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KETAHANAN NASIONAL PENGERTIAN KETAHANAN NASIONAL INDONESIA Kondisidinamikbangsa Indonesia yang melingkupiseluruhaspekkehidupannasional yang terintegrasi, berisikeuletandanketangguhan yang mengandungkemampuanmengembangkankekuatannasionaldalammenghadapidanmengatasisegalatantanganancamanhambatandangangguanbaik yang datangdariluarmaupundaridalam. Untukmenjaminidentitas, integritaskelangsunganhidupbangsadannegarasertaperjuanganmencapaitujuannasionalnya. Konsepsiketahanannasional Indonesia adalahkonsepsipengembangankekuatannasionalmelaluipengaturandanpenyelenggaraankesejahteraandankeamanan yang seimbangserasidalamseluruhaspekkehidupansecarautuhdanmenyeluruhberlandaskanPancasila, UUD 45 danWasantara. Kesejahteraan= Kemampuanbangsadalammenumbuhkandanmengembangkannilai-nilainasionalnyademisebesar-besarnyakemakmuran yang adildanmeratarohanidanjasmani. Keamanan = Kemampuanbangsa Indonesia melindunginilai-nilainasionalnyaterhadapancamandariluarmaupundaridalam. Sumber: umi_k.staff.gunadarma.ac.id/.../Bab+3_ketahanan……… diunduh30/3/2012
KETAHANAN NASIONAL • . HAKEKAT KETAHANAN NASIONAL DAN KONSEPSI KETAHANAN NASIONAL INDONESIA • HakekatKetahananNasional Indonesia = Keuletandanketangguhan yang mengandungkemampuanmengembangkankekuatannasionaluntukdapatmenjaminkelangsunganhidupdantujuannegara. • HakekatKonsepsiKetahananNasional Indonesia = Pengaturandanpenyelenggaraankesejahteraandankeamanansecaraseimbang, serasidanselarasdalamseluruhaspekkehidupannasional. • ASAS-ASAS KETAHANAN NASIONAL INDONESIA • Kesejahteraandankeamanan • Komprehensif Integral (MenyeluruhTerpadu) • Mawaskedalamdankeluar • Kekeluargaan • SIFAT KETAHANAN NASIONAL INDONESIA • Mandiri = Percayapadakemampuandankekuatansendiribertumpupadaidentitas, integritasdankepribadian. Kemandirianmerupakanprasyaratmenjalinkerjasama yang salingmenguntungkan • Dinamis = Berubahtergantungpadasituasidankondisibangsadannegarasertakondisilingkunganstrategis. • Wibawa = Pembinaanketahanannasional yang berhasilakanmeningkatkankemampuanbangsadanmenjadifaktor yang diperhatikanpihak lain. • KonsultasidanKerjasama = Sikapkonsultatifdankerjasamasertasalingmenghargaidenganmengandalkanpadakekuatan moral dankepribadianbangsa. Sumber: umi_k.staff.gunadarma.ac.id/.../Bab+3_ketahanan……… diunduh30/3/2012
KETAHANAN NASIONAL SIFAT-SIFAT KETAHANAN NASIONAL Manunggal . Aspekkehidupanbangsa Indonesia dikelompokkankedalamdelapangatraatauastagatra. MawaskedalamdanMawaskeluar. Ketahanannasionalterutamadiarahkanpadadiribangsadannegarasendiri. Kewibawaan. Semakinmeningkatnyapembangunannasional, akanmeningkatkanketahanannasional. BerubahmenurutWaktu. Ketahanannasional, sebagaikondisibangsatidakselalutetap, tergantungdariupayabangsadalampembangunannasionaldariwaktukewaktudanketangguhannyamenghadapiancaman, tantangan, hambatandangangguan. TidakMembenarkanAduKekuatandanAduKekuasaan. Konsepketahanannasionaltidakhanyamengutamakankekuasaanfisiktetapijugakekuatan moral yang dimilikisuatubangsa. PercayaPadaDiriSendiri. Ketahanannasionalditingkatkandandikembangkandidasarkanataskemampuansumberdaya yang adapadabangsadansikappercayakepadadirisendiri. ASTA-GATRA Model Astagatramerupakanperangkathubunganbidangkehidupanmanusiadanbudaya yang berlangsungdiatasbumideganmemanfaatkansegalakekayaanalam. Terdiri 8 aspekkehidupannasional : 1). Tigaaspek (tri gatra) kehidupanalamiah, yaitu : a). Gatraletakdankedudukangeografi b). Gatrakeadaandankekayaanalam c). Gatrakeadaandankemampuanpenduduk 2). Lima aspek (pancagatra) kehidupan social, yaitu : a). Gatraideologi b). GatraPolitik c). Gatraekonomi d). Gatra social budaya e). Gatrapertahanandankeamanan. Terdapathubungankorelatifdan interdependency diantara ke-8 gatrasecarakomprehensifdan integral. Sumber: http://wartawarga.gunadarma.ac.id/2010/03/pengertian-ketahanan-nasional-indonesia/ …… diunduh30/3/2012
KETAHANAN NASIONAL KATA KUNCI DALAM KONSEP KETAHANAN NASIONAL Keuletanmerupakankualitasdiri. Ketangguhanadalahkualitas yang menunjukkankekuatanataukekokohansebagaimanadipersepsikandariluarolehpihak lain. Ancamanmerupakanhalatauusaha yang bersifatmengubahkebijaksanaandandilaksanakansecarakonsepsionalkriminalsertapolitis. Tantanganmerupakanusaha yang bertujuanataubersifatmenggugahkemampuan. Hambatanmerupakanusaha yang bertujuanmelemahkansecaratidakkonsepsional yang berasaldaridirisendiri. Gangguanadalahhambatan yang berasaldariluar yang bertujuanmelemahkansecaratidakkonsepsional. Identitasadalahcirikhassuatubangsadilihatsecarakeseluruhan yang membedakannyadenganbangsa lain. Integritasadalahkesatuan yang menyeluruhdalamkehidupannasionalsuatubangsa, baikaspekalamiahmaupunaspeksosial. Integritas(Integrity) adalahbertindakkonsistensesuaidengannilai-nilaidankebijakanorganisasisertakodeetikprofesi, walaupundalamkeadaan yang sulituntukmelakukanini. Dengankata lain, “satunyakatadenganperbuatan”. Mengkomunikasikanmaksud, idedanperasaansecaraterbuka, jujurdanlangsungsekalipundalamnegosiasi yang sulitdenganpihak lain. IndikatorPerilaku: Memahamidanmengenaliperilakusesuaikodeetik Mengikutikodeetikprofesidanperusahaan. Jujurdalammenggunakandanmengelolasumberdayadidalamlingkupatauotoritasnya. Meluangkanwaktuuntukmemastikanbahwaapa yang dilakukanitutidakmelanggarkodeetik. 2. Melakukantindakan yang konsistendengannilai (values) dankeyakinannya Melakukantindakan yang konsistendengannilaidankeyakinan. Berbicaratentangketidaketisanmeskipunhalituakanmenyakitikolegaatautemandekat. Jujurdalamberhubungandenganpelanggan. 3. Bertindakberdasarkannilai (values) meskipunsulituntukmelakukanitu Secaraterbukamengakuitelahmelakukankesalahan. Berterusterangwalaupundapatmerusakhubunganbaik. 4. Bertindakberdasarkannilai (values) walaupunadaresikoataubiaya yang cukupbesar Mengambiltindakanatasperilakuorang lain yang tidaketis, meskipunadaresiko yang signifikanuntukdirisendiridanpekerjaan. Bersediauntukmundurataumenarikproduk/jasakarenapraktekbisnis yang tidaketis. Menentangorang-orang yang mempunyaikekuasaandemimenegakkannilai (values). Sumber: http://wartawarga.gunadarma.ac.id/2010/03/pengertian-ketahanan-nasional-indonesia/ …… diunduh30/3/2012
KETAHANAN NASIONAL “NATIONAL SECURITY” National security is the requirement to maintain the survival of the state through the use of economic, diplomacy, power projection and political power. The concept developed mostly in the United States of America after World War II. Initially focusing on military might, it now encompasses a broad range of facets, all of which impinge on the non military or economic security of the nation and the values espoused by the national society. Accordingly, in order to possess national security, a nation needs to possess economic security, energy security, environmental security, etc. Security threats involve not only conventional foes such as other nation-states but also non-state actors such as violent non-state actors, narcotic cartels, multinational corporations and non-governmental organisations; some authorities include natural disasters and events causing severe environmental damage in this category. Indikatoruntukmewujudkanketahanannasionala.l. : using diplomacy to rally allies and isolate threats marshalling economic power to facilitate or compel cooperation maintaining effective armed forces implementing civil defense and emergency preparedness measures (including anti-terrorism legislation) ensuring the resilience and redundancy of critical infrastructure using intelligence services to detect and defeat or avoid threats and espionage, and to protect classified information using counterintelligence services or secret police to protect the nation from internal threats Sumber: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_security …… diunduh 27/3/2012
NATIONAL SECURITY: DEFINISI A typical dictionary definition, in this case from the Macmillan Dictionary (online version), defines the term as "the protection or the safety of a country’s secrets and its citizens"emphasising the overall security of a nation and a nation state. Walter Lippmann (1943), defined it in terms of war saying that "a nation has security when it does not have to sacrifice its legitimate ínterests to avoid war, and is able, if challenged, to maintain them by war“. A later definition by Harold Lasswell, a political scientist, in 1950, looks at national security from almost the same aspect, that of external coercion: "The distinctive meaning of national security means freedom from foreign dictation." Arnold Wolfers (1960), while recognising the need to segregate the subjectivity of the conceptual idea from the objectivity, talks of threats to acquired values: "An ambiguous symbol meaning different things to different people. National security objectively means the absence of threats to acquired values and subjectively, the absence of fear that such values will be attacked." The 1996 definition propagated by the National Defence College of India accretes the elements of national power: "National security is an appropriate and aggressive blend of political resilience and maturity, human resources, economic structure and capacity, technological competence, industrial base and availability of natural resources and finally the military might.“ "National security then is the ability to preserve the nation's physical integrity and territory; to maintain its economic relations with the rest of the world on reasonable terms; to preserve its nature, institution, and governance from disruption from outside; and to control its borders." In Harvard history professor Charles Maier's definition of 1990, national security is defined through the lens of national power: "National security... is best described as a capacity to control those domestic and foreign conditions that the public opinion of a given community believes necessary to enjoy its own self-determination or autonomy, prosperity and wellbeing." Sumber: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_security …… diunduh 27/3/2012
