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Installation Readiness Report - Controls. Claude DEHAVAY - CERN/AB/CO/HT. Presentation layout. Our target schedule Which components and how far are we? Technical difficulties What we’ve learnt ? Enhancements Messages to the users Conclusions. Our target schedule.
Installation Readiness Report - Controls Claude DEHAVAY - CERN/AB/CO/HT
Presentation layout Our target schedule Which components and how far are we? Technical difficulties What we’ve learnt ? Enhancements Messages to the users Conclusions
Our target schedule • The TS/IC Master schedule • The HWC dates • Plannings from users: - PO - Cryo - QPS - PIC - SU - BDI - RadMon From: Stephen Page 7-8 05/09/2005 8-1 05/12/2005 4-5 09/01/2006 3-4 05/06/2006 5-6 17/07/2006 6-7 18/09/2006 1-2 20/11/2006 2-3 15/01/2007
Presentation layout Our target schedule Which components and how far are we? Technical difficulties What we’ve learnt ? Enhancements Messages to the users Conclusions
AB/CO Components (1/2) For Hardware Commissioning: • General services (Ethernet, Power network) • WorldFip fieldbus • Specific hardware designs, furniture, delivery for Timing, WorldFip, PIC. • WorldFip gateways, Technical consoles, Remote reboot
AB/CO Components (2/2) For beam commissioning: • LHC Beam Interlock (24 VME syst.) • LHC RF (50 VME syst.) • LHC Beam instrumentation (200 VME syst.) • LHC Beam transfert (5 VME syst.)
Which components and how far are we ? Timing WorldFip gateways Remote reboot, technical consoles Powering Interlock Controller Cryo Control
Status of Timing installation (2/2) Cables and Optical fibers : DIC and installation on schedule Planning : Timing in place in November for PO LHC MTG -> OK since june 2005 Pt 8 -> Old HW until July 2005 Pt 1 -> New HW on Week 25 Pt 8 -> New HW on Week 30 -> Installation is in progress according to the planning.
Which components and how far are we ? Timing WorldFip gateways Remote reboot, local stations Powering Interlock Controller Cryo Control
Some figures 220 segments (7064 cables) 280 km 8000 nodes 4980 taps 7300 connectors A segment in the WorldFip infrastructure Remote Reboot Gateway Surface = SR Underground = UA, RR, Tunnel Cu/Cu Repeater FipDiag Tap Tap Tap Tap Node Node Node Node Node Node Node Node Segment backbone Active component (User interface) Passive component (Connector)
Remote Reboot Gateway Cu/Cu Repeater FipDiag Tap Tap Tap Tap Node Node Node Node Node Node Node Node Installation schedule for Power Converters Surface = SR Underground = UA, RR, Tunnel 1 : TS/EL Cables and Taps 2 : AB/CO/IS Elec.Qualif. 3 : IT/CS Ethernet/Fibers 4 : AB/CO/HTGateway 5 : TS/EL Power 6 : AB/PO Node interfaces 7 : TS/EL Drop cables 8 : AB/CO Final test 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 … 5 … … 5 … Time
QPS WFIP Gateways installation planning for Point1
Status of WFIP installation (1/3) LHC: All WorldFip cables are installed (except the drop cables for Power Converters & Point 7 Left) IP 8 (LSS8L, Arc 7-8, LSS8R, Arc 8-1): = 16% LHC 19 WorldFip gateways All gateways and taps are in place All backbones electrically qualified -> A 3 weeks job completed mid-may 2005
Status of WFIP installation (2/3) To be done for Point 8 (LSS8L, Arc 7-8, LSS8R, Arc 8-1): Equipment interfaces and drop cables installation -> To be done by the Equipment groups and TS/EL -> during June 2005 for PO (LSS8L) Installation of FipDiag and Repeaters Final test of the complete segments (½ day per segment) -> June 30th for PO (LSS8L)
Status of WFIP installation (3/3) Short term planning: All gateways for Point1 -> July 4th , 2005 QPS for Arc 8-1 (WFIP test) -> July 8th , 2005 QPS for Arc 7-8 (WFIP test) -> September 1st 2005 Cryo for Arc 8-1 (WFIP test) -> October 3rd 2005
Which components and how far are we ? Timing WorldFip gateways Remote reboot, technical consoles Powering Interlock Controller Cryo Control
Which components and how far are we ? Timing WorldFip gateways Remote reboot, local stations Powering Interlock Controller Cryo Control
LSS8L + Arc 7-8 36 PICs for 28 Powering Subsectors, managing ~1600 electrical circuits, using more than 1000 cables, & handling ~2400 interlock signals
PIC Racks in UA83 PIC PIC PIC for A.L8 for X.L8 for M.L8
PIC Planning • 2 PICs are going to commissioned in Sep.05 • 2 others PICs for the Arc 7-8 in Dec.05: • One more in UA83 • One in UJ76. Radiation issues => system moved in TZ gallery? • The units will be fully tested in the lab in August => dismounted and re-mounted in the undergrounded area by the interlock Team. For the time being, we are optimistic to be on time!
