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UNIT 7. I'll help clean up the city parks. 制作人: 张庄中学 翟会兰. Teaching Aims and Demands. Aim Ⅰ: Four skills :Words and phrases :

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  1. UNIT 7 I'll help clean up the city parks. 制作人: 张庄中学 翟会兰

  2. Teaching Aims and Demands Aim Ⅰ: Four skills :Words and phrases : put off, put up, hand out, call up, give away, give out, run out of, clean up, set up, set off, take after, fix up, cheer up, come up with, hunger,sign,advertisement, repair, similar, support, blind, pleasure

  3. Aim Ⅱ: Four skills : Important sentens1. I’d like to work outside. 2. I’ll help clean up the city parks. 3.You could give out food at a food bank. 4. We need to think up some ideas. 5. Not only do I feel good about helping other people, but I get to spend time doing what I love to do.

  4. Aim Ⅲ: Grammar:Understand and use them 1.not only…but also… 2.the use of “spend” 3.be similar to… 4.Phrasal verb

  5. Teaching important points Aim Ⅰ,Aim Ⅱ, and Aim Ⅲ Teaching difficult points Teach the students how to use the new phrasal verbs.

  6. Grammar ① would like to do sth. like doing/like to do want to do sth. feel like doing sth. ②need to do sth. 需要做某事 need doing sth. 需要被做某事 It’s too hot.we need to wear cool clothes. The flowers need watering twice a week.

  7. ③ help (sb.)do/to do sth.表示“帮助(某人) 做……”;在动词help后的不定 式,无论作宾语还 是宾语补足语,其to可以省去,也可以不省。eg: They need someone to help look after children. 他们需要有人帮助照看孩子。 Reading can help us study Enlglish well. 阅读有助于学好英语。 help sb.with sth.表示“帮助某人做某事”,相当于help sb. To do /do sth. eg: I helped him with his work.= I helped him do /to do his work. 我帮助他做这个工作。

  8. ④ spend + 时间/金钱+on sth. spend + 时间/金钱+(in)doing sth. eg: She spent twenty yuan on this book. =She spent twenty yuan (in) buying this book. It takes sb. sometime to do sth ;cost ; pay for ⑤ not only…but also…“不但……而且……”,也可以写作not only…but….它可以连接句中任何并列成分。在连接并主语时,谓语就就近原则。如: Not only he but (also) his friends like this book. Not only his friends but(also) he likes this book. ⑥ be similar to… “和……差不多”如: Mary’s hat is similar to Jane’s.

  9. ⑦ Phrasal verb 动词和动词之后的一个(或两个)介词或副词构成一个固定的短语,表达一种特定的含意,称为动词短语。 及物动词后必须跟宾语。 She always takes care of these children. 她总是照顾这些孩子。 不及物动词短语后不需跟宾语 Look out !The bus is coming. 小心!公共汽车来了。 部分动词短语既可以做及物动词短语又可以做不及物动词短语。 He took off his coat. 他脱下了他的大衣。 The plane took off at nine o’clock. 飞机在九点起飞。 及物动词短语的宾语是名词时,放在中间或之后。若为代词则放在中间。如: We will hand out the advertisements=We will hand the advertisements out. 我们将要分发广告。 If you like it ,please try it on. 如果你喜欢它,就试试

  10. TEXT

  11. Ⅰ用适当的词填空: 1.I’ll help cleanthe city parks. 2.We can’t put making a plan. 3.He looks sad. Let’s cheer him . 4.We’re going to seta food bank to help hungry people. 5.They set a call-in center for parents. 6.We need to thinksome ideas. up off up up up up

  12. 7.He even handedadvertisement at a local supermaket. 8.On Monday he told a radio interviewer that he had runmoney to buy old bikes. 9.The strategies that he cameworked out fine. 10.He now has sixteen bikes to fixand give to children who don’t have bikes. 11.Be quiet please,class.I’m going to your test papers. out out of up with up away give out

  13. 12.My friend Davea great idea! We ‘re going to make a pen pal website. 13.I some clothes to charity because they were too small for me. 14.On weekends I like toat the sports club with my friends. 15.Jimhis father.They are both clever and a bit quiet came up with gave away hang out takes after

  14. Ⅱ首字母填空 1.He looks so sad .Let’s chim up. 2.We did all kinds of things to shim. 3.It’s dangerous.Pay attention to these s. 4.He spends every Saturday morning cthe students. 5.The glass is f with hot water. 6 They are s in many ways. heer upport igns oaching illed imilar

  15. 7.Thank you for sour work. 8.Have you ever helped dpeople? 9.Both of them are vof Greener China Project. 10.There are many disabled people who face some difficult cthese years. upporting isabled olunteers hallenges

  16. Ⅲ。单项选择 1.The famous singer volunteered his money set up a village school. A . help B. to help C. helping D. helped 2.-----Do you feel like or shall we go by bus ? ------I prefer to walk , but we have a taxi , for time is short. A. walking ,to take B, to walk , take C. walking ,taken D. to walk ,took B A

  17. 3.Reading novels and different kinds of magazines her a lot of time. A.Spend B.was cost C.took D.was paid 4.My brother about two hours his homework every day. A. takes ,to do B. takes, doing C. spends, to do D. spends , doing C D

  18. 5.----Will the foreigners have any problems talking with Chinese in Qingdao in 2008 ? • ----I don’t think so . Now the young the old are learning to speak English. • only, except B. either , or • C. neither ,nor D. not only , but also • 6. you but he to attend the meeting. • A. Not only, has B. Not only , have C. Not also ,has D.Not with,have D A

  19. 7.Jimhis mother . He is quite similar her . • takes after,with B. takes after,to • C. looks after,with D. looks after, to • 8.Here is a new picture ,please • put on it B. put it on • C. put up it D. put it up B D

  20. Ⅳ完成句子 1.不要嘲笑聋哑人 Don’t people who are and。 2.他张贴了一些告示收集旧电池。 He some signs old batteries. 3.这位老人有许多家务要做。 The old man had housework . laugh at deaf blind put up asking for to do lots of

  21. 4.他在城市医院为成组的人唱歌,让他们高兴起来4.他在城市医院为成组的人唱歌,让他们高兴起来 He sings for people at the city hospital to . 5.我想参加学校的志愿者项目,但我不知道该做些什么。 I’d like to join the school project, but I’m should do. groups of cheer them up volunteer not sure what

  22. 6.你认为我能做那种志愿者工作. Volunteer work do you think I should do ? 7.这项志愿者工作一周要花费他们中每个人好几个小时。 This volunteer workeach of them a week. What kind of takes several hours

  23. 8.我经常把自行车修好,然后把他们分发下去 I often bikes and them . 9.他所想出的这些办法,使用效果很好。 The strategies that he worked out fine. fix up give away came up with

  24. Homework 就本节课所学内容,自编5个首字母填空,5个单项选择,5个完成句子。

  25. END

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