UNSUR KETAHANAN NASIONAL The umbrella concept of national security has a number of component elements which, when individually satisfied, provide a nation with security of its values, interests and freedom to choose policy. These are listed differently by various authorities. Besides the military aspect of security, the aspects of politics, society, environment, energy and natural resources, and, economics are commonly listed. The elements of national security corelate closely to the concept of the elements of national power. KETAHANAN MILITER = Military security This is traditionally, the earliest recognised form of national security. Military security implies the capability of a nation to defend itself, and/or deter military aggression. Alternatively, military security implies the capability of a nation to enforce its policy choices by use of military force. The term "military security" is considered synonymous with "security" in much of its usage. One of the definitions of security given in the Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms, may be considered a definition of "military security": A condition that results from the establishment and maintenance of protective measures that ensure a state of inviolability from hostile acts or influences. —Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms KETAHANAN POLITIK = Political security The political aspect of security has been offered by Barry Buzan, Ole Wæver, Jaap de Wilde as an important component of national security, Political security is about the stability of the social order. Closely allied to military security and societal security, other components proposed in a framework for national security in their book "Security: a new framework for analysis", it specifically addresses threats to sovereignty.[ System referent objects are defined, such as nation-states, nations, transnational groups of political importance including tribes, minorities, some religious organisations, systems of states such as the European Union and the United Nations, besides others. Diplomacy, negotiation and other interactions form the means of interaction between the objects Sumber: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elements_of_national_security …… diunduh 27/3/2012
UNSUR KETAHANAN NASIONAL KETAHANAN EKONOMI = Economic security Historically, conquest of nations have made conquerors rich through plunder, access to new resources and enlarged trade through controlling of the conquered nations' economy. In today's complex system of international trade, characterised by multi-national agreements, mutual inter-dependence and availability of natural resources etc., the freedom to follow choice of policies to develop a nation's economy in the manner desired, forms the essence of economic security. Economic security today forms, arguably, as important a part of national security as military security. Green Economy What is the Green Economy? The “green economy” refers to economic sectors that are focused on environmental sustainability. The green economy seeks to address the interdependence of human economic development with the health of the natural ecosystem. Sumber: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elements_of_national_security …… diunduh 27/3/2012
UNSUR KETAHANAN NASIONAL KETAHANAN LINGKUNGAN = Environmental security Environmental security deals with environmental issues which threaten the national security of a nation in any manner. The scope and nature of environmental threats to national security and strategies to engage them are a subject of debate. While all environmental events are not considered significant of being categorised as threats, many transnational issues, both global and regional would affect national security. Romm (1993) classifies these as : Transnational environmental problems that threaten a nation's security, in its broad defined sense. These include global environmental problems such as climate change due to global warming, deforestation and loss of biodiversity, etc. Environmental or resource problems that threaten a nation's security, traditionally defined. These would be problems whose outcomes would result in conventional threats to national security as first or higher order outcomes. Such disputes could range from heightened tension or outright conflict due to disputes over water scarcity in the Middle East, to illegal immigration into the United States caused by the failure of agriculture in Mexico. The genocide in Rwanda,indirectly or partly caused by rise in population and dwindling availability of farmland, is an example of the extremity of outcome arising from problems of environmental security. Environmentally threatening outcomes of warfare, e.g. Romans destroyed the fields of Carthage by pouring salt over them; Saddam Hussein's burning of oil wells in the Gulf War; the use of Agent Orange by the USA in the Vietnam War for defoilating forests for military purposes. Sumber: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elements_of_national_security …… diunduh 27/3/2012
UNSUR KETAHANAN NASIONAL National security and rights & freedoms The measures adopted to maintain national security in the face of threats to society has led to ongoing dialectic, particularly in liberal democracies, on the appropriate scale and role of authority in matters of civil and human rights. Tension exists between the preservation of the state (by maintaining self-determination and sovereignty) and the rights and freedoms of individuals. Although national security measures are imposed to protect society as a whole, many such measures will restrict the rights and freedoms of all individuals in society. The concern is that where the exercise of national security laws and powers is not subject to good governance, the rule of law, and strict checks and balances, there is a risk that "national security" may simply serve as a pretext for suppressing unfavorable political and social views. Taken to its logical conclusion, this view contends that measures which may ostensibly serve a national security purpose (such as mass surveillance, and censorship of mass media), could ultimately lead to an Orwellian dystopia. Sumber: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elements_of_national_security …… diunduh 27/3/2012
UNSUR KETAHANAN NASIONAL KETAHANAN ENERGI DAN SUMBERDAYA ALAM Security of energy and natural resources A resource has been defined as: "...a support inventory... biotic or abiotic, renewable or expendable,... for sustaining life at a heightened level of well-being." —PrabhakaranPaleri (2008) Resources include water, sources of energy, land and minerals. Availability of adequate natural resources is an important for a nation to develop its industry and economic power. Lack of resources is a serious challenge for Japan to overcome to increase its national power. In the Gulf War of 1991, fought over economic issues, Iraq captured Kuwait in order to capture its oil wells, among other reasons. Water resources are subject to disputes between many nations, including the two nuclear powers, India and Pakistan. Nations attempt to attain energy and natural resource security by acquiring the needed resources by force, negotiation and commerce. Sustainable Energy Management (SEM) EnergiHijau Green energy is the term used to describe sources of energy that are considered to be environmentally friendly and non-polluting, such as geothermal, wind, solar, and hydro. Sometimes nuclear power is also considered a green energy source. Green energy sources are often considered "green" because they are perceived to lower carbon emissions and create less pollution. Green energy is commonly thought of in the context of electricity generation. Renewable energy certificates (green certificates or green tags) have been one way for consumers and businesses to support green energy. Sumber: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elements_of_national_security …… diunduh 27/3/2012
KETAHANAN HUMANIORA = Human security Human security is an emerging paradigm for understanding global vulnerabilities whose proponents challenge the traditional notion of national security by arguing that the proper referent for security should be the individual rather than the state. Human security holds that a people-centered view of security is necessary for national, regional and global stability. The concept emerged from a post-Cold War, multi-disciplinary understanding of security involving a number of research fields, including development studies, international relations, strategic studies, and human rights. The United Nations Development Programme's 1994 Human Development Report is considered a milestone publication in the field of human security, with its argument that insuring "freedom from want" and "freedom from fear" for all persons is the best path to tackle the problem of global insecurity. Critics of the concept argue that its vagueness undermines its effectiveness; that it has become little more than a vehicle for activists wishing to promote certain causes; and that it does not help the research community understand what security means or help decision makers to formulate good policies. “Ketahanansosial” suatukomunitasdapatdimaknaisebagaikemampuansuatukomunitasdalammengatasiresikoakibatperubahansosial, ekonomi, politik yang mengelilinginya. Suatukomunitasmemiliki “ketahanansosial” yang baikapabila (1) iamampumelindungisecaraefektifanggotanyatermasukindividudankeluarga yang rentandarigelombangperubahasosial yang mempengaruhinya; (2) iamampumelakukaninvestasisosialdalamjaringansosial yang menguntungkan; dan (3) ia, mampumengembangkanmekanisme yang efektifdalammengelolakonflikdankekerasan. KETAHANAN SOSIAL Sumber: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_security…… diunduh 27/3/2012
