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Taxonomy (Classification)

Taxonomy (Classification). Chapter 18. Taxonomy – the branch of biology that groups and names organisms based on studies of their different characteristics Classification – the grouping of objects or information based on similarities.

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Taxonomy (Classification)

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  1. Taxonomy (Classification) Chapter 18

  2. Taxonomy – the branch of biology that groups and names organisms based on studies of their different characteristics • Classification – the grouping of objects or information based on similarities

  3. Aristotle, a Greek philosopher, developed the first accepted system • Carlous Linnaeus made improvements on Aristotle’s system • Based on physical and structural similarities of organisms

  4. Binomial nomenclature – a two-word naming system • Bi – two • nomial – number • nomenclature – name • The first word indicates the genus (uppercased) • The second word indicates the species (lowercased)

  5. When typed, the two names are italicized • Example – Canis familiaris (dog) • When handwritten, the two names are underlined • Example – Gorilla gorilla (Western gorilla)

  6. Scientific and Common Names • Latin is the language of scientific names • Advantages of using Latin • Not a national language • The language does not change • Scientific names are unique

  7. Scientific and Common Names • Common names are used as nicknames • An organism may have a different common name in different countries • Scientific name – Passer domesticus • Common names • U.S. and England – house sparrow • Holland –huismus

  8. Taxon – a taxonomic group Domain Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Mnemonic device Did King Phillip Come Over For Great Spaghetti Taxonomic Rankings

  9. Taxonomic Rankings • Exception: Phylum is known as division in Kingdom Plantae

  10. Domain – the most inclusive (largest) taxon Species – the least inclusive (smallest) taxon Taxonomic Rankings

  11. Taxonomic Rankings

  12. Dichotomous Key • Dichotomous key – a series of questions answered by “yes” or “no”, and each question is a choice between two characteristics • A tool used in plant or animal identification

  13. Dichotomous Key • a. Coin is silver in color ………………………… go to step 2 b. Coin is not silver in color ………………………… go to step 4 • a. Coin has ridges around the edge …………………… go to step 3 b. Coin doesn’t have ridges around edge……………… Nickel • a. Coin has a picture of George Washington…………. Quarter b. Coin doesn’t have a picture of G. Washington …….. Dime • a. Coin has a man with a beard on it………………….. Penny b. Coin doesn’t have a man with a beard on it………… Dollar

  14. Candy Dichotomous Key • a. packaged go to step 2 b. un-packaged go to step 3 • a. boxed ? b. wrapper go to step 4 • a. soft ? b. hard go to step 5 • a. plastic wrapper go to step 10 b. wax paper wrapper go to step 6 • a. round shaped go to step 7 b. not round shaped ? • a. on a stick ? b. not on a stick ? • a. sphere-shaped go to step 8 b. oval-shaped go to step 9 • a. multi-colored ? b. pale yellow colored ? 9. a. circular shaped (should be marked with an “s”) ? b. A little less circular shaped (should be marked with an “m”) ? 10. a. red-colored candy ? b. yellow-colored candy ?

  15. Candy Dichotomous Key • a. packaged go to step 2 b. un-packaged go to step 3 • a. boxed Sugar Babies b. wrapper go to step 4 • a. soft Gummy Bears b. hard go to step 5 • a. plastic wrapper go to step 10 b. wax paper wrapper go to step 6 • a. round shaped go to step 7 b. not round shaped Mike and Ikes • a. on a stick Dum Dum Lollipops b. not on a stick Tootsie Rolls • a. sphere-shaped go to step 8 b. oval-shaped go to step 9 • a. multi-colored Gobstoppers b. pale yellow colored Unpackaged Lemon Heads 9. a. circular shaped (should be marked with an “s”) Skittles b. A little less circular shaped (should be marked with an “m”) M&M’s 10. a. red-colored candy Atomic Fireball b. yellow-colored candy Packaged Lemon Heads

  16. Cladogram • A branching treelike diagram used to illustrate evolutionary relationships among organisms

  17. Cladogram Common ancestor

  18. Domains • Three domain levels • Eukarya • Archaea • Bacteria

  19. Kingdoms • Linnaeus established two kingdoms: Animalia and Plantae • Since then, it has expanded from two to five • Monera – Prokaryotes (cells without nuclei) • Protista – Eukaryotes (cells with nuclei) • Fungi • Plantae • Animalia

  20. Kingdoms • Today, there are six kingdoms (Monera is divided into two kingdoms) • Eubacteria • Archaebacteria • Protista • Fungi • Plantae • Animalia

  21. Kingdoms • Six kingdoms • Eubacteria - Bacteria • Archaebacteria – “Old” bacteria • Protista – The “leftover” kingdom • Fungi – Mushrooms and molds • Plantae - Plants • Animalia - Animals

  22. Terms to know: • Prokaryote – a cell without a nucleus; a simple cell that is small • Eukaryote – a cell with a nucleus; more complex cell that is larger than a prokaryotic cell

  23. Terms to know: • Cell wall – used for protection and support

  24. Terms to know: • Unicellular – an one celled organism • Multicellular – an organism with more than one cell

  25. Terms to know: • Autotroph – organism that can make its own nutrients • Heterotroph – an organism that obtains its nutrients from other organisms (can’t make its own food)

  26. Domain Bacteria • This domain is the same as Kingdom Eubacteria • Bacteria is the most abundant organisms on Earth • Prokaryotes Salmonella

  27. Domain Archaea • This domain is the same as Kingdom Archaebacteria • Prokaryotes • Can be found in extreme environments • Extremophiles - Salt lakes, hot springs, and ocean floors • Methanogens – Live in oxygen-free environments

  28. Domain Eukarya

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