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Spencer Kagan’s Win-Win Discipline. by Gillian Luevano. Objectives. You will be able to collaborate on creating positive class rules. You will be able to identify types of misbehavior. You will be able to identify why misbehavior happens, the student’s position.
Spencer Kagan’sWin-Win Discipline by Gillian Luevano
Objectives • You will be able to collaborate on creating positive class rules. • You will be able to identify types of misbehavior. • You will be able to identify why misbehavior happens, the student’s position. • You will be able to identify structures to use to stop misbehavior from happening in the present and in the future.
3 Pillars to Win-Win Discipline • Same side: we work together to enhance the school experience. • Collaborative solutions: students and teachers cooperate in proposing workable solutions to behavior problems. • Learned responsibility: the desire to behave appropriately, which students acquire by practicing self management and skills of getting along with others.
Class Rules • Rules are worked out between the students and the teacher. • Rules are worded simply. • Rules are limited to 5 or less, some teachers prefer to use only one rule. • Rules are posted for easy access.
Class Rules • Activity “think, pair, share” • Take a couple minutes to think about possible rules for your classroom. • Pair up with a classmate and discuss the rules you came up with and decide which rules you would use. • Share the rules you decided on with the class.
The ABCDs of Misbehavior • Paying attention to the types of misbehavior helps students and teachers come up with solutions. • Aggression: hostility between students which can be verbal or physical. • Breaking Rules: students break rules when they are unable to meet their own needs. • Confrontation: power struggles can happen between students or the student and teacher. • Disengagement: students may disengage from the lesson for a variety of reasons.
Student Positions • Students have physical and mental needs. • When needs are not met, the students might misbehave. • Teachers must understand the student’s position, acknowledge it, accept and validate it, and work with the student to come up with a solution for it.
Student Positions • Attention seeking • Avoiding failure and/or embarrassment • Angry • Control Seeking • Engergetic • Bored • Uninformed
Structures • Structures are procedures to manage misbehavior. • Structures are contingent on the type of misbehavior and the student’s position (attention to needs). • Structures have three stages: the moment of misbehavior, the follow-up, and long-term.
How to Use Win-Win • Have a rich curriculum. • Identify the student’s position. • Communicate acceptance while refusing to accept disruptive behavior. • Apply an appropriate structure, matched to the student’s behavior to help the student meet their needs.
Activity: Team, Pair, Solo • As a team decide what the student’s position is and what structure should be used at the moment of disruption. • As a pair decide what a good follow-up structure is and share it with the class. • Alone choose the best long-term strategy and share it with the class.
Scenario “During a cooperative group situation, Samuel, a new boy in class, disrupts the class by standing up and calling over to Duwahnin another group. Samuel may or may not know that this behavior is inappropriate, but his action violates one of the class rules that class members have agreed upon. What should be done?”
Scenario “Sara is a pleasant girl who participates in class activities and does most, though not all, of her assigned work. She cannot seem to refrain from talking to classmates, however. Her teacher has to speak to her repeatedly during lessons, to the point that he often becomes exasperated and loses his temper. What should be done?”
For more information • Read: Win-Win Disciplineby Spencer Kagan • Explore: www.kaganonline.com • Attend: Win-Win Discipline Workshop in Maryville, MO July 30th-August 3rd