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OUTLINE SANACO – means South African National Apex Co-operative • It is a national representative body of cooperatives in South Africa • It is a member of the NEDLAC • It has Provincial and Municipal Structures throughout the country • Initiated the formation of the SADC Cooperatives Federation launched in March 2011 • A National Launch was held on 01st October 2009 in Johannesburg were the leadership was elected to serve a five(5) year term. • SANACO is a registered as an Apex with the Registrar of Co-operative at CIPC in terms of Co-operative Act, Act No. 14 of 2005
INTRODUCTION The majority of the rural communities are facing hardships, unemployment and poverty and hence the government’s decision to make ‘coops’ as agents of social economic development. • The South African government decided during the Presidential Growth and Development Summit held in 2003 to endorse special measures to support cooperatives as part of strategies for job creation in the economy. The majority of the rural communities are facing hardships, unemployment and poverty and hence the government’s decision to make ‘coops’ as agents of social economic development. • The South African government decided during the Presidential Growth and Development Summit held in 2003 to endorse special measures to support cooperatives as part of strategies for job creation in the economy.
INTRODUCTION • In 2008 thedti convened an International Cooperative Week Conference • During the conference the a Steering Committee representative of all the country’s Provinces • The mandate of the Committee was to revive the cooperative movement by establishing a Tertiary/Apex Cooperative • The 2008 Conference adopted a bottom up approach to build the Apex as a result; • the Steering Committee embarked on an intense programme throughout the country’s municipalities mobilising all cooperatives • This therefore led to the formation and registration of SANACO as the Apex body in line with the 2005 Coop Act.
THE STATE OF COOPERATIVES IN SOUTH AFRICA In order to address the high rate of unemployment and poverty, the government came up with the concept of “Vukuzenzele” which implies that people must be initiative and do things for themselves instead of waiting for “hand outs”. This paper is addressing the role of cooperatives in enhancing social economic development (LED) in the rural South Africa. order to address the high rate of unemployment and poverty, the government came up with the concept of “Vukuzenzele” which implies that people must be initiative and do things for themselves instead of waiting for “hand outs”. This paper is addressing the role of cooperatives in enhancing social economic development (LED) in the rural South Africa.
THE STATE OF COOPERATIVES IN SOUTH AFRICA • In 2004 the new democratic government launched the Cooperatives Development Policy and later in 2005 promulgated the cooperatives Act, No. 14 of 2005 as amended. • In 2010, the Department of Trade and Industry launched the Integrated Strategy on the Development and Promotion of Cooperatives which sets out an implementation framework of the policy and the Act.
THE STATE OF COOPERATIVES IN SOUTH AFRICA Common challenges facing cooperatives are; • Lack of critical management skills • Limited cooperation among cooperatives • Limited access to finance and markets • Lack of compliance with legislation • Lack of monitoring and evaluation • Limited access to technology • Limited promotion and awareness • Inadequate economic and social impact • Poor management and technical skills • Limited trust and social cohesion • Underdeveloped network and economic values chains • Is to facilitate and contribute to co-operative development and the consolidation of a progressive, strong, vibrant and sustainable through partner and other means that could assist in the development of cooperatives
THE STATE OF COOPERATIVES IN SOUTH AFRICA • The strategic pillars for the support programmes for cooperatives • To increase non-financial support services to cooperatives • To increase a demand for cooperatives products and • services • To improve sustainability of cooperatives • To increase financial support services to cooperatives To advance and empower all member cooperatives and their business • To engage and lobby all organs of state, the private sector and stakeholders on behalf of its members, • To play any other deemed to be of an Apex Cooperative Movement of South Africa to advance the development of cooperatives • As an apex it shall act as the mouthpiece of its members in connection with any matter of mutual interest to its members and the cooperative movement in general
THE STATE OF COOPERATIVES IN SOUTH AFRICA The institutional framework and support programme included the following; • Cooperative Development Fund • Cooperative Business Development Support Programme • Compliance with education and training legislation framework • Cooperative Incentive Scheme ( start-up grants) • Micro-Finance Loan • Cooperative Special Projects Fund • Enterprise Network Programme • Export Marketing and Investment Assistance • Bilateral and Multi-lateral agreements with foreign trade partners • To represent the interests of the members within the sector and region they function within; • To facilitate education and training to its members and the cooperative in general • Strive to establish an audit fund to assist member co-operatives to have their co-operatives audited in particular those that are unable to afford the cost of auditing • To represent the cooperative movement of South Africa in the continent and Internationally