HUMAN SECURITY: UNDP's 1994 definition Dr. MahbubulHaq first drew global attention to the concept of human security in the United Nations Development Programme's 1994 Human Development Report and sought to influence the UN's 1995 World Summit on Social Development in Copenhagen. The UNDP's 1994 Human Development Report's definition of human security argues that the scope of global security should be expanded to include threats in seven areas: KETAHANAN EKONOMI = Economic security — Economic security requires an assured basic income for individuals, usually from productive and remunerative work or, as a last resort, from a publicly financed safety net. In this sense, only about a quarter of the world’s people are presently economically secure. While the economic security problem may be more serious in developing countries, concern also arises in developed countries as well. Unemployment problems constitute an important factor underlying political tensions and ethnic violence. KETAHANAN PANGAN = Food security — Food security requires that all people at all times have both physical and economic access to basic food. According to the United Nations, the overall availability of food is not a problem, rather the problem often is the poor distribution of food and a lack of purchasing power. In the past, food security problems have been dealt with at both national and global levels. However, their impacts are limited. According to UN, the key is to tackle the problems relating to access to assets, work and assured income (related to economic security). KETAHANAN KESEHATAN = Health security — Health Security aims to guarantee a minimum protection from diseases and unhealthy lifestyles. In developing countries, the major causes of death traditionally were infectious and parasitic diseases, whereas in industrialized countries, the major killers were diseases of the circulatory system. Today, lifestyle-related chronic diseases are leading killers worldwide, with 80 percent of deaths from chronic diseases occurring in low- and middle-income countries. According to the United Nations, in both developing and industrial countries, threats to health security are usually greater for poor people in rural areas, particularly children. This is due to malnutrition and insufficient access to health services, clean water and other basic necessities. Sumber: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_security…… diunduh 27/3/2012
HUMAN SECURITY: UNDP's 1994 definition Dr. MahbubulHaq first drew global attention to the concept of human security in the United Nations Development Programme's 1994 Human Development Report and sought to influence the UN's 1995 World Summit on Social Development in Copenhagen. The UNDP's 1994 Human Development Report's definition of human security argues that the scope of global security should be expanded to include threats in seven areas: KETAHANAN LINGKUNGAN = Environmental security — Environmental security aims to protect people from the short- and long-term ravages of nature, man-made threats in nature, and deterioration of the natural environment. In developing countries, lack of access to clean water resources is one of the greatest environmental threats. In industrial countries, one of the major threats is air pollution. Global warming, caused by the emission of greenhouse gases, is another environmental security issue. KETAHANAN PERSONAL = Personal security — Personal security aims to protect people from physical violence, whether from the state or external states, from violent individuals and sub-state actors, from domestic abuse, or from predatory adults. For many people, the greatest source of anxiety is crime, particularly violent crime. KETAHANAN KOMUNITAS = Community security — Community security aims to protect people from the loss of traditional relationships and values and from sectarian and ethnic violence. Traditional communities, particularly minority ethnic groups are often threatened. About half of the world’s states have experienced some inter-ethnic strife. The United Nations declared 1993 the Year of Indigenous People to highlight the continuing vulnerability of the 300 million aboriginal people in 70 countries as they face a widening spiral of violence. KETAHANAN POLITIK = Political security — Political security is concerned with whether people live in a society that honors their basic human rights. According to a survey conducted by Amnesty International, political repression, systematic torture, ill treatment or disappearance was still practised in 110 countries. Human rights violations are most frequent during periods of political unrest. Along with repressing individuals and groups, governments may try to exercise control over ideas and information. Since then, human security has been receiving more attention from the key global development institutions, such as the World Bank. Sumber: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_security…… diunduh 27/3/2012
KETAHANAN ENERGI Energy security is a term for an association between national security and the availability of natural resources for energy consumption. Access to cheap energy has become essential to the functioning of modern economies. However, the uneven distribution of energy supplies among countries has led to significant vulnerabilities. Threats to energy security include the political instability of several energy producing countries, the manipulation of energy supplies, the competition over energy sources, attacks on supply infrastructure, as well as accidents, natural disasters, rising terrorism, and dominant countries reliance to the foreign oil supply. ANCAMAN KETAHANAN ENERGI (Energy Security threats) The modern world relies on a vast energy supply to fuel everything from transportation to communication, to security and health delivery systems. Due to their vital roles energy sources are logical targets for attacks that seek to weaken infrastructure. That said, threats to energy sources extend beyond basic tactical aggression or terrorism. One of the leading threats to energy security is the significant increase in energy prices, either on the world markets – as has occurred in a number of energy crises over the years – or by the imposition of price increases by an oligopoly or monopoly supplier, cartel or country. In some cases the threat might come from a single energy superpower– those states able to significantly influence world markets by their action alone. Sumber: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_security …… diunduh 27/3/2012
KETAHANAN ENERGI & TEKNOLOGI TERBARUKAN The environmental benefits of renewable energy technologies are widely recognised, but the contribution that they can make to energy security is less well known. Renewable technologies can enhance energy security in electricity generation, heat supply, and transportation. Access to cheap energy has become essential to the functioning of modern economies. However, the uneven distribution of fossil fuel supplies among countries, and the critical need to widely access energy resources, has led to significant vulnerabilities. Threats to global energy security include political instability of energy producing countries, manipulation of energy supplies, competition over energy sources, attacks on supply infrastructure, as well as accidents and natural disasters. Renewable biofuels for transport represent a key source of diversification from petroleum products. Biofuels from grain and beet in temperate regions have a part to play, but they are relatively expensive and their energy efficiency and CO2 savings benefits, are variable. Biofuels from sugar cane and other highly productive tropical crops are much more competitive and beneficial. But all first generation biofuels ultimately compete with food production for land, water, and other resources. Greater efforts are required to develop and commercialize second generation biofuel technologies, such as biorefineries and ligno-cellulosics, enabling the flexible production of biofuels and other products from non-edible plant materials. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), cellulosic ethanol commercialization could allow ethanol fuels to play a much larger role in the future than previously thought. Cellulosic ethanol can be made from plant matter composed primarily of inedible cellulose fibers that form the stems and branches of most plants. Dedicated energy crops, such as switchgrass, are also promising cellulose sources that can be produced in many regions of the United States. Sumber: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_security_and_renewable_technology …… diunduh 27/3/2012
KETAHANAN ENERGI JANGKA PANJANG Long term measures to increase energy security center on reducing dependence on any one source of imported energy, increasing the number of suppliers, exploiting native fossil fuel or renewable energy resources, and reducing overall demand through energy conservation measures. It can also involve entering into international agreements to underpin international energy trading relationships, such as the Energy Charter Treaty in Europe. All the concern coming from security threats on oil sources long term security measures will help reduce the future cost of importing and exporting fuel into and out of countries without having to worry about harm coming to the goods being transported. The impact of the 1973 oil crisis and the emergence of the OPECcartel was a particular milestone that prompted some countries to increase their energy security. Japan, almost totally dependent on imported oil, steadily introduced the use of natural gas, nuclear power, high-speed mass transit systems, and implemented energy conservation measures. It has become one of the world leaders in the use of renewable energy. The United Kingdom began exploiting North Sea oil and gas reserves, and became a net exporter of energy into the 2000s. In other countries energy security has historically been a lower priority. The United States, for example, has continued to increase its dependency on imported oil although, following the oil price increases since 2003, the development of biofuels has been suggested as a means of addressing this. Increasing energy security is also one of the reasons behind a block on the development of natural gas imports in Sweden. Greater investment in native renewable energy technologies and energy conservation is envisaged instead. India is carrying out a major hunt for domestic oil to decrease its dependency on OPEC, while Iceland is well advanced in its plans to become energy-independent by 2050 through deploying 100% renewable energy. Sumber: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_security …… diunduh 27/3/2012
