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Sustainable Water Resources Management: The Gediz River Case Study

Explore water management challenges, urbanization impacts, and solutions for Gediz River basin in Turkey. Analyze water demand, quality, and supply issues. Discuss irrigation, industrial, and domestic water usage.

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Sustainable Water Resources Management: The Gediz River Case Study

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  1. OPTIMAOptimisation for Sustainable Water Resources Management The Case of the Gediz River in Turkey 18-19 May 2006 Gumpoldskirchen

  2. Population:1.700.000 Istanbul Extent: 17600 km2 Gediz Basin Izmir Water Supply: 1100 MCM647 m3 per capita Water Demand: 886 MCM521 m3 per capita


  4. Demographic Change Basin Population +1.5 % /year [1 100 000(1970) 1 700 000 (2000)] Urban population +2% /year Rural population -0.7% /year INTERNAL MIGRATION RURAL TO URBAN: RAPID URBANIZATION

  5. Manisa Menemen Kemalpasa Industrial Areas Land Use Change • Urban Areas +2% /year • Industrial Areas +10% /year • 35% increase in urban and industrial areas in 13 YEARS! INCREASING WATER DEMAND: COMPETITION AMONG USERS

  6. KEY ISSUES PHYSICAL CONDITIONS: - Watershed Degradation - Water Scarcity - Droughts WATER MANAGEMENT: - Education and Awareness - Institutional Framework: - Institutional Responsibilities - Active Participation

  7. KEY ISSUES WATER DEMAND: - Agriculture - Surface Water Demands - Groundwater Demands - Industry: - Surface Water Pollution by Industry WATER SUPPLY: - Quality: - Surface Water Quality - Groundwater Quality - Infrastructures: - Sanitation: Sewers and Treatment

  8. KEY ISSUES Supply (61mm)Demand (49.6mm) • Domestic demand0.15 mm/year,2% • Industrial demand0.3 mm/year,10%

  9. Discharges W. Q. CLASS IV (acc. Turkish W.Q.C. Standards) Water Quality 60% of Surface Water 30% of Ground Water “POLLUTED, USE WITH CARE!!”

  10. GIS DATA (WP05) (Composite, LANDSAT)

  11. GIS DATA (WP05) (DEM, SRTM)

  12. GIS DATA (WP05) (River Network)

  13. GIS DATA (WP05) (Settlements)

  14. GIS DATA (WP05) (Road Network)

  15. GIS DATA (WP05) (Flow Stations)

  16. GIS DATA (WP05) (Meteo. Stations)

  17. GIS DATA (WP05) (Landuse)

  18. Gordes Tributary Buldan Afsar Demirkopru Adala Irrig. Alasehir Irrig. Marmara Lake Ahmetli Irrig. Nif Tributary Kumcay Tributary Wetland Menemen Irrig. Bay of Izmir Topological View of the Recent Baseline Gediz Scenario


  20. WATERWARE STUDIES River Basin Objects Reservoirs: 1) Demirkopru: supplies irrigation water, flood prevention, energy production during the irrigation season. 2) Afsar: provides irrigation water to Alasehir lowlands. 3) Buldan: provides irrigation water to Alasehir lowlands. 4) Marmara Lake 5) Gordes (under construction): supplies domestic water for the city of Izmir in addition to providing irrigation water within the basin. 6) Yigitler (under construction): supplies industrial water for the industrial district of Kemalpasa.

  21. IRRIG. DISTRICTS,WEIRS,IND. ZONES and WETLAND Adala Alasehir Irrig. Adala Irrig. Comlekci Ahmetli Ahmetli Irrig. Kemalpasa Ind. Zone Manisa Org. Ind. Zone Emiralem Wetland Menemen Leather Ind. Menemen Irrig. Bay of Izmir

  22. River Basin Objects Industrial Districts: • Manisa Ind. Zone • Kemalpasa Ind. Zone • Memenen Leather Ind. Diversions: • Adala Weir • Ahmetli Weir • Emiralem Weir • Buldan Weir • Comlekci Weir Irrigation Districts : 1) Adala Left Bank 2) Adala Right Bank 3) Ahmetli Left Bank 4) Ahmetli Right Bank 5) Menemen Left Bank 6) Menemen Right Bank 7) Sarigol 8) Alasehir Wetland: • Izmir Bird Paradise

  23. Yields and Average Farmer’s Prices of Crops

  24. Daily BOD Loads of Industrial Discharges Source: Nen Eng.&Cons., December 2001

  25. SUBCATCHMENTS and SETTLEMENTS Buldan Deliinis Afsar Gordes Alasehir Salihli Golmarmara Medar Yigitler Ahmetli Akhisar Nif Saruhanli Turgutlu Kemalpasa Menemen Bay of Izmir

  26. River Basin Objects Subcatchments: • Demirkopru Upstream • Buldan Upstream • Afsar Upstream • Medar • Nif • Gordes • Yigitler Settlements : 1) Manisa (Gov. Centre) 2) Akhisar 3) Salihli 4) Turgutlu 5) Kemalpasa 6) Menemen 7) Saruhanli 8) Alasehir 9) Izmir 10) Golmarmara 11) Ahmetli Aquifers: • Salihli-Turgutlu • Menemen • Sarikiz • Alasehir

  27. Domestic Demand of Settlements ** Values from Bank of Provinces

  28. BOD Loads of Domestic Returns of Settlements Source: Nen Eng.&Cons., December 2001

  29. The aquifers identified in WaterWare (WRM) and their parameters.

  30. WaterWare Modeling Studies Water Budget


  32. WaterWare Modeling Studies Water Quality

  33. Kemalpasa Ind.and Dom. Discharges

  34. Pollution Sources emphasized in Stakeholder meeting: • Kemalpasa Industrial District • Kemalpasa Municipality’s domestic discharge • Salihli, Akhisar, Turgutlu, Ahmetli Municipalities have treatment plants but they are not operated properly…

  35. Economic Data Compilation


  37. BASIC ECO-DATA OF IRRIGATION DISTRICTS Acatay, 2001; E. Hansen et. al.

  38. BASIC ECO-DATA OF IRRIGATION DISTRICTS Supply/Demand (daily) Yield decrease Average Yield Decrease Source: Akinci, 2004; Min. of Aggriculture and Rural Affaires

  39. BASIC ECO-DATA OF IRRIGATION DISTRICTS Calculation of “Use Benefit” and “Shortfall Cost”: Use benefit = Yield (kg/ha) x Market price (€/kg) x Area (ha) / Demand (m3) Shortfall Cost; Expected irrigation income through irrigation (EII)= (Total expected income) x 0.6 (without irrigation crops still yield!, the figure may be argued) The real income increase (RII) = EII x (relative yield reduction due to limited irr.) Shortfall of income = EII – RII Shortfall Cost = (EII – RII) / (Total Demand - Total Supply)


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