THE STATE OF COOPERATIVES IN SOUTH AFRICA • The following coordination bodies have been established; • Department of Trade and Industry and its relevant Provincial • counterparts and agencies • National and Provincial government Departments • Cooperatives Advisory Boards • Other State entities and parastatals • The following monitoring and evaluating mechanisms for coops were established; • Provincial committee on coops Development • Inter-Departmental committee on coops Development • Cooperatives Movement, Labour and Private Sector to advance the principles of cooperatives as outline in the Co-operative Act of the Republic of South Africa • To cooperate and /or collaborate with other formations in building the South African economy through co-operatives • To establish a development Trust that will mobilize resources for the benefit of SANACO, member cooperative and their businesses in particular and the cooperative movement of South Africa in general
THE ROLE OF SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL APEX COOPERATIVE (SANACO) • The cooperatives are key players in getting the rural masses to participate in the social and economic development of their areas. • Enables their members to become active and meaningful participants in local and national economies. • Help in creation of employment and they provide training opportunities for the non-skilled members. • Provide organisational framework to deliver cheaply interventions aimed at assisting members to access series such as extension and input supply and facilitate access to financial services. • Influence and contribute to the content of existing education and training of co-operatives – i.e adapting ILO Matcom Material for use in SA • Contribute to the development of education and training materials consistent with the co-operative principles as defined by the Co-operative Act of 2005
THE ROLE OF SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL APEX COOPERATIVE (SANACO) • Cooperatives create space for rural communities to get income flow through bulk marketing and collective negotiation, collective investment in machinery as well as promoting economic of scale. • Facilitate expansion of productive activity and diversification to agro-processing and other forms of value addition. • Reduce pressure and over-dependency on government with regards to provision of housing, health-care, electrification etc. • Enhance family and social values and promote peace and security within communities. • Facilitate research programmes to conceptualise and demonstrate the social & economic impact, and the economic and service delivery potential and role of co-ops in economic transformation • Facilitate comparative research and relevant international developments • Facilitate research to support sectoral development of co-operatives (worker, housing, health,consumeretc)
THE ROLE OF SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL APEX COOPERATIVE (SANACO) • Mobilisation of local communities in combating unemployment and poverty is crucial and essential. Decentralisation is a way to improve the quality of services and respond to the needs and opportunities in the locals . • In order to promote local economic development in rural areas, the members of cooperatives must clearly understand their roles and functions. • Embracing their vision and mission • Respecting the values and principles of cooperatives • Implementing and managing their strategic plan • Provide support for the entire chain of the Co-operative Formation Process • Facilitate easy registration of co-operatives • Facilitate organisational development, monitoring and evaluation of co-operatives • Recruit and service primary and secondary cooperatives
THE ROLE OF SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL APEX COOPERATIVE (SANACO) • Always identifying their risks and come up with interventions • Pushing for community “buying” and legitimacy • Adopting the most effective and efficient management and financial system that can identify crisis situations • Building capacity for leadership which can take quick decisions and actions when necessary • Employing knowledgeable and competent staff that have good background of business and financial management • Developing strong ties and strategic alliance with government, private sector, civil society and international institutions • Mobilization of primary and secondary cooperatives according to their economic sectors and geographical location e.g locally etc • Through NEDLAC we are currently participating in the amendment of the current Act, Act No 14 of 2005 • We have forged relationship with all provincial government and some national departments, as well as development institution. etc • We are developing a detail database of cooperatives in the country, to inform our planning and the type of support that cooperatives needs. etc • We are engaging with different departments with a view to create partnerships to develop and support cooperatives related to departments’ specific mandates • We are current engaging municipalities to create relationships that seek to provide support to cooperative particularly given the fact that the local municipal support to cooperatives will contribute significantly to the development and economic sustainability of cooperatives