KETAHANAN ENERGI JANGKA PENDEK Petroleum Petroleum or otherwise known as "crude oil" has become the resource most used by countries all around the world including Russia, China and the United States of America. With all the oil wells located around the world energy security has become a main issue to ensure the safety of the petroleum that is being harvested. In the middle east oil fields become main targets for sabotage because of how heavily countries rely on oil. Many countries hold strategic petroleum reserves as a buffer against the economic and political impacts of an energy crisis. All 28 members of the International Energy Agency hold a minimum of 90 days of their oil imports, for example. The value of such reserves was demonstrated by the relative lack of disruption caused by the 2007 Russia-Belarus energy dispute, when Russia indirectly cut exports to several countries in the European Union. Due to the theories in peak oil and need to curb demand, the United States military and Department of Defense had made significant cuts, and have been making a number of attempts to come up with more efficient ways to use oil. Sustainable Energy Management (SEM) Energiberkelanjutan : 1. Sumberenergi yang renewable: biofuels, solar power, wind power, hydro power, wave power, geothermal power dan tidal power. 2. Teknologiyngmampumeningktkn energy efficiency. www.ricksquires.com/.../ Sumber: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_security …… diunduh 27/3/2012
GAS ALAM = NATURAL GAS Compared to petroleum, reliance on imported natural gas creates significant short term vulnerabilities. Many European countries saw an immediate drop in supply when Russian gas supplies were halted during the Russia-Ukraine gas dispute in 2006. Natural gas has been a viable source of energy in the world. Consisting of mostly methane natural gas is produced using two methods, biogenic and thermogenic. Biogenic comes from methogenic organisms located in marshes and landfills where thermogenic comes from buried material that is heated up from the earths core. Russia is the current leading country in production of natural gases. One of the biggest problems currently with natural gas is the ability to storage and transport it. With its low density it becomes harder to have pipelines in North America to transport enough natural gas as the demand increases. These pipelines are reaching near capacity and even at full capacity do not produce the amount of gas needed. EKONOMI HIJAU vs. EKONOMI HITAM ‘The Black economy’: pembangunan ekonomi yang bertumpu pd bahan bakar fosil seperti batubara, minyak bumi dan gas alam. “The green economy” bertumpu pd pengetahuan ekologi-ekonomi dengan tujuan menyelaraskan hubungan ekonomi-manusia dengan ekosistem- alam serta MINIMUM dampak negatif akibat kegiatan ekonomi terhadap lingkungan Sumber: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_security …… diunduh 27/3/2012
ENERGI NUKLIR Uranium for nuclear power is mined and enriched in diverse and "stable" countries. These include Canada (23% of the world's total in 2007), Australia (21%), Kazakhstan (16%) and more than 10 other countries. Uranium is mined and fuel is manufactured significantly in advance of need. Nuclear fuel is considered by some to be a relatively-reliable power source, though a debate over the timing of peak uranium does exist. Although a very viable resource nuclear power comes under fire a lot of times because of the danger that people associate to it, nuclear power is stable but if something were to happen there are very little options that have been proposed to fix that problem. Another big factor in the debate with nuclear power is that many people or companies do not want this high waste energy solution near them due to possible radiation leaks, nuclear runoff into streams and lakes and also the nuclear power plant ruins how appealing a city or state looks to other people in the country. ArahKebijakanEnergiTerbarukanNuklirKrisislistriknasionalsudahberlangsungcukup lama, yang telahmengakibatkanterganggunyakehidupansosial, pertumbuhanindustri, ekonomi, dansebagainya. Salahsatudiantaranyaadalahbanyakangkatankerja yang tidakdapattertampung. PembangkitListrikTenagaNuklir (PLTN) disampingramahlingkunganjugadapatmengatasikrisislistrikdalamwaktu yang relatifcepatuntukkapasitas yang sangatbesar. Olehsebabitu, PLTN merupakansolusiuntukmengatasikrisislistriknasional. Pemerintahmeningkatkankegiataneksplorasisumberdayanuklirnasional. Pemerintahharuskonsistendalammenerapkankebijakanpemanfaatanenerginuklirsesuaidengan UU No. 17 tahun 2007 tentang RPJP, dimanapada Bab. IV.2.3. RPJM ke-3 ( 2015 – 2019 ), dinyatakan: “... mulaidimanfaatkannyatenaganukliruntukpembangkitlistrikdenganmempertimbangkanfaktorkeselamatansecaraketat,...”. Pemerintahperlusegeramembentuklembagaatau BUMN khusus yang ditugaskanuntukmengimplementasikan program PLTN sesuaidengan UU No. 17 tahun 2007. Studikelayakan PLTN yang lebihkomprehensif, termasukpenetapanwaktupembangunan PLTN pertama, sebagaimanaamanatSidang DEN yang ke-4, dikoordinasikanolehlembagatersebut. Pengembangannukliruntuk energy security of supply danlingkungan. Perlupeningkatansosialisasidengan data daninformasi yang obyektif (teknis, ekonomis, keamanan/kendaladansebagainya) dengandana yang memadai, baikituuntukgenerasimudamaupununtukunsurmasyarakatlainnya. (sumber: http://esdm.go.id/news-archives/56-artikel/3342-pokok-pokok-kebijakan-energi-nasional.html ) Sumber: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_security …… diunduh 27/3/2012
ENERGI TERBARUKAN (Renewable energy) The deplopment of renewable technologies usually increases the diversity of electricity sources and, through local generation, contributes to the flexibility of the system and its resistance to central shocks. For those countries where growing dependence on imported gas is a significant energy security issue, renewable technologies can provide alternative sources of electric power as well as displacing electricity demand through direct heat production. Renewable biofuels for transport represent a key source of diversification from petroleum products. As the resources that have been so crucial to survival in the world to this day start declining in numbers, countries will begin to realize that the need for renewable fuel sources will be as vital as ever. With the production of new types of energy including, solar, geothermal, hydro-electric, biofuel and wind power. With the amount of sun that hits the world in one hour there is enough energy to power the world for one year. With the addition of solar panels all around the world a little less pressure is taken off the need to produce more oil. Geothermal can potentially lead to other sources of fuel, if companies would take the heat from the inner core of the earth to heat up water sources we could essentially use the steam creating from the heated water to power machines, this option is one of the cleanest and efficient options. Hydro-electric which has been incorporated into many of the dams around the world produces a lot of energy and is very easy to produce the energy as the dams control the water that is allowed through seams which power turbines located inside of the dam. Bio-fuels have been researched using many different sources including ethanol and algae, these options are substantially cleaner than the consumption of petroleum ArahKebijakanEnergiTerbarukan Pengembanganenergiterbarukandifokuskanpadapanasbumi (geothermal), energi biomass, surya (solar) danbahanbakarnabati. Penyediaandanakhususuntukpenelitiandanpengembanganenergiterbarukangunamenurunkanbiayaproduksi. Pengaturandanpemberlakuanhargakhususuntukenergiterbarukan. Peningkatanpengembanganindustriperalatanproduksienergiterbarukandalamnegeri (peralatanpenyulingan BBN, solar cell dan panel harusmenggunakanproduksidalamnegeri). Pengalokasiandanadenganskemakhusus (smart funding) untukpengembanganenergiterbarukandiluar BBN, khususnyauntukskalakecil. Pemerintahmelakukanpengaturandanpengalokasiandanadari program Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), sehinggainsentifkarbonkreditdapatmemberimanfaatpadapublik. (Sumber: http://esdm.go.id/news-archives/56-artikel/3342-pokok-pokok-kebijakan-energi-nasional.html …… diunduh 28/3/2012) Sumber: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_security …… diunduh 27/3/2012
Pokok-PokokKebijakanEnergiNasional Pokok-pokokKebijakanEnergiNasionalmeliputi, arahkebijakanenergiminyakdan gas bumi, batubara, energiterbarukkan, energiterbarukkanbahanbakarnabati (BBN), panasbumi, energiterbarukansurya, PLT tenagalautdanarahkebijakanenergiterbarukannuklir. Pokok-pokokKebijakanEnergiNasionalyaitu: ArahKebijakanEnergiMinyakdan Gas Bumi Perlusistemfiskaluntukminyak, gas bumidan CBM (coal bed methane) yang lebihmenjaminkeuntunganataumengurangiresikokontraktordenganmemberikanbagianpemerintahatau GT (government take) yang keciluntuk R/C (revenue/cost) yang kecildan GT yang besaruntuk R/C yang besar. Perlusegeramembanguninfrastruktur gas termasuk LNG (liquefied natural gas) receiving terminal, pipatransportasi, SPBG (stasiunpengisibahanbakar gas), infrastruktur gas kotadan lain-lain. Perluharga gas dosmetik yang menarik. Perlupeningkatankualitasinformasiuntukwilayahkerja yang ditawarkanmelaluiperbaikanketersediaan data antara lain data geofisikadangeologi. Perlupeningkatankemampuannasionalmigasdengankeberpihakanpemerintahmisalnyauntukkontrak-kontrakmigas yang sudahhabismakapengelolaannyadiutamakanuntukperusahaannasionaldenganmempertimbangkan program kerja, kemampuanteknisdankeuangan. Perlumendorongperbankannasionaluntukmemberikanpinjamangunamembiayaikegiatanproduksienerginasional. Dana depletion premium darienergitakterbarukansangatdiperlukangunameningkatkankualitasinformasiuntukpenawarankonsesi-konsesimigasbaru, peningkatankemampuansumberdayamanusiadanpenelitian, infrastrukturpendukungmigas, sertauntukpengembanganenergi non-migasdanenergidipedesaan. Perludikajisegerakemungkinanimpor gas (LNG), karenalebihbaik/murahmengimpor gas daripadamengimporminyakdan BBM. Di sektorrumahtangga, pemakaian LPG lebihmurahdaripemakaianminyaktanah. Di sektortransportasi, penggunaan BBG lebihmurahdanlebihbersihdaripada BBM. Perludiperbaikisistembirokrasidaninformasisertakemitraandilingkungan ESDM disampingkoordinasiantarinstitusiuntukmengatasipermasalahan-permasalahanfiskal, perijinan, tanah, tumpangtindihlahan, lingkungan, permasalahandesentralisasidan lain-lain. Sumber: http://esdm.go.id/news-archives/56-artikel/3342-pokok-pokok-kebijakan-energi-nasional.html …… diunduh 28/3/2012
