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Chapter 31 An Era of Social Change. 1960 to 1975. Focus on: Minority Groups. Latinos Native Americans Women. Latinos. Their beginnings vary: In the 1960s the Latino population increases 3X Largest group is Mexican Americans located mostly in the Southwest and California
Chapter 31An Era of Social Change 1960 to 1975
Focus on: Minority Groups • Latinos • Native Americans • Women
Latinos • Their beginnings vary: • In the 1960s the Latino population increases 3X • Largest group is Mexican Americans located mostly in the Southwest and California • New York City is where Puerto Ricans settle in the early 1960s • Cubans flee communism and go to Miami, New York City and New Jersey • Others come from Central America to escape civil war and poverty
Latinos • Once in the United States Latinos find prejudice and discrimination when trying to find housing and jobs
Latinos • César Chavez helped form United Farm Workers Organizing Committee • https://www.pbs.org/itvs/fightfields/cesarchavez1.html • Chavez sets up a boycott against • Grape growers in 1965. A poster • From the boycott»
Latinos • Puerto Ricans and Chicanos want their cultures recognized and better schools for their children. • The Bilingual Education Act passed in 1968 funded Spanish-speaking classes and programs about their culture. • Youth began to call themselves “Chicanos or Chicanas” – as a result of pride in their heritage.
Latinos • They organize, work to elect Latino candidates to political office from the major parties – which are? • La Raza Unida: (the people united) an organization to created an independent Latino political movement or political party. • What is a political party? • What are the numbers in Congress now? • https://www.google.com/search?q=us+congress+members&client=firefox-a&hs=ID1&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=sb&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=c15gU4G1EPPNsQSttoLgCA&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAg&biw=1366&bih=594#channel=sb&q=us+congress+ethnicity&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&spell=1&tbm=isch&imgdii=_
Native Americans • Native Americans like Latinos are seen as one large ethnic group. • There are hundreds of distinct tribes and nations. • As a group, Native Americans have been the poorest, and have had the highest unemployment rate. • Also more likely to have tuberculosis and be alcoholic.
Native Americans • The death rate among Native American infants was twice the average in the 1960s. • Life expectancy was several years less as well. • Young Native Americans were unhappy with the government’s efforts to make changes. The government did not respect Native American Culture, and was moving too slow.
Native Americans • This led to the growth of the American Indian Movement (AIM). • It began in 1968. It had confrontations with the government in its early years.
Women’s Rights • Feminism – definition • Workplace issues • Jobs that were “men’s work” versus jobs that were “women’s work” • Pay differences • Promotion opportunities • Activism roots were with Civil Rights • The book: The Feminine Mystique sparks a movement
Women’s Rights • National Organization of Women (NOW): • From frustration of EEOC efforts • Gloria Steinem – BIG leader • Helped create Ms. Magazine • Here is the website: http://now.org/ • Changes included: women using Ms., Title IX, tax breaks for child care expenses
Women’s Rights • Roe v. Wade – landmark Supreme Court Case in 1973. • Still very divisive issue in the United States today. • Equal Rights Amendment – 1972 • Guarantees that both men and women have the same rights and protections under law
Women’s Rights • A “pro-family” movement starts in response called the New Right • It’s theme is “social conservatism” • Will be big with Ronald Regan • Effects include: changes in attitudes toward women’s roles in the workplace, politics, career and family, etc.
Culture and Counterculture • Called the Hippie Era, also Age of Aquarius (also a song) • Rock ‘n roll, crazy clothing, easy sex, and drugs – especially LSD • Haight-Ashbury in San Francisco is the center of the movement • Movement does not last long
Culture and Counterculture • Cultural changes: • Art – Andy Warhol • Rock music – the Beatles – Woodstock – Jimi Hendrix – Janis Joplin – Joe Cocker – Joan Baez – Grateful Dead – Jefferson Airplane • Legacy was more casual attitudes toward sex, mass culture changed.
Culture and Counterculture • Conservatives attack the counterculture • FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover warned about threat on college campuses and cities • Attacked lack of values • This conservative movement will help send Nixon to the White House