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OPTIMA Optimisation for Sustainable Water Management. corridoio.zero Multidisciplinary Lab for Exchanges with the Balkans and the Mediterranean Region. Stakeholders Active Involvement. Activity progress. active-involvement activities ‘first round’ and follow-up:
OPTIMAOptimisation for Sustainable Water Management corridoio.zero Multidisciplinary Lab for Exchanges with the Balkans and the Mediterranean Region
Stakeholders Active Involvement Activity progress • active-involvement activities ‘first round’ and follow-up: • May 16th: stakeholders workshop in Amman • April 20th: stakeholders workshop in Izmir • Lebanese workshop report • Dissemination activities: blu+verde conference (Politecnico di Milano, 24/25th June 2006)
Amman – 1st stakeholders WS Premises • Optima project progress: WRM baseline scenario for Zarqa River ready • ‘Type’ of stakeholders: UoJ willingness to involve a small group of ‘qualified’ SHs at national scale 6 Decision Makers 9 Experts/Researchers 13 Water Users/NGOs 7 Environmental use 7 Agricultural sector 12 Household/civil sector 1 Industrial/Hydropower use 1 Socio/economic 9 Female 19 Male + staff group (UoJ & corridoio.zero) + PhD students and GIS laboratory researchers • Time constraints: 5 hours of activities
Amman – 1st stakeholders WS Agenda • Welcome activity: expectations & contribution • Frontal presentation • Working Session I: • Sharing and understanding the baseline scenario – • Planned actions and expected changes • Working Session II: Visioning ‘the study area in 20 years • Problems, Issues > Optimisation Objectives • Actions/Interventions • Working Session III • Closing session: common vision and objectives weights
Amman – 1st stakeholders WS Future steps and appointments • Workshop feedback from Evaluation forms • Compiled ‘Issues Questionnaires’ • Selected group of participants involved in workshop results post-processing (Objective & Constraints and Intervention questionnaires) • Workshop report and SHs follow up • 2nd workshop > evaluation/negotiation phase
Stakeholders Active Involvement Work plan for next months • active-involvement activities follow-up – work with Elard, UoJ and SHs on CONSTRAINTS and INSTRUMENTS • active-involvement activities ‘second round’ (around 27-31th project month – September 06/February 07) • OPTIMA ‘Guidelines for Local Participative Activities at the active involvement level for WRM’ updating (by 2nd annual report & after ‘second round’ WS) • WP14 Post optimal analysis
Active Involvement activities – Local Workshop ‘second round’ • Evaluation of Alternatives - Outcome: identification of the ‘optimal alternative’ for each Stakeholders’ category • The value that the Stakeholders interested in an Indicator assign to each alternative does not necessarily proportionally match the value assumed by the indicator itself as a measure of the effect of an alternative on the corresponding criterion. To account for the effect of an alternative on SHs Indicator it is necessary translate the indicator into the “value” assigned by each stakeholder, by means of Utility Functions. After defining U.F., different techniques can be adopted to sort the alternatives according to each SHs’ scale of values (weights). • Comparison and Negotiation of Alternatives - Outcome: identification of the best compromise solution • After each SHs’ category has identified its ‘optimal’ alternative from the set of feasible, non-dominated alternatives generated by WRM model, an alternative perceived as an acceptable trade-off by all the actors has to be identified through a negotiation
WP 14 – Post Optimal Analysis • The objectives of this work package are the comparative analysis of the individual case study results, across the seven case studies. • Analyse the combined set of alternatives within and across case studies with reference to local stakeholders and actors expressed preferences; • Identify patterns between objectives, criteria, and constraints in a post-optimal analysis; • Identify the contributions of individual classes of measures (technological, institutional, economic) and their contribution to the objectives; • Identify the relationship of decision variables for cross-correlation among the decision variables, and correlations between decision variables and the objectives (sensitivity analysis). • Tasks: • Just as the feasible alternatives for each case study are subjected to the discrete optimisation step, the combined set of ALL alternatives from ALL case studies can be analysed in the same way to identify generic patterns and relationships across the entire project. • The analysis of the individual decision support exercises will yield a rich material for decision analysis, i.e., a sensitivity analysis of the decision making process, that will identify user preferences and trade-offs (with direct involvement of local actors) and show local versus general trends. • The task is a comprehensive statistical analysis of the combined data material, looking for patterns within and between groups of variables such as the decision variables, criteria, constraints, and objectives. The emerging patterns can be interpreted to shed light on the relative contributions of individual measures or classes of measures on the overall results. • Deliverables and Milestones: • D14.1: Decision Analysis Report. • D14.2: Stakeholder Involvement Report
Public participation in relation to the WFD WFD CIS Guidance Doc. No. 8 OPTIMA Two Case Studies (pilot projects) OPTIMA (All Case Studies)
SHs Active involvement activities within Optima Project STEP 0. Problem definition Formalisation of the objectives STEP 1. Identificationof actions Definition of alternatives On-site SHs workshops STEP 2. Identificationof SHs criteria and indicators A measure of SHs satisfaction A suitable model of the water system STEP 3. River basin modelization Implementation of Pareto-effective alternatives STEP 4. Design of alternatives Evaluating the effect of each alternative upon the SHs STEP 5. Estimate of effect identification of the “optimal” alternative for each SH STEP 6. Evaluation of alternatives STEP 7. Comparison of the alternatives and negotiation Besttrade-off alternative
Active involvement - participation within Optima Project: when and how Collection of information Assessment of the regulator/legislation/planning framework First identification of water related issues and their priority scale Step 0 Formalisation of objectives Identification of C.S. baseline and future scenarios Identification of possible intervention Step I Identification of the optimal alternative for SH’s categories Identification of the best compromise alternative (negotiation) Step II Issues questionnaire and SHs interviews First participative workshop Second participative workshop