Pokok-PokokKebijakanEnergiNasional ArahKebijakan Batubara Mengutamakankebutuhandalamnegeridanmelakukanpembatasanekspor. Melakukanpengaturanhargadomestikdankebutuhaninternasional (ekspor). Mengaturtatalaksanaproduksidanpasarmulaidarihulusampaihilirtermasukpembentukanbadanpengatur yang independen. Mengembangkaninfrastruktur, transportasi, stockpilingdanblending. Menerapkanprinsippembangunanberkelanjutanpadapertambanganbatubaraantara lain memasukkanbiayalingkungan, good mining practices, pembatasanopen surface mining, mengutamakantambangdalam, prioritastataruang, konservasilingkungandanpemanfaatanteknologibersih. Melakukanregionalisasibatubaratermasukmine mouth power plant. Meningkatkaneksplorasisumberdaya (lajuproduksiseimbangdenganlajupenambahansumberdayadancadangan). ArahKebijakanEnergiTerbarukanBahanBakarNabati (BBN) Pengembangan BBN untukmenggantikansebagian BBM. Padatahapawalpengembangan BBN dilakukanolehbeberapaperusahaanbesar yang dipilihuntukmencapainilaikeekonomian. Pengaturan quota mandatory BBN bagiperusahaanpenyedialistrik. Penyempurnaanpenetapanbesaran quota mandatory dalampenggunaan BBN untuksektortransportasi. Sumber: http://esdm.go.id/news-archives/56-artikel/3342-pokok-pokok-kebijakan-energi-nasional.html …… diunduh 28/3/2012
Pokok-PokokKebijakanEnergiNasional ArahKebijakanEnergiTerbarukan Surya Penerapan mandatory penggunaan solar cell padapemakaitertentu (industribesar, gedungkomersialdanrumahmewah, PLN). Mensinergikan mandatory danpenerapan feed in tarrif. Penerapan audit teknologiterhadapkomponen/peralataninstalasi PLTS. Mengembangkanindustrikomponen/peralataninstalasi PLTS. Mentargetkanpencapaiankeekonomian PLTS ke grid connected tarrifdalamwaktu 10 tahun. Mengembangkanpenguasaanteknologi PLTS dalamnegeribaikmelaluipembelian license ataumeningkatkanpenelitiandanpengembangannya. ArahKebijakanEnergiTerbarukan PLT TenagaLaut Meningkatkanekplorasisumberdayaenergiberbasisarus, gelombangdanperbedaansuhu air laut. Meningkatkankemampuannasionaluntukpeningkatanpemanfaatanenergiarus, gelombangdanperbedaansuhu air laut, baikskalaindustrimaupundomestikdiseluruhkawasanlaut Indonesia yang potensial. Meningkatkankemampuanpenelitaandanpengembangandibidangenergilautmenujupemanfaatannyasecaraekonomis. Sumber: http://esdm.go.id/news-archives/56-artikel/3342-pokok-pokok-kebijakan-energi-nasional.html …… diunduh 28/3/2012
Pokok-PokokKebijakanEnergiNasional ArahKebijakanEnergiTerbarukanPanasBumi Meningkatkanekplorasipanasbumidanmembuatperkiraanbiaya yang layakpadalokasi yang berbeda-beda. Memastikan status tatagunalahandihutan-hutan yang memilikipotensipanasbumi. Mengkajiimplementasiperaturanperundang-undangandisektorpanasbumiuntukmendekatkansektorhuludanhilir. Melakukanpenyempurnaandidalampengelolaandanpersyaratan tender panasbumi, yang antara lain meliputi : Pendelegasiankepada PLN untukmelaksanakan tender, pembagianresiko yang menguntungkanantara PLN danpengembang, hargajualdanmekanismenyasertapembinaanuntukskalakecildanpenyehatan BUMN. Meningkatkankemampuandalamnegeriuntukmendukungkegiataneksplorasidanindustripendukungkelistrikan. PANAS BUMI = Geothermal energy Geothermal energy is energy obtained by tapping the heat of the earth itself, both from kilometers deep into the Earth's crust in some places of the globe or from some meters in geothermal heat pump in all the places of the planet . It is expensive to build a power station but operating costs are low resulting in low energy costs for suitable sites. Ultimately, this energy derives from heat in the Earth's core. Sumber: http://esdm.go.id/news-archives/56-artikel/3342-pokok-pokok-kebijakan-energi-nasional.html …… diunduh 28/3/2012
DEWAN ENERGI NASIONAL (DEN) SumberdayaenergimerupakankekayaanalamsebagaimanadiamanatkandalamPasal 33 Undang-UndangDasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 dikuasainegaradandipergunakanuntuksebesar-besarnyakemakmuranrakyat. Perananenergisangatpentingartinyabagipeningkatankegiatanekonomidanketahanannasional, sehinggapengelolaanenergi yang meliputipenyediaan, pemanfaatan, danpengusahaannyaharusdilaksanakansecaraberkeadilan, berkelanjutan, rasional, optimal, danterpadu. Cadangansumberdayaenergitidakterbarukanterbatas, makaperluadanyakegiatanpenganekaragamansumberdayaenergi agar ketersediaanenergiterjamin. Berdasarkanpertimbangan-pertimbangantersebut, negaratelahmengamanatkankepadapemerintahuntukmembentuksuatuDewanEnergiNasional (DEN). DewanEnergiNasionalsesuaidenganamanat UU No. 30 Tahun 2007 bertugas: Merancangdanmerumuskankebijakanenerginasionaluntukditetapkanolehpemerintahdenganpersetujuan DPR. Menetapkanrencanaumumenerginasional. Menetapkanlangkah-langkahpenanggulangankondisikrisisdandaruratenergi. Mengawasipelaksanaankebijakandibidangenergi yang bersifatlintassektoral. DEN RancangKebijakanEnergiNasionalJangkaPanjang DewanEnergiNasionaltelahmenyepakatiRancanganKebijakanEnergiNasional (Rancangan-KEN) yang telahdirumuskandenganmemperhatikan saran danmasukan yang disampaikanolehAnggota DEN. Rancangan-KEN adalahperubahanparadigmapengelolaanenerginasional yang menempatkansumberdayaenergisebagai modal pembangunannasional, bukanhanyasebagaikomoditiekspor. Rancangan KEN disusundengantujuansebagaipedomandalampengelolaanenergiuntukmewujudkanketahanandankemandirianenergidalammendukungpembangunannasionalberkelanjutan. Untukmencapaitujuan, sasaranRancangan-KEN meliputi, ketersediaanenergi, prioritaspenyediaanenergi, pemanfaatansumberdayaenergi, cadanganenerginasional, konservasidandiversifikasi, lingkungandankeselamatan, hargasubsididaninsentifenergi, penelitiandanpengembanganenergi, kelembagaandanpendanaan.RancanganKebijakanEnergiNasional (KEN) iniakansegeradisampaikankepada DPR-RI untukmendapatkanpersetujuansebelumditetapkanpemerintahdankebijakanenerginasional (KEN) akandigunakansebagaipedomandalampenyusunanRencanaUmumEnergiNasional (RUEN) danRencanaUmumKetenagalistrikanNasional (RUKN). (SUMBER: http://www.ristek.go.id/index.php/module/News+News/id/10503) Sumber: http://www.den.go.id/index.php/page/readPage/1 …… diunduh 26/3/2012
BLUEPRINT PENGELOLAAN ENERGI NASIONAL 2006 - 2025 SesuaiPeraturanPresidenNomor 5 Tahun 2006 JAKARTA, 2006 Sumber: www.esdm.go.id/.../714-blue-print-pengelolaan-energi-nasional-pen.... …… diunduh 26/3/2012
KERANGKA REGULASI ENERGI (MenurutUndang-Undang No.30 Tahun 2007 tentangEnergi) Domain Negara (Legislasi) Domain Pemerintah (Regulasi) PeraturanMenteri (ygdiamanatkan UU & PP) UU No. 30/2007 TentangEnergi PeraturanPemerintah(PP) PeraturanPresiden (Perpres) Peraturan Daerah (Perda) AmanatPembuatanPeraturanPemerintah (PP) tentang : PenyediaandanpemanfaatanenergiolehPemerintah (Pasal 22 ayat 2) KlasifikasiJasaEnergi (Pasal 23 ayat 6) KewajibanpengusahaanenergiolehBadan Usaha Energi (Pasal 24 ayat 2) PelaksanaanKonservasiEnergi, PemberianKemudahanInsentifdanDisinsentifKonservasiEnergi (Pasal 25 ayat 5) PemberiankemudahandanatauinsentifterhadappemanfaatanenergibarudansumberenergiterbarukanolehPemerintah (Pasal 22 ayat 1) Pendanaanuntukpengembangandanpemanfaatanhasilpenelitiantentangenergibarudanenergiterbarukandaripendapatannegara yang berasaldarienergitakterbarukan (Pasal 30 ayat 4) AmanatPembuatanPeraturanPresiden (Perpres) tentang : KetentuantentangcarapenyaringanCalonAnggotaDewanEnergiNasional (Pasal 13 ayat 7) KetentuantentangpenyusunanRencanaUmumEnergiNasional (Pasal 17 ayat 3) AmanatPenetapanolehPresidententang : KebijakanEnergiNasional (Pasal 11 ayat 1) AmanatPembuatanPeraturan Daerah (Perda) tentang : PemberiankemudahandanatauinsentifterhadappemanfaatanenergibarudanterbarukanoelehPemerintah Daerah (Pasal 22 ayat 1) PenyediaandanpemanfaatanenergiolehPemerintah Daerah (Pasal 22 ayat 2) RPP ttg. PengelolaanDiversifikasi Energi PP No. 70 tahun 2009 ttg. KonservasiEnergi RPP ttg. EnergiBarudanEnergiTerbarukan (EBT) Perpres No. 26 /2008 ttg. Pembentukan DEN dan Tata Cara PenyaringanCalonAnggota DEN RancanganPerpresttg. HakKeuanganbagiKetuaHarian & Anggota DEN (PelaksanaanPasal 25 ayat 1, Perpres No. 26/2008 Perda ttg. EBT 0 RancanganPerpresttg. Penyusunan RUEN RancanganKeppresttg. KebijakanEnergiNasional (KEN)
ARAH KEBIJAKAN ENERGI PERPRES 5/2006 VISI 25/25 BAU** 5100 JutaSBM 3,1% KONSERVASI ENERGI (37,25%) 3200 JutaSBM 3200 JutaSBM 34.6% 25 % EBT 20,6% 113,1 JutaSBM 32 % DIVERSIFIKASI ENERGI Batubara EBT 4,4 % Batubara 23 % Gas Bumi 30,7 % 41.7% Gas Bumi 21 % 20 % M. Bumi M. Bumi 43,9% 2010* 2015 2020 Sumber: *Prakiraan 2010, **Blueprint PEN 2006-2025 2025
KEBIJAKAN UTAMA ENERGI • KonservasiEnergiuntukmeningkatkanefisiensipenggunaanenergidisisisuplaidanpemanfaatan(Demand Side). • DiversifikasiEnergiuntukmeningkatkanpangsaenergibaruterbarukandalambauranenerginasional(Supply Side). Sustainable Energy Management (SEM) Renewable energy : Energi yang dihasilkandarisumberdayaalamsepertiradiasi-matahari, angin, air, hujan, pasang-surut, panasbumi, danhayati……… ……. yang secaraalamiahdapatdiperbaharui Efficient energy use, sometimes simply called energy efficiency, is using less energy to provide the same level of energy service.
