you
Said Informed them • Inform them Did not • Said With their names With their names I say • So when O Adam
Said Informed them • Inform them Did not • Said With their names With their names I say • So when O Adam
And the Earth • You were • WHAT • AND • WHAT • I know • And I know • Indeed I • For you • You disclose. The root letters are ودب. This means to disclose without intention. • Unseen • You conceal. The root letters are متك. كتم means to hide deliberately. To hide in the heart • The heavens/skies
And the Earth • You were • WHAT • AND • WHAT • I know • And I know • Indeed I • For you • You disclose. The root letters are ودب. This means to disclose without intention. • Unseen • You conceal. The root letters are متك. كتم means to hide deliberately. To hide in the heart • The heavens/skies
For Adam • We said Iblees or Chief Shaytan So they prostrated To the angels • And when • Except Do Sajdah or prostrate. The root letters are دجس Refused. The root letters are يبا. This means to refuse harshly .
For Adam • We said Iblees or Chief Shaytan So they prostrated To the angels • And when • Except Do Sajdah or prostrate. The root letters are دجس Refused. The root letters are يبا. This means to refuse harshly .
And assume arrogance. The root letters are ربك. كبر means greatness. • From Those who deny And he was
And assume arrogance. The root letters are ربك. كبر means greatness. • From Those who deny And he was
The Garden O Adam You Wherever From it • AND And your spouse Freely, abundantly, comfortably We said • Dwell, live. سكن is a house. سكون • means to come to a halt after a motion. House is a place to get peace. One is at rest And you two eat. This word is from كل. The root letters are لكء.
The Garden O Adam You Wherever From it • AND And your spouse Freely, abundantly, comfortably We said • Dwell, live. سكن is a house. سكون • means to come to a halt after a motion. House is a place to get peace. One is at rest And you two eat. This word is from كل. The root letters are لكء.
From This • You two wished Then you two will become Those who transgress • And not You go near. The root letters are برق. • The tree. شجر is a tree that grows from the Earth with a strong stem and it grows upwards
From This • You two wished Then you two will become Those who transgress • And not You go near. The root letters are برق. • The tree. شجر is a tree that grows from the Earth with a strong stem and it grows upwards
In it • The Shaytan • From what • From it. Here ‘it’ refers to the tree • They two were So he caused both of them to be expelled. The root letters are جرخ Then caused to slip them both. The root letters are ل لز. This means slipping without intention
In it • The Shaytan • From what • From it. Here ‘it’ refers to the tree • They two were So he caused both of them to be expelled. The root letters are جرخ Then caused to slip them both. The root letters are ل لز. This means slipping without intention
In AND • Some of you Till a time And for you And we said For some A temporary enjoyment. The root letters are عتم Enemy The Earth Get down. The root letters are طبه. This means to fall from a height. To come down without any control A place to stay. The root letters are ررق. To rest in peace
In AND • Some of you Till a time And for you And we said For some A temporary enjoyment. The root letters are عتم Enemy The Earth Get down. The root letters are طبه. This means to fall from a height. To come down without any control A place to stay. The root letters are ررق. To rest in peace
He Adam The continuously Merciful • words • From So accepted Indeed he His Rabb • Then he received, he learned. The root letters are ىقل. This world means he learned with interest The one who is the biggest acceptor of repentance Upon him
He Adam The continuously Merciful • words • From So accepted Indeed he His Rabb • Then he received, he learned. The root letters are ىكل. This world means he learned with interest The one who is the biggest acceptor of repentance Upon him
From me • All together • Get down • Followed • A guidance • My Guidance • From it • Definitely comes to you • We said • So then whoever • So whenever
From me • All together • Get down • Followed • A guidance • My Guidance • From it • Definitely comes to you • We said • So then whoever • So whenever
They • A fear They will grieve. The root letters are نزح . حزن means to be restless Upon them • Then neither And nor
They • A fear They will grieve. The root letters are نزح . حزن means to be restless Upon them • Then neither And nor
And they belied those Wherein they shall live for ever • Companions of the hellfire. The root letters are بحص. It is from company With our signs They disbelieved • And those who
And they belied those Wherein they shall live for ever • Companions of the hellfire. The root letters are بحص. It is from company With our signs They disbelieved • And those who
Jazakallah Khair May Allah forgive me if I have made any mistakes or have given any false information.