THE ROLE OF SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL APEX COOPERATIVE (SANACO) • The South African National Apex cooperative (SANACO) is an important leading organisation that can help the cooperatives to promote local economic development throughout the country because they stay closer to both government and cooperatives themselves. • In my opening address on the 2011 National conference of cooperatives in South Africa, Mr Lawrence Bale emphasised the following points: • Raised awareness about cooperatives as enterprises i.e. summits, conferences, visit to communities • Engaged Policy makers at NEDLAC • Completed the National Cooperatives Strategy and the coops Bill • Currently establishing jointly with government the National Cooperative Development Agency, Coop Academy, Tribunial, Coop Development Fund • Lobbied support from all 3 tiers of government department • Celebrated the international cooperatives day annually • Initiated and convened successfully the SADC Cooperatives Federation • Membership of the International Cooperatives Alliance • Member of the BRICS Cooperatives Movement • ICA coming to Africa to have their General Assembly in RSA Cape Town • The only Apex Body in the country representing members and non members
THE ROLE OF SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL APEX COOPERATIVE (SANACO) • Cooperatives must work together in order to fight poverty, unemployment and inequality. • Cooperatives must operate within the legal framework so that they must not be used by other people who have their own personal and narrow views that are not to benefit cooperatives but other agendas. • Government must set aside some procurement that must be given to cooperatives as the means to strengthen them financially and economically. The cooperative movement was born more than 150 years out of the following three factors; • An enlightenment vision of a free, democratic and equal society where education and the pursuit of knowledge determined the shape and direction of society • A practical reality that confronted and challenged that vision arising from the fear of technology and the trend for labour to be replaced by capital in production, distribution and services • Community as a development institution for society
THE ROLE OF SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL APEX COOPERATIVE (SANACO) • The cooperatives have the support of the president and should ensure that they are always ready to deliver services to the people and thereby building the economy. • SANACO must always engage various stakeholders through debates, discussions, workshops and meetings on matters of economic and social development of the country. • SANACO must identify challenges and provide solutions that are facing various cooperatives an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social, and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly-owned and democratically controlled enterprise.” • A membership based business organisation that must generate income for its sustainability as well as its members.
CONCLUSION • SANACO must play a crucial role in educating and training all the cooperatives members • The SANACO members should always stand up for their values, principles and constitutions. • SANACO must work with and monitor closely the activities and the core business of the Cooperatives Development Agency . • SANACO has the responsibility to turn rural communities around through the generation of economic and social development. Cooperatives operate on the basis of principles and ethics of good practice; • Open and Voluntary Membership • Democratic Member Control • Member Economic Participation • Autonomy and Independence • Education, Training and Transformation • Cooperation among Co-operatives • Concern for Communities
CONCLUSION • SANACO should assist the cooperatives to be united in search of excellence, effective delivery, good governance, professionalism, accountability, equity and effective administration. • SANACO should champion the cooperatives to be visionary, competent and caring. • Cooperatives in South Africa must become the learning organisations and inculcate a culture of research, harnessing intellectual debate and encouraging learning, education and development. to address the problems of economic and social development i.e • Popular ownership of capital and equal opportunity of education and employment for all of society • Confront the potential poverty caused by replacement and displacement of labour • Community as a means for human development
CONCLUSION • Speaking during the 2011 national Conference of Cooperatives in Midrand, Prof Thakhathi chose the topic “Accelerating Transformation and Service Delivery in the Cooperative Sector” and emphasised the following points: • Cooperatives should play a crucial role in enhancing local economic development in rural communities by reducing poverty, unemployment and inequality through the attainment of peace, greater freedom, social equity and sustainable development. • The leaders and members of cooperatives must be creative, innovative and grow the movement into vibrant, capable and sustainable entities. • Service Cooperatives – are cooperatives established by members to receive decent services i.e SACCO’s, Consumers, Housing etc • Worker Cooperatives – are formed by members to create decent employment to themselves i.e construction cooperatives, agricultural cooperatives etc
Thank You Contact Details: SANACO National Office Office of the President Pretoria City Hall Second floor Corner Visagie & Paul Kruger Street 0001 Tel: 012 323 5069/73 Fax : 086 606 3177 E-mail : balel@webmail.co.za or safobs@webmail.co.za