KEBIJAKAN ENERGI SEKTORAL Kebijakan Energi Sektor RumahTangga RencanaIndukKonservasiEnergiNasional (RIKEN) KebijakanEnergi Sektor BangunanKomersial Sisi kebutuhan KebijakanEnergi Sektor Industri KebijakanEnergi Sektor Transportasi KEBIJAKAN ENERGI KLASTERAL*) Energi Tak Terbarukan Visi Energi Baru Terbarukan 25/25 RencanaIndukEnergiKonvensional/Fosil KebijakanEnergi Klaster MinyakBumi KebijakanEnergi Klaster Gas Bumi Kebijakan EnergiKlaster Batubara EnergiBaru KebijakanEnergiKlaster Nuklir KebijakanEnergi Klaster CBM KebijakanEnergi Klaster Gasified Coal KebijakanEnergi Klaster LiquifiedCoal Sisi Penyediaan KebijakanEnergiKlaster Hidrogen EnergiTerbarukan RencanaIndukDiversifikasiEnergiNasional (RIDEN) KebijakanEnergi Klaster PanasBumi KebijakanEnergi Klaster Hidro KebijakanEnergi Klaster Bioenergi KebijakanEnergi Klaster EnergiSurya KebijakanEnergiKlaster Energi Angin *) KlastersesuaidenganUU 30/2007 tentangEnergi KebijakanEnergiKlaster Samudera
BLUEPRINT PENGELOLAAN ENERGI NASIONAL 2006 - 2025 SesuaiPeraturanPresidenNomor 5 Tahun 2006 JAKARTA, 2006 • KONDISI SAAT INI ENERGI INDONESIA • KebijakanUmumBidangEnergi (KUBE) : 1981, 1987, 1991, 1998 dan KEN 2003 • Potensisumberdayaenergicukupbesar • Aksesmasyarakatterhadapenergimasihterbatas • Pangsakonsumsi BBM : 63% darienergi final • Ekspor energi besar, impor BBM besar • Eksporminyakbumi 514 ribubarel per hari, pemakaiandalamnegeri 611 ribubarelper hari dan impor 487 ribu barel per hari • Ekspor gas bumi 4,88 BCF per hari, pemakaiandalamnegeri 3,47 BCF per hari • Ekspor batubara 92,5 juta ton per tahun, pemakaian dalam negeri 32,91 juta ton per tahun • Hargaekspor gas danbatubaralebihtinggidarihargapemasarandalamnegeri • Kemampuan/dayabelikonsumendalamnegeriterhadapbatubaradan gas rendahdanbelumadanyainsentifekonomibaikfiskalmaupun non fiskalbagienergifosiluntukpemakaiandalamnegeri Sumber: www.esdm.go.id/.../714-blue-print-pengelolaan-energi-nasional-pen.... …… diunduh 26/3/2012
BLUEPRINT PENGELOLAAN ENERGI NASIONAL 2006 - 2025 SesuaiPeraturanPresidenNomor 5 Tahun 2006 JAKARTA, 2006 KONDISI YANG DIHARAPKAN • Meningkatnyaaksesmasyarakatterhadapenergi • Meningkatnyakeamananpasokanenergi • Menyesuaikan harga energi dengan keekonomiannya • Tersedianyainfrastrukturenergi yang memadai • Meningkatnyaefisiensipenggunaanenergi SASARAN • TerwujudnyakeamananpasokanenergidalamnegerisesuaiPerpres No. 5 Tahun 2006 yaitu : – Tercapainyaelastisitas p y energilebihkecildari 1 padatahun 2025 – Terwujudnyabauranenergi primer yang optimal (Lampiran N1) : Perananminyakbumimenurunmenjadimaksimum 20% pada 2025 Peranan gas bumimeningkatmenjadi minimum 30% padatahun 2025 Perananbatubarameningkatmenjadi 33% padatahun 2025, melaluipemanfaatanbrown coal, coal liquefaction danbriketbatubara Perananpanasbumidanbiofuelmeningkatmasing-masingmenjadi 5% padatahun 2025 Perananenergibarudanterbarukanlainnyameningkatmenjadi 5% padatahun 2025 Terpenuhinyapasokanenergifosildalamnegeridenganmengurangieksporsecarabertahap Terwujudnyakondisiekonomisehinggakemampuan/dayabelimasyarakatmeningkat: • Tersedianyainfrastrukturenergi : BBM : jaringanpipanisasi BBM diJawa; kilang; depot; terminal transit Gas : jaringanpipanisasi Kalimantan–Jawa, Jawa Barat–JawaTimur, Sumatera– Jawa; Integrated ; g Indonesian Gas Pipeline; embriodari Trans ASEAN Gas Pipeline (TAGP) – (Lampiran G5); terminal regasifikasi LNG Batubara : saranadanprasaranatransportasidarimuluttambangkepelabuhan; pelabuhan di titik suplai dan di lokasi konsumen; sarana dan prasarana distribusi Listrik : ASEAN Power Grid (Lampiran G7); transmisiJawa, Kalimantan, Sulawesi • Tercapainyastrukturhargaenergisesuaikeekonomiannya Sumber: www.esdm.go.id/.../714-blue-print-pengelolaan-energi-nasional-pen.... …… diunduh 26/3/2012
BLUEPRINT PENGELOLAAN ENERGI NASIONAL 2006 - 2025 SesuaiPeraturanPresidenNomor 5 Tahun 2006 JAKARTA, 2006 PELUANG Keanekaragamansumberdayaenergi: migas, batubara, panasbumi, biofueldanenergi baru serta terbarukan lainnya Pertumbuhanekonomi yang semakinbaikakanmeningkatkankebutuhanenergidalamnegeridankemampuan / dayabelimasyarakatsertaakanmenjadidayatarikinvestasiswasta yang diperlukandalampembangunansektorenergi Potensi peningkatan efisiensi energi cukup besar Potensipasarenerginasional, regional daninternasionalmasihterbuka KENDALA Strukturhargaenergibelummendukungdiversifikasidankonservasienergi Adanya disparitas perkembangan ekonomi antar wilayah Ketidaksesuaian antara persebaran sumber energi dan konsumen Subsidienergimasihmenjadibebannegaraakibatkemampuan/dayabelimasyarakat yang masihrendah Industrienergikhususnyaminyakdan gas bumisertaketenagalistrikanpadaumumnyabelumkompetitif Ketidakstabilanpasardanhargaenergifosil Sistemplough back tidakditerapkansecaramaksimal Mekanismeikliminvestasibelumkondusif Sistemperencanaanenergibelumditerapkanpadasisipermintaan/pengguna yang mendukungefisiensipenggunaanenergi Energimasihdianggapsebagaiinfrastruktur, belumsebagaikomoditi Tumpangtindihregulasiantarsektordanotonomidaerahbelumsesuaidengan yang diharapkan Kepastianhukumuntukinvestasibelumjelas Sumber: www.esdm.go.id/.../714-blue-print-pengelolaan-energi-nasional-pen.... …… diunduh 26/3/2012
BLUEPRINT PENGELOLAAN ENERGI NASIONAL 2006 - 2025 SesuaiPeraturanPresidenNomor 5 Tahun 2006 JAKARTA, 2006 STRATEGI Meningkatkankeamananpasokanenergidenganmemperhatikanaspeklingkungan Menerapkanprinsip-prinsipgood governance dantransparansi Mendorong investasi swasta bagi pengembangan energi Melakukan konservasi sumber daya energi Menjamin penyediaan energi untuk seluruh lapisan masyarakat Meningkatkanpemberdayaanmasyarakatdalampengelolaanenergi Meningkatkan efisiensi penyediaan dan pemanfaatan energi Melakukandiversifikasienergidenganmemaksimalkansumberdayaenergi yang adadidalamnegeri Memaksimalkanpemanfaatanenergisetempat (DesaMandiriEnergi) Meningkatkankapasitas SDM danpenguasaanteknologi Memaksimalkanpenerimaannegarasektor ESDM bagipengembangansektor ESDM KEBIJAKAN • KebijakanUtama – Penyediaanenergimelalui : penjaminan ketersediaan pasokan energi dalam negeri pengoptimalanproduksienergi pelaksanaankonservasienergi – Pemanfaatanenergimelalui : efisiensipemanfaatanenergi diversifikasienergi. – Penetapankebijakanhargaenergikearahhargakeekonomiandengantetapmempertimbangkankemampuanusahakecildanbantuanbagimasyarakattidakmampu dalam jangka waktu tertentu – Pelestarianlingkungandenganmenerapkanprinsippembangunanberkelanjutan • KebijakanPendukung : pengembanganinfastrukturenergitermasukpeningkatanakseskonsumenterhadapenergi kemitraan pemerintah dan dunia usaha pemberdayaanmasyarakat penelitandanpengembangansertapendidikandanpelatihan Sumber: www.esdm.go.id/.../714-blue-print-pengelolaan-energi-nasional-pen.... …… diunduh 26/3/2012
BLUEPRINT PENGELOLAAN ENERGI NASIONAL 2006 - 2025 SesuaiPeraturanPresidenNomor 5 Tahun 2006 JAKARTA, 2006 UPAYA • Strategi 1 : MengembangkanMekanismeHargaKeekonomianEnergidenganupaya : – Rasionalisasihargaenergidituangkandalam Program Utama 1, 2, 3, 4 dan 14 – Penerapanmekanismeinsentifekonomidanpajakenergi (Program Utama 3 dan 4) • Strategi 2 : MeningkatkanKeamananPasokanEnergidenganmemperhatikanaspek lingkungandenganupaya : Peningkatanefisiensienergi, khususnya BBM (Program Utama 5, 6 dan 14) Peningkatan status cadangan terbukti energi (Program Utama 7) Konservasisumberdayaenergi Peningkatancadanganenerginasional/strategis (SPR – Strategic Petroleum Reserves) – (Program Utama 9) Penggunaancadangan gas bumibaikcadanganbesarataupunkeciluntukkebutuhan domestik dan cadangan gas mencukupi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dalamnegerimaupunekspor (dalam UU Migasadakonsepmengenai DMO gas yang mencakupjugainsentif) – (Program Utama 10) Penerapan DMO terhadapbatubara, denganmemberikaninsentifekonomiuntukmendorongpasokandanpenggunaandalamnegeritermasukcoal liquefaction, upgrading brown coal (UBC) dangasifikasibatubarasertateknologibatubarabersihlainnya (Program Utama 3, 4, 9 dan 11, Program Pendukung 2) Pengembanganadvanced energy technologies berdasarkan Landmark TeknologiEnergi – (Program Utama 11 dan 14, Program Pendukung 2) Pengembanganpotensipanasbumiuntukpenggunaanlangsungmaupuntidaklangsung (Program Utama 7 dan 14, Program Pendukung 2) Mengembangkanenergialternatif BBM non fosillainnya (Program Utama 8,11, 14, dan 16, Program Pendukung 2) Pengembangan pemanfaatan kendaraan berbahan bakar energi alternatif (Program Utama 3, 4, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15 dan 16, Program Pendukung 1) Penerapandepletion premium untukmenjagakeberlanjutanpasokan (Program Utama 12) Peningkatan pemanfaatan energi yang ramah lingkungan (Program Utama 4, 5, 10, 11 dan 16) Sumber: www.esdm.go.id/.../714-blue-print-pengelolaan-energi-nasional-pen.... …… diunduh 26/3/2012
