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Randy Jones - Calpine

NERC Operating Committee Briefing NRWG July 25, 2013 Alan Bern Sr. Director Transmission Grid Operations TRE Sector Participant. NERC Committees. Alan Bern - Oncor. Blake Williams - CPS. David Grubbs – Garland Power. Randy Jones - Calpine. DRAFT. Mission

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Randy Jones - Calpine

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  1. NERC Operating Committee BriefingNRWGJuly 25, 2013Alan BernSr. Director Transmission Grid OperationsTRE Sector Participant

  2. NERC Committees Alan Bern - Oncor Blake Williams - CPS David Grubbs – Garland Power Randy Jones - Calpine

  3. DRAFT Mission The OC and its subgroups will be actively engaged in promoting operational reliability excellence. Recognized as industry experts, the OC will be sought for expertise in Training and Guidance Documents and assessments of system events and causal analyses, as well as standards recommendations, reviews, interpretations, and assessments. OC focus will be centered on operating and maintaining the BES within secure limits during the operational planning and real-time periods on an actual and projected post-contingent basis to preserve the efficacy of the BES. Vision The vision of the NERC OC is to strive for continent-wide BES operational reliability excellence and seek improvements to reliability through standards, reliability guidelines,communications (reporting, information, advice and understanding), policy and priority setting, tools identification, training and assessment of the real-time BES reliability.

  4. The OC supports the NERC reliability mission by executing the policies, directive and assignments of the BOT and advising the BOT on operating reliability matters … • Assess, analyze, and report on the BES operating reliability performance • Coordinate operating reliability matters with RROs and other organizations • Enable the reliable operation of interconnected BES by facilitating information exchange and coordination of among reliability service organizations • Assist the development and implementation of Standards for the reliable operation of BES. • Advise the Compliance and Certification functions on operating reliability matters • Advise the NERC staff in the provision of education and training resources • Assist the CIP program on matters related to operating reliability • Advise the Dispute Resolution function as needed

  5. NERC OC Members

  6. Colleen Frosch Michael Moon (NERC)

  7. Operating Committee 2013 • Subgroup Status Reports • Event Analysis Subcommittee • EMS Lessons Learned • Cold Weather Guideline • Standards Committee update • Cold Weather Preparedness SAR • Approve PJM and MISO Reliability Plans • Southwest Outage Report Recommendations • WECC Recommended NERC activities, real-time tools (phase angle), protection system loadability, etc.

  8. Operating Committee 2013 • RISC • OC assessment of RISC priorities • Ability to respond to RISC, SC and BOT priorities • PRC-001 Guideline Discussion • Each shall be familiar with purpose and limitations of protection system schemes applied in its area • State of Reliability Report • Geomagnetic Disturbance Task Force • Templates • Gas / Electric Dependencies • Coordinate Interchange

  9. Operating Committee 2013 • Strategic Plan Update • ERO Plan (2013 – 2016) • #1 Clear Standards • #3 Culture of Compliance (share/develop procedures/programs) • #4 Reliability Risks (HPI, Protection systems, Situational Awareness) • #6 Culture of Reliability Excellence (assist ERO with being leading source for reliability information) • OC Plan • Task Force assigned to overhaul plan and focus on true priorities and tasks of Committee • August meeting in Denver

  10. 2013 – 2016 Goals (DRAFT) • Proactively address prioritizing NERC Reliability Standards • Utilize EA processes to share lessons learned and identify emerging cause code trends to improve reliability of BES • Focus on impact of protection schemes on operations and recommend improvements in communications, training and Standards enhancement and development • Improve the depth of NERC reports to include Operations perspective • Due to changing nature of industry, investigate generation resource mix and identify improvements in operations associated with integration of new resources

  11. Questions

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