Which components and how far are we ? Timing WorldFip gateways Remote reboot, local stations Powering Interlock Controller Cryo Control
Cryo Control Architecture • Similar architecture for: • Refrigerators • QRL • -> Industrial technology (PLC and PVSS) [Contribution : Ph.Gayet – AB/CO/IS]
Hardware Architecture for Cryo (1/2) Central Cryogenic control room CCC Data server Local Cryogenic Control room Local Cryogenic control room QuantumPCUs S7-400 Siemens PROFIBUS DP networks (3) WFIP Gateways PROFIBUS PA networks WFIP Networks (4) ET200 I/O for Valves & sensors S7-400 as gateway [Contribution : Ph.Gayet – AB/CO/IS]
Hardware Architecture for QRL (2/2) Central Cryogenic control room CCC Data server Dedicated OWS/DS Local Cryogenic Control room Local Cryogenic control room QuantumPCUs ACR responsibility S7-400 Siemens PROFIBUS DP networks (3) WFIP Gateways Until October 2005 for QRL tests Then WFIP for LSS8L test PROFIBUS PA networks WFIP Networks (4) ET200 I/O for QV & sensors ET200 I/O temperature sensors S7-400 as gateway QRL test setup [Contribution : Ph.Gayet – AB/CO/IS]
Status of Hardware for QRL Infrastructure required for: 1) Cryo instrumentation tests for IP8:All done (arcs 7-8 and 8-1) 2) LSS8L tests in 2005 (Q4): To be done • GW WFIP to provide (CO) -> Almost ready • Profibus WFIP slave installation (ACR) • Reconnection WFIP after QRL test (ACR) • To requalify WFIP network (CO) -> see Short term planning
Status of Hardware for Cryo Plant • 17 PLC installed, 3 PLC coming • PVSS Data Server: - based on Windows XP for commissioning - migration to final Linux version foreseen this summer • All PLC systems & components declared in AB/CO asset management system (ABCAM). OK with Cryo planning [Contribution : Ph.Gayet – AB/CO/IS]
Presentation layout Our target schedule Which components and how far are we? Technical difficulties What we’ve learnt ? Enhancements Messages to the users Conclusions
Technical difficulties (1/2) WorldFip : Synchro problem in the arbiter firmware -> Waiting for ALSTOM action (July !) Cryo controls: Necessity to qualify twice the fieldbus (Profibus to WorldFip) but only for IP8
‘Technical’ difficulties (2/2) Problem of communication between people from different groups and/or departments probably due to ‘CEIWG replaced by NOTHING’ during 1 year! -> Better situation with the AB/CO periodical coordination meetings (twice a month). TS/EL : ‘Mise en service’ for outlets -> see Enhancements chapter
Presentation layout Our target schedule Which components and how far are we? Technical difficulties What we’ve learnt ? Enhancements Messages to the users Conclusions
What we’ve learnt (1/2) The functional test of the WorldFip infrastructure was not possible as foreseen The final tests are now organised in partnership with the equipment groups and TS/IC Drop Cab. Final test Gateway Nodes
Scheduling of WFIP Final test Power converters QPS
What we’ve learnt (2/2) Thanks to the WFIP validation procedures and the Dry run PC short circuit tests: We know that the Controls infrastructure works fine. We are confident that we can operate the converters during the Short Circuit Tests. We are in phase and with the right speed with the installation schedule.
Presentation layout Our target schedule Which components and how far are we? Technical difficulties What we’ve learnt ? Enhancements Messages to the users Conclusions
Enhancement(s) Closer collaboration and better communication with TS/EL (see next slide)
Presentation layout Our target schedule Which components and how far are we? Technical difficulties What we’ve learnt ? Enhancements Messages to the users Conclusions
Messages in the bottle BDI : It’s time to organise the installation (assembly, configuration, test) for the 200 VME crates RF, PO, … : Please, request your WorldFip connection on time
Conclusions Installation : Point 8 is done & Point 1 is progressing well BUT we continue: To follow up the clock synchro problem on WorldFip firmware (AB/CO and ALSTOM) To keep close collaboration with other groups and the coordinators.
Thank you Contribution from AB/CO people especially from: R.Brun, Ph.Gayet, R.Lauckner, P.Le Roux, B.Puccio, M.Vanden Eynden, Z.Zaharieva, M.Zerlauth Comments or questions?