BLUEPRINT PENGELOLAAN ENERGI NASIONAL 2006 - 2025 SesuaiPeraturanPresidenNomor 5 Tahun 2006 JAKARTA, 2006 • UPAYA - UPAYA • • Strategi 3 : MenerapkanPrinsip-PrinsipGood Governance danTransparansidengan • upaya : • Penerapanmekanismeopen access padainfrastrukturenergi (Program Utama12) • Deregulasi di tingkat makro dan mikro (corporate) - (Program Utama 12) • Harmonisasipengaturanpanasbumidenganketenagalistrikan (Program Utama 12) • Harmonisasipengaturanpemanfaatankawasanhutanuntukpertambangandanenergi (Program Utama 12) • 3. Penetapan kelembagaan yang bertanggung jawab dalam pengaturan standardisasidanspesifikasiproduk-produk EBT danpelaksana program kegiatan nuklir (Program Pendukung 2) • • Strategi 4 : MendorongInvestasiSwastabagiPengembanganEnergi, denganupaya : • Penerapaninsentifekonomi, baikdalambentukfiskalmaupun non fiskal, khususnyauntukpasokanenergibagikebutuhandomestik, pengembanganenergibaruterbarukandanpeningkatanefisiensienergi (Program Utama 1, 2, 3, 4) • Pemberianinsentifekonomibagiinvestasibaruuntukpengembanganinfrastrukturenergi (Program Utama 1, 3, dan 13) • Pengembanganinfrastrukturenergi (Program Utama 13) • Pengembanganpasardomestikuntukenergialternatif, khususnyabio fuel (Program Utama 1, 3, 11, 13, 15 dan 16, Program Pendukung 1) • • Strategi 5 : Meningkatkan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dalam Pengelolaan Pembangunan Energi yang Berkelanjutan, dengan upaya : • PeningkatankemampuanNasionaldalampengembanganenergi (Program Utama15, Program Pendukung 1 dan 3) • Penyelenggaraansosialisasienergialternatifsecarakontinyu (Program Utama 14) • Peningkatanpeluangbisnisdanindustripabrikasidenganfokussumberenergibaruterbarukan (Program Utama 11 dan 15) • Peningkatankesadaranmasyarakatdalamefisiensienergi (Program Utama 14, Program Pendukung 3) Sumber: www.esdm.go.id/.../714-blue-print-pengelolaan-energi-nasional-pen.... …… diunduh 26/3/2012
BLUEPRINT PENGELOLAAN ENERGI NASIONAL 2006 - 2025 SesuaiPeraturanPresidenNomor 5 Tahun 2006 JAKARTA, 2006 UPAYA-UPAYA • Strategi 6 : Meningkatkanefisiensipenyediaandanpemanfaatanenergidenganupaya: – Peningkatanefisiensipadaindustripenyediaenergi – Peningkatanefisiensipadaperalatanpemanfaatenergi – Peningkatanefisiensipadapenggunaenergi • Strategi 7 : Memaksimalkansumberdayaenergi yang adadidalamnegeridengan upaya : – Peningkatankegiataneksplorasi – Pemberianinsentiffiskaldan non fiskal • Strategi 8 : Memaksimalkandanapenerimaannegarasektor ESDM bagi pengembangansektor ESDM denganupaya : – Pemanfaatan premium Migas untuk program-program unggulan – Penyusunanregulasipenerimaannegarabukanpajaksektor ESDM • Strategi 9 : Meningkatkankapasitas SDM danpenguasaanteknologidenganupaya : – Pengembanganmekanismependanaanbagipenelitiandanpengembangan – Perbaikansistemremunerasi yang berdasarkanprofesionalisme Strategi 10 : Memaksimalkanpemanfaatanenergisetempatdenganupaya : – PengembanganDesaMandiriEnergi – Pengembangankawasankhususenergi – Pengembangankemampuanwirausahaenergididaerah – Pengembangan pemanfaatan energi untuk kegiatan ekonomi – Penyusunanmekanismeekspor-importenagalistrikdansewajaringan • Strategi 11 : Melakukandiversifikasienergidenganmemaksimalkansumberdayaenergi yang adadidalamnegeridenganupaya : – Pengembanganenergialternatifuntuktransportasi, rumahtanggadanindustri – Diversifikasipembangkittenagalistrikdiantaranyamelaluiinterkoneksipembangkit skalakecildanmenengahdarisumberenergibaruterbarukan Sumber: www.esdm.go.id/.../714-blue-print-pengelolaan-energi-nasional-pen.... …… diunduh 26/3/2012
BLUEPRINT PENGELOLAAN ENERGI NASIONAL 2006 - 2025 SesuaiPeraturanPresidenNomor 5 Tahun 2006 JAKARTA, 2006 PROGRAM PENGEMBANGAN PROGRAM UTAMA 1 : RASIONALISASI HARGA BBM 1. Penerapanmekanismepenyesuaianharga BBM denganbeberapaalternatif: • Mekanismepenyesuaianhargapasarsepenuhnyasecaraotomatisuntukseluruhjenis BBM • Mekanismepenyesuaianhargasecaraotomatispadatingkat yang disubsidiuntukseluruhjenis BBM • Mekanismepenyesuaianhargasecaraotomatis, khususuntukjenis BBM tertentu (minyaktanahrumahtanggadanminyak solar transportasi) secarafixed price • Mekanismepenyesuaianhargasecarafixed price untukseluruhjenis BBM 2. Penyediaansubsidienergibagikonsumendhuafa 3. Pemberianinsentifpenyediaanenergialternatif, termasukskemapercepatandepresiasi 4. Penerapansisteminsentifuntukmendorongpeningkatanefisiensienergi PROGRAM UTAMA 2 : PENYEDIAAN ENERGI ALTERNATIF PENGGANTI MINYAK TANAH UNTUK RUMAH TANGGA 1. Peningkatanpemanfaatandan biogas rumahtangga 2. Peningkatanrasioelektrifikasi PROGRAM UTAMA 3 : PENERAPAN TAX ALLOWANCE 1. Peningkatan pasokan energi bagi kebutuhan domestik 2. Pengembanganenergialternatifdanefisiensienergi PROGRAM UTAMA 4 : PENERAPAN CARBON TAX SECARA BERTAHAP UNTUK PENGEMBANGAN ENERGI BERSIH PROGRAM UTAMA 5 : PENERAPAN SUPPLY DAN DEMAND SIDE MANAGEMENT Penerapan standarisasi dan labelisasi, penerapan manajer energi dan pelaksanaan audit energipadasektorindustridankomersial Penerapan peralatan hemat energi pada sektor rumah tangga Penerapan standar efisiensi bahan bakar pada sektor transportasi Penerapanteknologihematenergidanmanajemenenergipadasektorpembangkitlistrik Pelaksanaan sosialisasi hemat energi Sumber: www.esdm.go.id/.../714-blue-print-pengelolaan-energi-nasional-pen.... …… diunduh 26/3/2012
BLUEPRINT PENGELOLAAN ENERGI NASIONAL 2006 - 2025 SesuaiPeraturanPresidenNomor 5 Tahun 2006 JAKARTA, 2006 PROGRAM UTAMA 6 : PENYUSUNAN INSTRUMEN KEBIJAKAN Penyusunanregulasi : CBM : - peningkatan status peraturanpengusahaan CBM termasukaturanpelaksanaan BBN : - penerapankewajibanpencampuran BBN pada BBM Panasbumi : - penyusunanmekanismepentarifandarihulusampaidenganhilir Coal Liquefaction: - peraturan alokasi batubara 2. Peningkatanbelanjanegarauntuk survey danproyekpercontohan PROGRAM UTAMA 7 : PENINGKATAN KEGIATAN EKSPLORASI Pemberian insentif ekonomi untuk meningkatkan investasi bagi kegiatan eksplorasi Migas: eksplorasiwilayahbarutermasukfrontier areas danlautdalam Batubara: eksplorasiwilayahbarudaneksplorasilanjutanuntukmeningkatkan status cadangan Panas bumi: eksplorasi pencarian potensi-potensi baru CBM : eksplorasidanpembukaanwilayahkerjabaru PROGRAM UTAMA 8 : INTENSIFIKASI PENCARIAN DAN PEMANFAATAN SUMBERSUMBER ENERGI BARU TERBARUKAN 1. Surveipotensienergibaruterbarukan 2. Pengembangan database potensienergibaruterbarukan 3. Pemanfaatan gas suar bakar (Flare Gas) PROGRAM UTAMA 9 : PENGEMBANGAN CADANGAN ENERGI STRATEGIS UNTUK KEAMANAN PASOKAN DALAM NEGERI 1. Peningkatanstokminyakdanbatubaradalamnegeri 2. Pengalokasiansumberdayaenergiuntukmemenuhikebutuhandimasamendatang PROGRAM UTAMA 10 : PENINGKATAN PEMANFAATAN GAS DI DALAM NEGERI 1. Perbaikandanpengembanganinfrastrukturpasokan gas 2. Pengembanganpemanfaatan CNG, GTL, DME, LPG dan gas kota Sumber: www.esdm.go.id/.../714-blue-print-pengelolaan-energi-nasional-pen.... …… diunduh 26/3/2012
BLUEPRINT PENGELOLAAN ENERGI NASIONAL 2006 - 2025 SesuaiPeraturanPresidenNomor 5 Tahun 2006 JAKARTA, 2006 PROGRAM UTAMA 11 : PENELITIAN DAN PENGEMBANGAN ENERGI 1. Pengembangan IPTEK energi Teknologibatubarakalorirendah Kilang mini LNG (Upgraded Brown Coal – UBC) Ocean technology Batubara cair (Coal Liquefaction) Dimethyl ether (DME) Teknologienergiramahlingkungan Coal bed methane Integrated coal gasification Hidrat gas bumi CNG untukpembangkittenagalistrik Photovoltaic 2. PengembanganmekanismependanaanPemerintah/Pemerintah Daerah bagi penelitiandanpengembangan IPTEK energi 3. Komersialisasi IPTEK energi Aplikasi teknologi energi berbahan bakar ganda, antara lain batubara dengan energilainnya, khususnyabiomassa Pengembangan kendaraan berbahan bakar energi alternatif Pemanfaatan LNG untuktransportasi Pengembangan model skemabisnis Penerapansisteminsentiffinansial Pengembanganenergibaruterbarukandanteknologienergiefisiendalamkegiatan pengadaan yang menggunakan dana Pemerintah 4. Peningkatankemitraanantarstakeholders energibaikdidalammaupundiluarnegeri Sumber: www.esdm.go.id/.../714-blue-print-pengelolaan-energi-nasional-pen.... …… diunduh 26/3/2012
BLUEPRINT PENGELOLAAN ENERGI NASIONAL 2006 - 2025 SesuaiPeraturanPresidenNomor 5 Tahun 2006 JAKARTA, 2006 PROGRAM UTAMA 12 : RESTRUKTURISASI INDUSTRI ENERGI 1. Penetapanaturanmengenaidepletion premium 2. Penetapanaturanmekanismeopen access infrastrukturenergi PROGRAM UTAMA 13 : PERCEPATAN PEMBANGUNAN INFRASTRUKTUR ENERGI 1. Infrastruktur gas 2. Infrastrukturbatubara 3. Infrastrukturlistrik 4. Infrastruktur BBM 5. Infrasturkturenergialternatif BBM lainnya, termasuk BBG untuksektortransportasi PROGRAM UTAMA 14 : SOSIALISASI Pengembangan forum dialog Pengembangancommunity development padalingkupnasional Pemanfaatan media massa (cetakdanelektronik) Penggunaan BBG dan BXX padakendaraanoperasionaldilingkunganPemerintah Penyediaanfasilitasbimbinganteknisbagimasyarakat, pengusahadanindustridalamhalpemanfaatanenergibaruterbarukandanteknologienergi yang efisien PROGRAM UTAMA 15 : PENGEMBANGAN INDUSTRI DAN JASA ENERGI DALAM NEGERI 1. Pabrikasi teknologi energi dalam negeri 2. Jasa rekayasa energi dalam negeri 3. Pengutamaanpenggunaanproduksidalamnegeri (TKDN) PROGRAM UTAMA 16 : PENGEMBANGAN INFRASTRUKTUR ENERGI Perbaikandanpengembanganinfrastrukturpasokanminyakbumi, gas bumidanbatubara Pengembanganinfrastrukturketenagalistrikan Pengembanganinfrastrukturenergibarudanterbarukan Sumber: www.esdm.go.id/.../714-blue-print-pengelolaan-energi-nasional-pen.... …… diunduh 26/3/2012
BLUEPRINT PENGELOLAAN ENERGI NASIONAL 2006 - 2025 SesuaiPeraturanPresidenNomor 5 Tahun 2006 JAKARTA, 2006 PROGRAM PENDUKUNG PROGRAM PENDUKUNG 1 : PENINGKATAN KEMAMPUAN MASYARAKAT DALAM PENGUSAHAAN ENERGI PROGRAM PENDUKUNG 2 : PENATAAN KEMBALI KELEMBAGAAN ENERGI Penetapan kebijakan energi nasional Revitalisasi kelembagaan sejalan UU Energi untuk pelaksanaan kebijakan energi nasional Regulator energi Pengembanganteknologidansumberdayamanusiaenergi Penetapanspesifikasidanstandarkomoditienergibarudanterbarukan PROGRAM PENDUKUNG 3 : PENGEMBANGAN KEMAMPUAN SUMBERDAYA MANUSIA NASIONAL 1. STEM (SekolahTinggiEnergidan Mineral) 2. Sertifikasipersonil 3. Standarkompetensi 4. Kodeetikprofesi Sumber: www.esdm.go.id/.../714-blue-print-pengelolaan-energi-nasional-pen.... …… diunduh 26/3/2012
BLUEPRINT PENGELOLAAN ENERGI NASIONAL 2006 - 2025 SesuaiPeraturanPresidenNomor 5 Tahun 2006 JAKARTA, 2006 MILESTONE PENGEMBANGAN ENERGI ALTERNATIF (1) Milestone Kilang Batubara Cair (2) Milestone Coal Bed Methane (CBM) (3) Milestone Terminal LNG (4) Milestone PLTP (5) Milestone PLTN (6) Milestone Biodiesel (7) Milestone Bioethanol (8) Milestone Biooil (9) Milestone PLTS (10) Milestone PLTMH (11) Milestone PLTU Biomasa/Sampah (12) Milestone PLT Bayu BAHAN BAKAR NABATI = Biofuel Liquid biofuel is usually either bioalcohol such as bioethanol or an oil such as biodiesel. Bioethanol is an alcohol made by fermenting the sugar components of plant materials and it is made mostly from sugar and starch crops. With advanced technology being developed, cellulosic biomass, such as trees and grasses, are also used as feedstocks for ethanol production. Ethanol can be used as a fuel for vehicles in its pure form, but it is usually used as a gasoline additive to increase octane and improve vehicle emissions. Biodiesel is made from vegetable oils, animal fats or recycled greases. Biodiesel can be used as a fuel for vehicles in its pure form, but it is usually used as a diesel additive to reduce levels of particulates, carbon monoxide, and hydrocarbons from diesel-powered vehicles. Biodiesel is produced from oils or fats using transesterification . Sumber: www.esdm.go.id/.../714-blue-print-pengelolaan-energi-nasional-pen.... …… diunduh 26/3/2012
BLUEPRINT PENGELOLAAN ENERGI NASIONAL 2006 - 2025 SesuaiPeraturanPresidenNomor 5 Tahun 2006 JAKARTA, 2006 Sumber: www.esdm.go.id/.../714-blue-print-pengelolaan-energi-nasional-pen.... …… diunduh 26/3/2012
BLUEPRINT PENGELOLAAN ENERGI NASIONAL 2006 - 2025 SesuaiPeraturanPresidenNomor 5 Tahun 2006 JAKARTA, 2006 Sumber: www.esdm.go.id/.../714-blue-print-pengelolaan-energi-nasional-pen.... …… diunduh 26/3/2012
BLUEPRINT PENGELOLAAN ENERGI NASIONAL 2006 - 2025 SesuaiPeraturanPresidenNomor 5 Tahun 2006 JAKARTA, 2006 PembangkitListrikTenagaNuklir (PLTN) adalahstasiunpembangkitlistrik thermal dimanapanas yang dihasilkandiperolehdarisatuataulebihreaktornuklirpembangkitlistrik. PLTN termasukdalampembangkitdayabase load, yang dapatbekerjadenganbaikketikadayakeluarannyakonstan (meskipun boiling water reactor dapatturunhinggasetengahdayanyaketikamalamhari). Daya yang dibangkitkan per unit pembangkitberkisardari 40 MWehingga 1000 MWe. Unit baru yang sedangdibangunpadatahun 2005 mempunyaidaya 600-1200 MWe. Hinggasaatini, terdapat 442 PLTN berlisensididuniadengan 441 diantaranyaberoperasidi 31 negara yang berbeda. Keseluruhanreaktortersebutmenyuplai 17% dayalistrikdunia. (SUMBER: http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pembangkit_listrik_tenaga_nuklir) Sumber: www.esdm.go.id/.../714-blue-print-pengelolaan-energi-nasional-pen.... …… diunduh 26/3/2012
BLUEPRINT PENGELOLAAN ENERGI NASIONAL 2006 - 2025 SesuaiPeraturanPresidenNomor 5 Tahun 2006 JAKARTA, 2006 Sumber: www.esdm.go.id/.../714-blue-print-pengelolaan-energi-nasional-pen.... …… diunduh 26/3/2012 Biodiesel Production Biodiesel can be produced from straight vegetable oil, animal oil/fats, tallow and waste oils. There are three basic routes to biodiesel production from oils and fats: Base catalyzed transesterification of the oil. Direct acid catalyzed transesterification of the oil. Conversion of the oil to its fatty acids and then to biodiesel. Almost all biodiesel is produced using base catalyzed transesterification as it is the most economical process requiring only low temperatures and pressures and producing a 98% conversion yield. For this reason only this process will be described in this report. The Transesterification process is the reaction of a triglyceride (fat/oil) with an alcohol to form esters and glycerol. A triglyceride has a glycerine molecule as its base with three long chain fatty acids attached. The characteristics of the fat are determined by the nature of the fatty acids attached to the glycerine. The nature of the fatty acids can in turn affect the characteristics of the biodiesel. During the esterification process, the triglyceride is reacted with alcohol in the presence of a catalyst, usually a strong alkaline like sodium hydroxide. The alcohol reacts with the fatty acids to form the mono-alkyl ester, or biodiesel and crude glycerol. In most production methanol or ethanol is the alcohol used (methanol produces methyl esters, ethanol produces ethyl esters) and is base catalysed by either potassium or sodium hydroxide. Potassium hydroxide has been found to be more suitable for the ethyl ester biodiesel production, either base can be used for the methyl ester. A common product of the transesterification process is Rape Methyl Ester (RME) produced from raw rapeseed oil reacted with methanol. (sumber: http://www.esru.strath.ac.uk/EandE/Web_sites/02-03/biofuels/what_biodiesel.htm)
BLUEPRINT PENGELOLAAN ENERGI NASIONAL 2006 - 2025 SesuaiPeraturanPresidenNomor 5 Tahun 2006 JAKARTA, 2006 Sumber: www.esdm.go.id/.../714-blue-print-pengelolaan-energi-nasional-pen.... …… diunduh 26/3/2012 Bioethanol Production Ethanol can be produced from biomass by the hydrolysis and sugar fermentation processes. Biomass wastes contain a complex mixture of carbohydrate polymers from the plant cell walls known as cellulose, hemi cellulose and lignin. In order to produce sugars from the biomass, the biomass is pre-treated with acids or enzymes in order to reduce the size of the feedstock and to open up the plant structure. The cellulose and the hemi cellulose portions are broken down (hydrolysed) by enzymes or dilute acids into sucrose sugar that is then fermented into ethanol. The lignin which is also present in the biomass is normally used as a fuel for the ethanol production plants boilers. There are three principle methods of extracting sugars from biomass. These are concentrated acid hydrolysis, dilute acid hydrolysis and enzymatic hydrolysis. (sumber: http://www.esru.strath.ac.uk/EandE/Web_sites/02-03/biofuels/what_bioethanol.htm)